Keep focusing on mRNA and spike protein...

But the clotting issues were the lipids and guess what happens when the brain lacks blood flow....


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and keep ignoring the mrna and the gene expression like the bioweaponeers want you too. You are absolutely delusional if you think they are just injecting empty lnp's

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If LNPs without mRNA can cause myocarditis as the study cited in the post, which is one of the big symptoms... What exactly did the mRNA and gene stuff add to it?

I've yet to see that it changes any genes and if the mRNA is encapsulated in the LNPs which are designed not to break down... How do they get out?

It's like the previous vaccines where the real damage is from the toxins, not the virus like they claimed with sv40 contamination.

If you're poisoned by glysophate and die of a cold, did the cold kill you or the poison?

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you're acting like myocarditis is the only problem. And this post is about neurological disorders, not heart problems. But I guess its too hard to consider its a multifacted weapon. Shill harder.

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Please educate me where the mechanism of action of the mRNA etc actually works.

My point in the article and here is that the mRNA and other things aren't needed to explain the myriad of issues that MODERNA EXPERIENCED YEARS BEFORE COVID.

Clog shit up and the body suffers damage all over... Not just the heart. I was using myocarditis as a study connection example which doesn't have mRNA.

Let's say you have a toxic sports drink. It's got mercury in it. People get sick from it.

In that situation , Why are there people looking for DNA and spike protein when they know the mercury is already causing a lot of issues?

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if you haven’t come across it by now it is because you don’t care to. Its called internet. Use it.

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Hmmm, what if I don't need sources lol

No Sources Needed: Trust Your Gut


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EMF 5g was there from the beginning of this scam. Quite the correlation. https://substack.com/@romansshapoval/note/c-63893970?r=16fr5&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=notes-share-action

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Can anyone point me towards suggested protocols for those who lured by criminals into taking the experimental jab?

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Anyone come up with a cleansing , de mRNA , refresh , removals , clean ups ?

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WCH has a guide and there are countless alternatives.


I would advise caution though, everything that can help also has the potential to harm. If they are not currently experiencing issues then I would avoid synthetics/extracts that invariably have side effects and can be especially hard on your gut/microbiome. Stick to dietary changes; vitamin rich whole foods, grass-fed beef liver, fermented foods like natto and saurkraut, herbal teas, etc.

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How?? When we don't know what exactly they have put in the injections and each batch seems to contain different ingredients and when they are not even willing to be honest and disclose the information.

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That’s a worry , 2 of my grown up children took jabs , 1 for work and the other as he was traveling to Australia. Forced at several stages . Absolutely criminal , as based on the fact you were more dangerous spreader unjabbed , a complete lie !

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In the name of the operation warp speed. We have entered uncharted waters....

I am sorry to hear about your adult children. They have imposed the poison shots ruthlessly.

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I watched my 90yo stepfather's rapid and steep decline after the c-jabs which were doled out as 'mandatory' care at his senior living facility. What had already started as a slow and manageable decline suddenly went into turbo mode after these shots, sending him down a horrifying and hellish spiral complete with hallucinations, delusions, rage, psychotic episodes, incontinence and violence.

Whether these are causing rapid onset or rapid worsening of dementia and Alzheimer's, as well as rapid onset psychosis, this is a tragic and barbaric situation. And in the USA, the caregiving burden and financial burden fall on families since the government does not take care of its elders as in other developed countries.  

So many insults upon insults, struggles upon struggles, injustices upon injustices, impoverishing families and sending the family caregivers down their own path of stress-induced ill health as a result as they try valiantly to care for their loved one who bears no resemblance to the person they once were.


May we all join together to put RFK Jr in the White House so he can leverage his vast 40yr experience successfully suing corrupt corporations and government agencies and clean up the corruption that created this nightmare. He'll stop the bioweapons industry and the nefarious alliances that got us to where we are. He'll make the NIH do its job and identify causes of disease, tackle those causes, and promote therapies to actually heal both body and mind. He knows how to do it. He's the only person in our lifetimes with the ability, determination and independence of big pharma funding to do this, so everyone please do what you can to make it happen. Our lives depend on it.

It won't reverse what happened to my stepdad, but it will be a balm to my heart knowing that this type of misery will be avoided for others – and the greed, deception and coercion that caused it will be tackled head on, starting in a matter of mere months.

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.and yet, not a single 'talking head' anywhere is calling for trYBunAls!! Every government official in every country is in COMPLETE DENIAL. You mention it to them and they just shut down. South Africa is no different. What a farce it all is.

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As I understand it, it isn't the entire spike causing the problem but the S2 protein after the spike has been severed at the Furin cleavage site? The spike itself would be too large to cross the blood/brain barrier but the S2 protein is small enough to do so and has the same characteristics of other "prions". This area is not at all well documented.

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Would have liked to send this article to a couple of friends, but not sending due to the many typos and grammar errors.

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the pandemic treaty is far from dead in the water as many believe in fact its going to be back much sooner than you think for the details check out the james roguski substack

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I still clearly remember the 100% blank stare, I got from all the people sitting around me in Dublin, Ireland when I said: "You are breaching ALL our Human rights!?" and, all these people siting there, said nothing, just stared blankly and, happily went to get the death-jab. I often wonder how many of them and not least, their children, are still alive and well??

So, so sad and yes, the new version of Nuremberg now but, please don't start with Fauci on trial... Let's get the pure psycho's who more than willingly, started this slaughter as usual!! I cannot wait to see my former small Holocaust Danes being sentenced and, sentenced rough - really rough this time. A pure evil as we now (still) experience from these criminal psychopaths has to be judged hard!

We can just say, we are giving them. These sentences "for the fun of it" as they do when they directly slaughter everyone weovr and care about.. yrgh..

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So There You Have It …

Vaccinated People

Were A Danger To Themselves

And To One Another.

Rest In Peace.

( And In Safety And Effectiveness )


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