Wow, I thought this day would never come. This is what the world is waiting for.

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The world DID just change today, and WCH has been a huge force in bringing about that change. Thank you for you humane courageous work!!

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Now if they could stop promoting the fear porn of gain of function.

We know COVID was just a flu by the IFR!


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I've been waiting...we must win this war.

I'm Canadian and live in a country that is making no bones about doing untold harm to its citizens..my facepage is filled with this truth.

I am so ashamed of our government and it's paid media.

They are cruel and evil in intent.

I am 80 and a former health care worke both r in nursing and lab,

I recognized lies when I saw and heard them.

I follow Christ and am not ashamed.

It's by His leading and truth tellers that protected me from falling for the fear mongers.

I am so thankful you stood fast and tall on podcasts and alternative media to help me keep strong .

God Bless all of you.

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My favorite parts of Covid:



Is just one press conference away

From the vaccinated becoming

Psychologically gutted.


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We haven‘t gotten to the core of the rotten apple. We live amongst the Canaanites..the bloodline of Cain.. they bred with the daughters of men.. they own not only big Pharma but the Federal Reserve (not Federal), GMO foods, educational system, media, all 3 and 4 letter agencies in the World and operate through secret societies such as Pilgrim, Skull and Bones, Jesuits (includes Khazarians)…all of the Vatican, Black Venetian societies.They own all World leaders (even Trump has been to Epstein Island.)They are insanely intelligent but have no compassion..these pure bloods are all RH negative blood..and they keep their copper based bloodline pure as they feel they are descendants of the Demi-Gods (which they were before they 'fell' from the higher dimensions). It might be the time of a Phoenix rising from the ashes… facelifts from rot never work.

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Debra please discus/expand upon: "these pure bloods are al RH negative blood and keep their copper based bloodline pure...." . Links, references, explanation? Tx.

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Fabulous talk!

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He was on 🔥much like he was at the conference in Bath that I had the privilege of attending! Delightful to watch #winning 😉❤️

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BEST PRESS CONFERENCE EVER ❤️‍🔥 Let’s see if they woke up and start reporting the truth.

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But what about the untold numbers of women and children caught in the terror of satanic ritual abuse and the sex slave trade?

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I believe every ‘nonprofit’ including his new one should pledge to not apply for nor accept taxpayer funds from ANY department of the US government. Outlaw NGOs. I will reserve judgment on this new iteration of MAHA until I can examine their 990s.

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SUPERBO !!!!!♥

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So, WCH thinks because RFK has been appointed that, anti-vax is legitimized?

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Yes. But you probably never understood, do not understand now and likely never will.

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Seems like you had something to say, then, settled for a mix of fancy sounding words salad! Typical 🙄

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