A Message to Vaccinators and Those Who Trust Them
German association of doctors asks "How long will [you]... continue to urge patients to undergo useless, demonstrably harmful and questionable interventions...?"
We are publishing this excellent letter from German association Mediziner und Wissenschaftler für Gesundheit, Freiheit und Demokratie (MWGfD), addressing all medical professionals still promoting Covid injections to their patients. Concise and fully referenced, it is recommended reading not just for doctors but for anyone considering getting a Covid injection. Please read and share with anyone who may find it helpful.
Public call to stop the so-called “Covid vaccinations”
How long will the medical profession, fueled by its chambers and associations of statutory health insurance physicians, continue to urge patients to undergo useless, demonstrably harmful and questionable interventions, thereby risking the death of people?
Even at a very early stage of the ‘vaccination’ campaign on December 27, 2020, every doctor could have known that the mode of action of the novel genetic vaccination from Pfizer and BioNTech had nothing to do with conventional vaccinations. There were no meaningful test series.1 No well-founded statements could be made regarding either the effect or the side effects. This alone should have strictly prohibited its use. Nevertheless, large numbers of doctors stepped forward to inject the substances into millions of people, driven by propaganda.2 They responded angrily and condescendingly to any criticism, however weak it was.
Any doctor could have seen how even fatal effects occurred shortly after the “vaccinations” after only a short time.3 Today, there is an epidemic of ‘Long-Covid’, which was most likely caused predominantly by the very substances that were supposed to prevent the disease from occurring.45
We now know that every single promise made at the time of the introduction of these genetic prevention therapies was false: these genetic ‘vaccinations’ did not prevent infection67891011, severe disease12, hospitalization13, or death141516. They were and are not only superfluous, but dangerous.1718
The disclosure of the contamination by DNA-transporting plasmids in December 20231920 should have put an end to its further usage2122.
In March 2024, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in Germany was forced to release the crisis management team's protocols. On July 23, 2024, a whistleblower from the RKI's ranks - presumably for reasons of conscience - handed over all the protocols and all the correspondence to the public, unredacted. By then, at the latest, no one could claim ignorance. By then, at the latest, it was clear that facts that would have meant an immediate stop to any measures were maliciously concealed.
Further reading…
And still the chambers and the associations of statutory health insurance physicians are promoting these genetic transfections declared as vaccinations, still the modalities of billing and possible liability exemptions are being discussed, still the obvious damage is being covered up by the camouflage term Long-Covid. It is not for nothing that the German Federal President is currently calling for a full and unreserved investigation into the country's coronavirus policy, and that Dr. Anthony Fauci, the [former] US President's advisor responsible for coronavirus measures, has since had to resign.
What must happen before doctors in Germany and the rest of the world finally remember the highest principle of medical action – primum nihil nocere23 – not to harm the people who trust them?
We appeal to the chambers and associations of statutory health insurance physicians: Stop promoting this useless and harmful intervention! We appeal to our medical colleagues: Finally inform yourselves about the facts and stop injecting these dangerous substances!
On behalf of the doctors who have joined together in the association “Doctors and Scientists for Health, Freedom and Democracy” (MWGFD):
Dr. Heinrich Fiechtner, haematologist and internal oncologist
The board of the association:
Prof. Dr. Dr. Harald Walach, 1st chairman, health scientist
Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Honorary Chairman, infection epidemiologist
Dr. med. Ronny Weikl, 2nd Chairman, specialist in gynaecology
Dr. Wolf-Dieter Stelzner, Chief Financial Officer, psychoanalyst
Prof. Dr. Klaus Steger, Secretary, molecular biologist
Prof. Dr. Werner Bergholz, Chief Human Resources Officer, graduate physicist
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Szymanski A. On the scapegoating of the unvaccinated: A media analysis of political propaganda during the COVID-19 pandemic. Kritische Gesellschaftsforschung/Critical Society Studies. 2022;1. doi: https://cdoi.org/1.2/059/000015.
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Subramanian SV, Kumar A. Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States. European Journal of Epidemiology. 2021. doi: 10.1007/s10654-021-00808-7.
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