Excellent article...was wondering why the poisonous mRNA injections are not in the list of toxins in "Step 1." So many billions have taken them. I appreciated Christof's "spike detox tips." I asked Dr. McCullough recently how can I determine if I have spike protein in my body (I'm not vaxxed) and his partner in their McKinney practice, an MD, said that for now they use the counting of antibodies to measure the effect of detox measures but they are working with a team that is developing a direct spike protein measurement method, which is encouraging. I mention this in a story I wrote recently about my spike protein/tinnitus experience (it is getting a huge positive response): https://liveyosemite.wordpress.com/2024/05/14/dr-lee-merritt-spike-protein-is-a-hoax/

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Friend of mine was Into fastimg.and cleansing. Dies at 60

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too much of something is never good. Moderation in the key. Even Oxygen is toxic when used inappropriately

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Thank you for this information. Where can I find more information on tuning forks for emf? Thank you!

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There is a book out there called "Clear Body Clear Mind: The Effective Purification Program." It must be seen to be believed but it dumps whatever the body doesn't want. It is not easy but it is systematic and possible. A great demonstration of what the body can do. One of the main purposes of the program is to get rid of what is in the way of clear thinking . . . thus the title.

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