So grateful for this study group! I joined right away when I saw this and have been faithfully reporting every month!

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Please approach the Control group organisers to add a dead-man-switch to their data set.

A checkbox that the user must re-check at least every 6 months or so to indicate that they are still alive. Otherwise their status must be listed as unknown after say 30 days until they check the check box again.

Also they might be able an app to indicate that the user is still making use of their cellphone and when they fall silent they could flag it as such. Alternately a couple could mutually agree to update their spouses details if one passes away for any reason.

Without this information the mortality data will be very hard to use as an end user will not indicate death.




I had a look an at least one part of this is already implemented with a monthly reminder. That is great. The health card may be a way for someone to indicate that the participant has potentially passed away and the reason for this, this information could obviously be corrected if the participant logs in and is in fact alive.

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Dr. Peter Mckullah has stated that he has a photo of a virus. I have watched him testify, and in interviews concerning the dangers of this vaccine. I had great respect for him until he made this false statement. He has not shown fit to share said photo at all, and again I say how can you show a photo of a Unicorn when they do not exist? I have seen drawings of this mythical animal, but not the real thing because it is impossible to see a non-existent animal or a nonexistent virus. The proof for both is sadly the same. Kocks postulates absent, the scientific method absent. This is science, and they did not use science! Show me the virus please! Jack Williams.

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There is no need for you to see the virus for it to exist. You have never seen an electron either yet you use electronic devices.

Here is a great write-up of why you are wrong and why you are causing harm. If it is ignorance you can fix that, if it is malice then shame and bad Karma on you.


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I applaud all the efforts of everyone involved in this fight for your bravery. That said, I have an important question to pose to everyone, and it is why no one in the movement has stated the fact that no such thing as a virus has been shown to exist at all! The pseudoscience of virology is not science at all. For 75 years we have been told that viruses are deadly and dangerous, but when you look at the supposed proof of a virus, you see the scientific method absent from the supposed proof! Does this not concern anyone at all? Seriously, why do you not know this fact this far down the rabbit hole? Kennedy, Bigtree, Kirch et al with the exception of Dr. Sam Bailey and Mark Baily, Dr. Mark Trozzi, Andrew Kofman and Tom Cowan, no one has addressed this fallacy. It is as though we were debating the dangers of Unicorn Horns, but not mentioning the fact that they do not exist. You speak of the virus and the vaccine dangers, and I agree about the vaccine but the importance of the fact that there is and never was a virus in the first place should be a verry large part of this movement. We know that HIV does not have any connection to AIDS, and AIDS is not a virus, it is a combination of things. This is proven fact, and yet they persist in this fraud. You must know this, and you must know that no virus has ever been proven to exist. Let me know what you think asap, Jack Williams.

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You sound passionate but sadly seem to have suffered with at least a rinse cycle in the brain washer. Firstly Dr Sam Bailey is not a credible source when it comes to WHO/covid narrative and the others you promote may be of the same compromised counter narrative propaganda artists persuarion.

When you have explained how people study, use characterise, culture, even design viruses routinely all over the world yet you believe random internet strangers when they want to muddy the water who claim there are no viruses, or other microorganisms.

Just to have a healthy dose of scepticism have a look at the handy collection of data (with references to primary sources if you have no respect for the fallible wikipedia) that describes a family of viruses that are large enough to be visible by light microscopes, no electron microscope needed.

When people say they have or have seen an image of a virus with the aid of an electron microscope that is quite possible, the fact that you do not understand how it is possible is your failing, not that of the electron microscope.


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