It’s not just an mRNA shot! Critical insights and clips from Monday's four-hour emergency hearing on the discovery of plasmid DNA in Covid-19 vaccines.
Watched every minute. The challenge is that a large percentage of the population does not make any effort to be informed of the risks with the mRNA platform. This large group is not getting the message from MSM or public agencies. This group is blind to the risks, the adage that you can lead a horse to water but cannot make them drink is applicable to this group. This group has an unshakable faith in their government, public institutions and MSM. Reaching this group is a big challenge, this group will literally stay with the herd no matter the consequences, they will literally run off the cliff to their death.
Henry, sadly, IMO you are very right! I've seen this myself. My husband has over 50 yrs research as a virologist/immunologist and he worked for Public Health Dept. of PA for many years - those are the ones who USED to advise the public on disease/epidemics etc. (now it's people who have no background and don't know real science). He also worked with a Nobel prize winning scientist. He tried to tell his own identical twin brother and several other people but no one wanted to hear what he had to say. He knew soon as covid came out that there were a number of things that were very wrong - for one, it wasn't tested. HUGE flag right there. His twin brother got 3 jabs and now is in very poor health and still can't admit it was the jabs. Many people still really don't want to hear the truth - maybe because it's too scary to think the govt. (aka Mommy and Daddy to many people) do not have our best interests at heart? You summed the problem up quite well, sir; the problem is we still don't know how to reach this group of people. Sadly, they may have to find out the hard way that we were right when we tried to warn them. And that is a tragedy.
I love the "Mommy and Daddy" analogy, often use it myself. These people are not fully developed adults. Well, none of us are as fully developed as we'd like. But they are stuck in childlike dependency on their exalted "authorities", who never care a lick for them. Absence of empathy among the "authorities" is not new with COVID, it's an eternal truth, with only an occasional exception.
Someone said to a person I know ‘but they wouldn’t do that!’ to which he answered ‘no, you wouldn’t do that’. I don’t blame people for not getting just how horribly some others are capable of behaving 🙁
Exactly right Henry. They will change course only if their "thought leaders" change course. They will never, ever look at evidence and decide accordingly. I shouldn't say what I think of them, but isn't the essence of being human, rather than a dumb animal, to use your God-given powers of observation and thought to navigate the world, and learn what you can while you are here? These citizens do none of that.
From South Africa, in deep appreciation of your truth-seeking & truth-telling at WCH and to all experts within your networks. We as concerned citizens around the Globe join you in efforts to build a better way, to promote good public health, and say NO to the Globalist fraud & tyranny, and No to its toxic jabs!
Thank you, Dr. Lawrie! I watched from start to finish and just had to make a donation at the end. Absolutely fantastic representation of the many sides of this man-made crisis. Doctors Trozzi and Plothe made for terrific moderators. Thank you again!
P.S. You may have heard that here in the U.S., the Informed Consent Action Network has just submitted a lawsuit against liability immunity via the PREP Act. Liability immunity is, IMO, a crime in and of itself and it has to go!
Dr. William Makis has a fresh post on incredibly aggressive Glioblastoma cases: "TURBO CANCER - Brain Cancer Glioblastoma: large tumors, not responding to treatments, recurrence that's more aggressive. KEY features of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Turbo Brain Cancers. 16 new tragic cases."
Huge gratitude for all the collaboration and hard work - truth hero's indeed. Surely one of the most convincing and concerning pieces of evidence of the toxicity of the shots yet. The weight of evidence will surely build to such a degree that the lies and ignorance will topple. Thank you from New Zealand.
Thank You for all you do......this is a WAR that must be won! Losing is Not an option!!
Would it be beneficial to all to have the work of Dr, Mihalcea discussed even better to have her present her findings ........we do not need nanobots , etc.
Great work BUT where are all the references to these independent studies? I’m not going to convince any of my friends with an article and a long video. Could you provide references please
In all fairness, Mr. Peter Halligan turns out numerous articles everyday, sometimes as many as 10. It takes a lot of time to gather info, put it into a coherent report, collect the URLs of websites into an article, then post it on Substack. Collecting references takes a VERY long time. You may want to consider doing some research and looking up independent studies yourself. Just a thought.
I agree with Dan this is a great article. His point about references is not out of line in my opinion. Joe Mercola publishes at least 2 lengthy articles daily, always citing references. Check his lead article today about "Information Compliance". 26 superscripts referenced to the source at the end of the article. He always does this. If you're writing an article of the type we're discussing, you're going to want to check references as you write to be sure you're citing the facts correctly. So, the reference is right there for the writer. It's not hard or time-consuming to add the superscript and footnote. Mercola or his helpers do it twice a day 365 days a year, and have for decades. If Halligan writes as many articles as you say, and doesn't have time to check references as he writes, maybe what he writes isn't always accurate. Who is Halligan anyway? The byline is Tess. I'm not criticizing her lack of footnotes, she's a hero and can write however she wants - fine with me. Just saying Dan may have a point.
If you want proof of damage with sourced articles, you would benefit from a $5 subscription to William Makis. The man is relentless. He also gives a great explantory layman's take at the end of every article. And most are in a format the lay Public can easily digest.
With extreme gratitude to our Creator for each and everyone of you who have stood and remain standing despite the pressure and abhorrent resistance that the oligarch's behind this medical bio-weaponization foisted upon the earth culminating in the past 3-4 years of physical, mental, emotional abuse of the population of the earth.
My respect for each and everyone of you is hard to capture in mere words. My prayers of intercession for the truth to continually be brought forth, exposing every single aspect of the falsehoods presented as 'truth' by the criminal plots and plans, along with divine guidance, strength, courage, and words that cut through the fallacies, leaving only the truth to stand. May each of you presenters, your families and associates, be protected, spirit, soul, and body from the evil unethical plots of those who choose to refuse to stop, consider beyond what they have been programmed, bribed, or hypnotized to accept without consideration of any concerns.
My brother is a doctor, a rather well know hepatologist. He said of McCullough back in 2020 after I sent some of the concerning early evidence that "there are lots of crazy doctors, he is one of them." Sadly, I haven't spoken with that brother since then, and only once with our youngest brother - who is already on his 4th or 5th shot, not including the annual flu shots he also takes...
Amazing work ! On so many levels - Blessings and appreciation to all , from Sydney Australia .
Thank you to all involved
I hope your voices are heard far and wide
To stop this madness and have it rectified
Before more is pushed into the publics arms
Watched every minute. The challenge is that a large percentage of the population does not make any effort to be informed of the risks with the mRNA platform. This large group is not getting the message from MSM or public agencies. This group is blind to the risks, the adage that you can lead a horse to water but cannot make them drink is applicable to this group. This group has an unshakable faith in their government, public institutions and MSM. Reaching this group is a big challenge, this group will literally stay with the herd no matter the consequences, they will literally run off the cliff to their death.
Henry, sadly, IMO you are very right! I've seen this myself. My husband has over 50 yrs research as a virologist/immunologist and he worked for Public Health Dept. of PA for many years - those are the ones who USED to advise the public on disease/epidemics etc. (now it's people who have no background and don't know real science). He also worked with a Nobel prize winning scientist. He tried to tell his own identical twin brother and several other people but no one wanted to hear what he had to say. He knew soon as covid came out that there were a number of things that were very wrong - for one, it wasn't tested. HUGE flag right there. His twin brother got 3 jabs and now is in very poor health and still can't admit it was the jabs. Many people still really don't want to hear the truth - maybe because it's too scary to think the govt. (aka Mommy and Daddy to many people) do not have our best interests at heart? You summed the problem up quite well, sir; the problem is we still don't know how to reach this group of people. Sadly, they may have to find out the hard way that we were right when we tried to warn them. And that is a tragedy.
I love the "Mommy and Daddy" analogy, often use it myself. These people are not fully developed adults. Well, none of us are as fully developed as we'd like. But they are stuck in childlike dependency on their exalted "authorities", who never care a lick for them. Absence of empathy among the "authorities" is not new with COVID, it's an eternal truth, with only an occasional exception.
"These people are not fully developed adults." BINGO!!!
I agree with every single thing you said, well put.
Someone said to a person I know ‘but they wouldn’t do that!’ to which he answered ‘no, you wouldn’t do that’. I don’t blame people for not getting just how horribly some others are capable of behaving 🙁
Exactly right Henry. They will change course only if their "thought leaders" change course. They will never, ever look at evidence and decide accordingly. I shouldn't say what I think of them, but isn't the essence of being human, rather than a dumb animal, to use your God-given powers of observation and thought to navigate the world, and learn what you can while you are here? These citizens do none of that.
Everyone of you - involved in this effort, you are doing God’s work. Thank you for shining a laser light on truth.
Thank you all so much for arranging this extremely important expert hearing.🙏🙏
Keep up the good job thanks
Thank you so much for your work. Praying that somehow those who are still swallowing lies and getting jabs will find your research and take heed.
From South Africa, in deep appreciation of your truth-seeking & truth-telling at WCH and to all experts within your networks. We as concerned citizens around the Globe join you in efforts to build a better way, to promote good public health, and say NO to the Globalist fraud & tyranny, and No to its toxic jabs!
Thank you, Dr. Lawrie! I watched from start to finish and just had to make a donation at the end. Absolutely fantastic representation of the many sides of this man-made crisis. Doctors Trozzi and Plothe made for terrific moderators. Thank you again!
P.S. You may have heard that here in the U.S., the Informed Consent Action Network has just submitted a lawsuit against liability immunity via the PREP Act. Liability immunity is, IMO, a crime in and of itself and it has to go!
Dr. William Makis has a fresh post on incredibly aggressive Glioblastoma cases: "TURBO CANCER - Brain Cancer Glioblastoma: large tumors, not responding to treatments, recurrence that's more aggressive. KEY features of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Turbo Brain Cancers. 16 new tragic cases."
Huge gratitude for all the collaboration and hard work - truth hero's indeed. Surely one of the most convincing and concerning pieces of evidence of the toxicity of the shots yet. The weight of evidence will surely build to such a degree that the lies and ignorance will topple. Thank you from New Zealand.
Thank You for all you do......this is a WAR that must be won! Losing is Not an option!!
Would it be beneficial to all to have the work of Dr, Mihalcea discussed even better to have her present her findings ........we do not need nanobots , etc.
Great work BUT where are all the references to these independent studies? I’m not going to convince any of my friends with an article and a long video. Could you provide references please
In all fairness, Mr. Peter Halligan turns out numerous articles everyday, sometimes as many as 10. It takes a lot of time to gather info, put it into a coherent report, collect the URLs of websites into an article, then post it on Substack. Collecting references takes a VERY long time. You may want to consider doing some research and looking up independent studies yourself. Just a thought.
I agree with Dan this is a great article. His point about references is not out of line in my opinion. Joe Mercola publishes at least 2 lengthy articles daily, always citing references. Check his lead article today about "Information Compliance". 26 superscripts referenced to the source at the end of the article. He always does this. If you're writing an article of the type we're discussing, you're going to want to check references as you write to be sure you're citing the facts correctly. So, the reference is right there for the writer. It's not hard or time-consuming to add the superscript and footnote. Mercola or his helpers do it twice a day 365 days a year, and have for decades. If Halligan writes as many articles as you say, and doesn't have time to check references as he writes, maybe what he writes isn't always accurate. Who is Halligan anyway? The byline is Tess. I'm not criticizing her lack of footnotes, she's a hero and can write however she wants - fine with me. Just saying Dan may have a point.
With all due respect, I'm betting your friends won't be convinced even with impeccable sources.
If you want proof of damage with sourced articles, you would benefit from a $5 subscription to William Makis. The man is relentless. He also gives a great explantory layman's take at the end of every article. And most are in a format the lay Public can easily digest.
Genocide sucks
With extreme gratitude to our Creator for each and everyone of you who have stood and remain standing despite the pressure and abhorrent resistance that the oligarch's behind this medical bio-weaponization foisted upon the earth culminating in the past 3-4 years of physical, mental, emotional abuse of the population of the earth.
My respect for each and everyone of you is hard to capture in mere words. My prayers of intercession for the truth to continually be brought forth, exposing every single aspect of the falsehoods presented as 'truth' by the criminal plots and plans, along with divine guidance, strength, courage, and words that cut through the fallacies, leaving only the truth to stand. May each of you presenters, your families and associates, be protected, spirit, soul, and body from the evil unethical plots of those who choose to refuse to stop, consider beyond what they have been programmed, bribed, or hypnotized to accept without consideration of any concerns.
Blessings to each and everyone of you!
My brother is a doctor, a rather well know hepatologist. He said of McCullough back in 2020 after I sent some of the concerning early evidence that "there are lots of crazy doctors, he is one of them." Sadly, I haven't spoken with that brother since then, and only once with our youngest brother - who is already on his 4th or 5th shot, not including the annual flu shots he also takes...