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Ahh - you mean… for human use - NanoGrafi are pretty much crowing about their nanotubes, now injected into everyone who had a vaccine.
The theory is that when the billions of nanotubes in each vaccine shot are hit with a signal within a certain range by 5G, the nanotubes all vibrate together and emit a sound which …
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Ahh - you mean for human use - NanoGrafi are pretty much crowing about their nanotubes, now injected into everyone who had a vaccine.
The theory is that when the billions of nanotubes in each vaccine shot are hit with a signal within a certain range by 5G, the nanotubes all vibrate together and emit a sound which kills all thought in the Human Brain and makes the body a Robot or Zombie, controlled by a computer somewhere, presumably for further genetic modification at an mRNA factory near you
Have you noticed that 5G towers are going up like mushrooms everywhere - it was reported some years ago, that there is a circuit in the towers which is called Cov-19, weird of what?
Everyone vaccinated now has their own MAC address, installed by the vaccines and wired directly to the brain of each individual, if vaccinated, so want to see the MAC numbers of those vaccinated around you, use an Android 5 phone with bluetooth, to see their numbers, or vaccinated yours.
Once you have your number, why not give it a ring, who knows, it might answer, but what do you say then, to it?
I don't have a MAC address - I checked, but then I'm not vaccinated either, so I would not have one, would I?
BionTech Ulrich? designed the vaccine which he licensed to Pfizer for their vaccines, in an afternoon, on a home computer, what I find puzzling is why Pfizer did not do the same thing on a home computer of their own, come up with their own formula and freeze BionTech out of the 100% profits that Pfizer would otherwise have been making - you see any sense to Pfizer paying at least 50% of their profit margin, back to BionTech?
Moderna created their Covid-19 Neucloids virus in a laboratory and patented it in 2013, you can find the chemical formula for it on my recent substack posts - what BionTech did, Pfizer could do, after all the Moderna patent was common knowledge, to the Chemical Industry right? - even I have it on my substack.
2013 was the year that The US Supreme Court passed their Law with World Wide Applications that anyone who has a synthetic mRNA vaccine where the vaccine changes their DNA and thus their Human Genome is no longer Human and all Human Rights are lost and they are now a new species "Trans Human" - Transforming from Human? for which no rights have ever been written - giving the timing, it all makes some sort of sense, don't you think?
That Law is studied in some Universities in America, so it has to be real to be part of a Uni curriculum.
Add to that Thomas Renz (US Lawyer) had a couple of cases before the Geneva Convention against the vaccine makers, for Crimes Against Humanity, back in 2021 and the cases were thrown out by the Geneva Convention Judges - my assumption - no longer human so zero human rights.
It has been established that the US Department Of Defense bought the vaccines and had them distributed into everyone who volunteered to have them - so what is the DOD's bottom line, which they have not achieved yet? Free Super Soldiers?
Vaccines don't work and never have, the assumption was that they work, but they have never been compared against a salt water placebo to establish if they do anything for the past 200 years or so - so FAIL US DOD (so far) so apart from killing a large proportion of the population, theoretically because the only human suitable for Genetic modifications are the bodies which are kept alive, the rest are exterminated because they are unsuitable (by injury then death, or just immediate death) seems to be going along as well as can be expected, don't you think?
Deagle forecast 25% population expected by 2025 of the 100% or 8 billion at the start of 2023 going along according to plan, apparently - makes you think, re the above provable information, don't you think?
Thanks, Christine. Interestingly the 'fact checkers' have gone to town on the 2013 law, if it were actually false or would have no real impact they would have ignored it. This is an interesting summary from the scientific american: The question of DNA patenting alone and the obvious links to ego and greed, not healthcare and wellbeing (or plantcare and wellbeing for that matter, if we look at agribusiness and gene patenting) show it is on the follow-the-money continuum.
Actually, I was the person who brought the US Supreme Court Law into the public eye - I in turn got it from a young lady who was at University somewhere studying Law and it was a topic which came up in one of her classes and she was so concerned about the implications, she posted the whole thing on a website in South Africa I happened to access from time to time - I have been running with it ever since - when you take it with the last article I posted on my substack a few hours ago - explaining the US military involvement in the production and injection of the vaccines, it all starts to make a terrifyingly horrible sense, as I've implied all along - at least for the vaccinated, all 5.3 billion of them
Could you post the exact link here - I couldn't make sense of which article it might be, thank you
I am sorry, I can't do that - this was sometime in 2021 and the link was with a South African online newspaper which changed hands shortly afterwards and I lost my subscription to it.
Sasha wrote a brilliant article which I quoted in my substack - but I don't keep them, I post and delete from my hard drives - safer that way for me, my substack is my data storage point, not my home hard drives, however, if you Google: DOD-ATI-Pfizer-Technical-Direction-Letter-OTA-W15QKN-16-9-1002-21July2020 you should come up with the PDF showing the US DOD's involvement with Pfizer and the sums involved.