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Sincere gratitude for your valuable contributions! Having become aware of vax issues in the late 90s when my kids were young, I appreciate seeing so many people telling the truths that have been suppressed for so long. It's a wonder to see real-time countering of agendas, including the tired, but long-effective, fear-mongering around infectious diseases to obtain compliance for vaccines and to strike down individual rights. I hope this means that more parents are able to make more informed decisions.

Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Sayer Ji, Children’s Health Defense and hundreds of others faced unimaginable hell for telling the truth. I hope that they're able to feel some peace in seeing that the tide has finally turned, and their messages have finally broken through.

For my part, I offer context and endeavor to lift the voices of the many truth-tellers:

MMR vaccines provoked seizures in children. Measles transmitted by the vaccinated. Get 12 essential facts. Peruse more than 100 references dating back to 1991. Easily, quickly verify source material.


Vaccine Harms: Reports by Vaccine Type


Drug & Vaccine Harms - Organized by Illness or Symptom


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