Just to say, the fact that wcfh sells items to protect from emf means if I share this article with certain people, it discredits the article, because from their perspective convincing people that emf is a problem sells products.

Keep the selling separate, and only include links to studies.

I know, it’s nothing compared to the promotion and profit for the companies putting up the cell towers, but mainstream people ignore huge conflicts of interest, yet point out anything they can to discredit anything alternative…

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Thank you for raising this - we will remove the link. Since we have no corporate interests and thus depend on grassroots contributions, it's tricky striking the balance between sharing authoritative content and reminding people to support us - we don't always get it right.

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You are great people yet you can see the other side by reducing the electrosmog there is no need to buy anything to protect ourselves, my humble opinion... For business side is better high electrosmog isn't it 🤔

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Our community group on Wirral, Merseyside, UK - Wirral Residents Association - have discovered that the UK Government's National Planning Policy Framework guidelines concerning the clause referring to the positioning of telecommunications masts NEAR TO schools have been doctored to avoid having to consult with schools prior to making Planning applications to build 5G masts. This amounts to Deception and possibly fraud and is occurring on a NATIONAL basis in the UK. Did the industry's applicants commit this fraud when installing this mast that may have killed two children? More details here, but there is much more to follow:


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The cause of death inconclusive (officially). Could be jab related?

Could we have more nationwide data to compare?

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I agree and it would have been easy for authorities to confirm whether they had or had not been injected. The timing tied in with the injection campaigns. The other possibility was that they had Covid injections that depleted their immune system such that they were more susceptible to infection which normally wouldn't result in death.

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The smoking gun combinations.

We are not designed to handle repeated exposures to "un-natural" harmful things.

Especially the "invisible" kind.

Ai may even amplify that technology as it broadens signals deeper into the landscape.

As in electro-blanketing everything from space. Not a tower.

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ICNIRP - the European body that is supposed to regulate this area- have set the output levels SO ridiculously high that they are unreachable. Here's an analogy: Imagine if the Department for Transport set the speed limits around schools in the UK to 500 miles per hour. Drivers would never reach the limit and could tear around the streets as fast as they liked. The authorities could ignore child deaths and injuries and only prosecute drivers when they reach say 503 mph (allowing for some leeway in the drivers' favour).

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Most of the "regulators" regulate to the advantage of the producer, rarely the (often captive) consumer, as seen in the UK with Ofgem, who did not help families struggling with ever rising energy prices. And no doubt their salaries are very handsome! It seems not unlike the corrupt relationship between Pharma and the periodicals.

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Wirral Council - also on Merseyside, UK - recently launched an investigation into bogus safety certifications for 37 × 5G mast applications made in the last few years by telecoms company CK Hutchison Networks UK Limited. They have failed to publicise this matter and five local and national newspapers were informed, but they have also failed to go public on the news. Full details - including the letter - are held here:


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Predictably, this investigation resulted in a whitewash.

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1,554932 µW/m is 1.554932 Watts/meter, which is so low that it is hard to measure accurately.

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Actually, 1.5 W/m is not hard to measure accurately. My EMF meter easily measures levels that are a small fraction of 1.5 W/m. But why do you say 1.5 W/m is low -- compared to what? Are you saying it's "low" because it's less than the level wholly corrupt regulatory authorities say will kill us?

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First of all, radio signals are measured in volts per meter not watts, which would be an absorbed dose specification. I used to work in radio frequency fields in the tens of volts per meter for half days with no effect whatsoever. If you'd like to continue in a scientifically rational way, we can discuss it more fully.

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Do u really think that the UK or US government care who is killed by this? They don’t!

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Which one of them are you omniscient of?

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No, but thanks. Your two posts show any attempt at a meaningful discussion would be fruitless.

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You failed to present anything rising to a meaningful discussion.

Maybe you should look up some of Dr. Devra Davis' videos on Youtube to gain a working understanding of what you are putzing around in, so far.

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Working in steel construction I was gobsmacked on the overkill in not only the base for these poles but the actual poles themselves! They are over engineered almost to the point that it seems they expect they will get attacked.

The whole thing rang alarm bells long before I started reading that 5G is bad.

I already know how bad the previous cell towers were as I worked on installing those in various places and sites when Mercury was the operator.

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Planning consultants' supporting documents are missing from Liverpool City Council's planning portal with reference to the 4G mast installed in 2012 in Iliad Street, Everton, 30 yards away from Millstead school. Wirral Residents Association have spotted an alleged fraud using doctored information in nearby Wirral, which enables planning consultants to avoid consulting with school governors and staff.


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It's likely that the giardia at the school was also caused by EMF's. Symptoms of radiation sickness can be just about anything. That can also depend on how badly contaminated one is with the nanotechnologies (GO, barium, strontium, titanium, aluminum to name a few) used in the covid jabs and many other medications today. Those nanotechnologies can be manipulated by the output from both cell hones and towers which can result in a myriad of diseases.




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UK governments, when they're not ignoring Liverpool altogether, allow Big Tech to have concentrated levels of EMFs in the city, and even near schools. It would be interesting to know the levels of radiation in the Westminster/Whitehall areas, where power lies in the UK. Fairly low and safe, I should think.

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Of course is feasible! We know enough by now how Electromagnetic waves can help or kill!

Is time for teachers, parents, family friends go to your children schools, go to the hospital and measure the electrosmog, do not do it alone, take witness and record your work, get together and if the numbers are high start contacting the responsibles to stop and involve the directors of those places...

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The most important factor determining signal coupling between ions and polar molecules is the rate of change or "rise time" of the EM wave. It is more important than signal strength. Therefore higher frequency, digital signals will have more (adverse) biological effects than old fashioned, analog radio waves. Interferometry of multiple signals from cell towers has biological effects.

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