These so-called "scientists" are owned. Tripping over one another to get to the finish line their masters have placed.

All about money for the pharmaceutical oligarchy who care not about the health of the proletariat.

When we look at the alliances of these evil psychopaths it seems population reduction is the apparent reason.

It's all a never ending avalanche of lies and scams, it's a truly sad situation we are in. 🇨🇦

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the madness becomes more and more deranged. Basically they are wanting to replace the immune system with self replication via mRNA. HOW IS THIS EVEN ALLOWED? It is BEYOND time, that the entire legal system that allows for such derangement to continue unabated, needs a DRASTIC overhaul. We have got to stop 'normalising' their prerogative to do anything they like, because they can....

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mRNA has never been shown to be effective. It's a buzzword used to distract from the reason why shots are dangerous.

Same with past shots where they claimed there was sv40... But ignoring the fact that the adjuvants and preservatives were toxic.

Why do so many fall for the red herrings but ignore the elephant of the room, TOXICITY?


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Synthetics are seldom anything like the natural.

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That's why they are called synthetics.

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There is a big problem with vaccine effectiveness [the difference between the relative effectiveness rate (RRR) and the absolute effectiveness rate (ARR)].

Many doctors (and of course laypeople) do not understand the difference between absolute effectiveness rate and relative effectiveness rate (effectiveness rate as defined by the FDA, CDC and Pharmas).

For example, suppose there are 1 million people, and 1,000 of them become infected if none of them are vaccinated.

If all 1 million people are vaccinated and the number of infected people decreases to 100, the relative effectiveness rate (RRR) will be 90%.

However, even if none of them are vaccinated, 999,000 people will not be infected in the first place, so the absolute effectiveness rate (ARR) will be abt. 0.1%.

This ARR is the effectiveness rate that is meaningful to individuals.

The ARR is the average probability that an individual will not develop an infection if vaccinated. It is by no means the RRR.

There is a definition formula in the basics of medicine.

RRR≡(Number of people who developed symptoms in placebo - Number of people who developed symptoms in vaccinated) / Number of people who developed symptoms in placebo * 100 [%]

ARR≡ [1 - {1 - Number of people who developed symptoms in placebo / Total number of people who developed symptoms in placebo} / {1 - Number of people who developed symptoms in vaccinated / Total number of people who developed symptoms}] * 100 [%]

Calculation site https://bestpractice.bmj.com/info/toolkit/learn-ebm/how-to-calculate-risk/

Of course, there are side effects, so if a large number of people who would not have been infected are vaccinated, even people who would not have experienced side effects in the first place will suffer from side effects.

In some cases, people who would not have been infected and would not have died will die from side effects.

In fact, even the fraudulent Pfizer Phase I clinical trial report from 2020 shows that the Sarscov2 non-infection rate is 99.962% for vaccinated people and 99.246% for unvaccinated people, meaning that the difference in infection between vaccinated and unvaccinated people is only 7 people per 1,000. This means that 993 people out of 1,000 people will be not infected regardless of whether they are vaccinated or not. It also shows that even if no one is vaccinated, the infection rate is about 8 people per 1,000. However, doctors and public health authorities who appear on TV only promote the relative effectiveness rate (RRR), and continue to mislead people into thinking that RRR is the probability that an individual can avoid infection. The reason for this is either that they are ignorant or that they are indirectly receiving money from pharmaceutical companies and intentionally selling the vaccine. Below are the results of my numerical calculations based on several clinical trial reports.

Pfizer's BNT162b2 ARR = 0.716%, RRR = 95% (but this is clearly a gene therapy drug)

SK-Zooster (Shingrix) (shingles) ARR = 0.9%, RRR 94.2%

Meiji Replicon (Sarscov2) ARR = 0.5%, RRR = 95.5% (also a gene therapy drug)

Sequirus Flucelvax® Quad (for infulenza A, B) ARR = 17.5%, RRR = 51.9%

However, Placebo was administered meningococcal ACWY-vax instead of saline

In short, it was a fraudulent clinical trial, and all it says is that Flucelvax is more effective against influenza than ACWY-vax.

GSK's Arexvy (RSV) ARR = 0.26%, RRR = 82.5%

Moderna's mRNA-1345 (RSV) ARR = 0.53%, RRR = 68.4% (also a gene therapy drug)

Gardasil: HPV uninfected: ARR = 0.7%, RRR ≒ 50%

Gardasil: HPV already infected: ARR = 3.07%, RRR ≒ 70%

Gardasil contains the neurotoxin ALuminum at 416±75μg/dose


However, it is known that administering a vaccine for a disease when you are infected can actually be harmful.

In the case of Gardasil, you should be tested to see if you are already infected or not before administering it.

However, the authorities have not made this mandatory, and I feel they are being malicious.

Gardasil while infected is highly carcinogenic, so regular checkups and early surgery are best.

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Thank you, Masaki Fujii! Now THAT'S a comment that should make people take notice. My only science is computer science and tho I worked side by side with many biomed researchers from most of the highest ranking research hospitals and universities in USA developing one-off computer systems - i never had this issue of ARR vs RRR revealed or explained. This was partially because of my obvious bioscience ignorance and because they were the high priests at Fauci's altar, and I barely a novice acolyte whose sacrilegious gaze behind the guarded curtain of data analysis would surely melt my face.

I will have to understand it all myself 100%, then work out a very concise and easy way of presenting it to those i know or they'll glaze over and just walk away.

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To Mr.ILion

I don't have the brains to be top in mathematics or theoretical physics, so I studied mechanical engineering at university, with the aim of finding a job.

If I told you that I handed over a punch card and had IBM360 do the calculations, you'd understand my age.

Actually, I felt uncomfortable dissecting a frog in biology class in junior high school, so since then I have avoided biology as much as possible.

When Cov19 started, the mass media was saying that it was like the Black Death of medieval Europe (which killed about 30% of urban residents).

After retiring, I had more free time than when I was working, so I thought I could study a little bit, since I couldn't say I hated biology.

I learned that the infection mortality rate for all passengers on the Diamond Princess in Yokohama Port in March 2020, even in a closed ship with many elderly people on board, was 0.35%.

Based on this data, I estimated that the infection mortality rate would be about the same as that of influenza during a major epidemic (0.05-0.09%), considering the conditions of open spaces on land.

In 2021, BNT162b2 was approved by the PMDA (equivalent to the US FDA) in Japan, and when I searched for and read the clinical trial documents, I had a question that made me realize the difference between ARR and RRR.

I learned that there is not a single law or theorem in medicine that can be explained "broadly," "quantitatively," and "deductively" like F=mα, E=mc^2, and the Maxwell equations of electromagnetism. In other words, medicine is somewhere between physics and literature. This means that even amateurs can easily get into it from anywhere.

I also learned that when reading overview books on various RNA, DNA, and Epigenetics written by cutting-edge scholars in their 30s and 50s, many of them are so complicated that they are almost incomprehensible. Immunology books for medical students are written as if they are surely understood, but when reading books by scholars who are actually researching this, they finally understand what exists, but the dynamics are completely unknown. You can see the reason, right? There is no physical observation method for working immune system inside the body.

Genetic engineering can understand the sequence of DNA and RNA and synthesize them, but it is impossible to predict their interaction with the human body.

There are statistical problems with RCT clinical trials. If all participants have the same disease and are divided into placebo and inoculated groups, it would be possible to predict the effects and side effects during that period alone. However, as with BNT162b2, which is vaccinated against 5 billion people worldwide, only 20,000 people in the clinical trial estimate the population at 0.000004, which is a ultra-super-extrapolation estimate. It is basic statistics that extrapolation estimates have low accuracy.

There have long been novels and TV dramas based on the filthiness of medicine and medical science.

The more I looked into this, the more I understood how filthy it is.

You seem to be still young, so please take the time to think about medicine and medical science from time to time for the safety of yourself and your family.

Thinking for yourself ≠ doing what someone else says

Einstein's words: "Common sense is a collection of prejudices acquired by the age of 18"

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Right. And what about OTHER effects? What good is it if, as in the Pfizer jab clinical trials, the jab reduces the death rate by 50% (1 of about 20,000, as opposed to 2 of about 20,000 for the placebo group), but 20 people who got the jab die of other causes, as opposed to 11 of the placebo group who did not get other jabs (as did 1 who got the Moderna shot, and was still counted among the "placebo" group deaths)?

And people were so terrified of this "plague" that killed 1 of 10,000 in the placebo group during the alpha strain?

And the flip side of the safety equation is healthy user bias, in which the gravely ill were far less likely to get the shots in the first place, thereby grossly inflating the death rate for the unjabbed.

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Fauci et al. have forgotten the drug poisoning of 30+ years ago when AZT killed AIDS patients.

And now, they refuse to stop the harmful and useless bioterrorism against the Japanese people with Lemdecivir, Molnupiravir and Covid-19 and Influenza mRNA vaccines. In addition, they may be planning to put the Japanese people under a travel ban by experimenting with gene acquisition that will extend to our descendants through gene amplification replicon vaccines!

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I believe you are Dr. Katsuhiko Fukuda from Matsue City. Good luck. Former Pfizer executive Sakamoto Noboru and Fujiwara, who was practically dispatched from the CDC, have infiltrated Japan's PMDA. In short, like the FDA, I think it has been taken over by the pharmaceutical industry. The dangers of Replicon have been pointed out by Dr. Shika (https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm43803603) (https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm42257326) (https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm43783738) (https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm43790755) and Dr. Hiroshi Arakawa (https://note.com/hiroshi_arakawa/n/nd2df07ce123b) (https://note.com/hiroshi_arakawa/n/na616d625c09d) (https://note.com/hiroshi_arakawa/n/nd58ee8720255) (https://note.com/hiroshi_arakawa/n/n4bf4f0bf4422) (https://note.com/hiroshi_arakawa/n/n34ffce3cac30)

From the clinical trial report: Meiji Replicon (against Sarscov2) ARR = 0.5%, RRR = 95.5% (genetic preparation) The probability that an individual will not become infected by Sarscov2 after receiving this vaccine is 0.5%.

On the contrary, it(Replicon) is contagious to some extent.

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No more mRNA vaccines until Big Pharma accept LIABILITY for vax related injuries and DEATHS!

The de-population numbers since 2020 are staggering!

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There is zero reason to want a 'vaccine DNA/mmRNA' to persist indefinitely. Zero.


Because the whole point of an immune response is that it attacks that which should not normally be there. As soon as it starts attacking that which IS normally there, you get auto-immune diseases.

The immune system has an altered response to 'allergens' i.e. things that are not produced by the body but are just there by the by, all the time. It's already been shown that the body shifts to the allergenic immune response if you give too many vaccinations against Covid. So the body basically says: 'I'm good enough to deal with this quickly, if I can't, then I just have to tolerate it'.

So have zero time for any 'scientist' who says they want mmRNA hanging around indefinitely. It says they have no basic knowledge of immunology and if that's the case, then they are not qualified nor fit to be operating in the sphere of injecting nucleic acids into humans.

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Reading the overview books on RNA, DNA, non-code DNA, and epigenetics written by cutting-edge scholars in their 30s and 50s who are quietly researching these topics, we still don't know much about their effects. Even in immunology, the existence of related substances and cells is not fully understood, and scholars say that we can only hope for the future with our imaginations, as the dynamics of the system within the body are completely unknown. Meanwhile, genetic engineering (reading and synthesis engineering) has only progressed because it looked like it would be profitable.

This means that we don't know how the products of genetic engineering will act once they enter the human body. It is important to be careful about whether or not someone making a statement belongs to the genetic engineering camp.

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Perhaps a step along the path of producing there new hybrid species🤔

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Their persistence surprises even me. I am quite familiar with the exploitative nature of psychopaths.

It is true they crave power and control over others above all else. In a combined sense, they have the printing presses and laws in their pockets, so they already have the power. Narcissists can only rest by subverting and diminishing others, but I suspect that is not what is going on here.

I think transhumanism is most likely the goal. They still haven't mastered their own deaths.

It seems most likely the whole world's population is their genetic Guiana pig to mass test "therapies" upon (supposedly for our health) probably solely for the information to help themselves transcend their own humanity and mortality. 🤔

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others have said "they do what they do as we allow them to do it"

One thing I'm greatly surprised by is people's complacency, it really is quite frightening.

We have been segregated into two camps and the non believers do seem to be in a minority and that's not likely to change 🤔🤝

Another angle on the above is that new hybrid species is owned by the patent holders and will lack human rights.

The eventual aim is to integrate the tech into the human, so they have full ownership of the new product.

There is a military paper ((UK/EU) that discusses the benefits of the above.

The "new" Guinea pigs will have a long list of patent applications £££££££££££🚀🇬🇧

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*Guinea pig. I couldn't edit the comment. 😁

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Used to produce a bioweapon? These self-replicating mRNA genetic modifications would BE bioweapons. But the scientists are so deluded by their unquestioning belief in scientism they'll not even have a clue. Manchurian Candidates, all over the place.

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If the evil one's purpose has been to sow distrust in the science of vaccines and other medical injection aides, it has certainly worked on me. At age 77, I'll let divine intervention be or not be my lifeline.

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If they put the poisons in food than saying no to injections is useless . We all have to eat . In the last four years saying no to injections meant losing your job for most of the employed .That is as good as forcing you . Retired people and the self employed could in most cases escape the shots ,if they wanted to . I did . What surprised me is that the government did not make shots together with pensions mandatory ,SO FAR .

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In fact, Greek pensioners were fined a % if their pension if not fully-vaxxed.

In other countries the unvaxxed were compelled to take expensive tests in order to be able to work. Same thing: coercion.

For some reason they retreated everywhere in 2022, probably because they did not have sufficient coercive measures in place, and resistance was mounting but we should not be complacent.

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I'm married to a vaxxed woman .,but I'm not vaxxed ..Not vaxxed by injection that is ,but by shedding and the many other tricks they use to get the poison into us . There is some advise to remove the poisons through chelation .That may work for the moment until we get it all back from the sources we got it from in the first place the same day .

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This is an interesting phrase:

"Beyond the risk of quality control problems due to rapid production, as occurred for the COVID-19 ‘vaccines’, reflected as differences in vaccine lots (Fürst et al., 2024) and undeclared elements that could be industrial contaminants (McKernan et al., 2023, Krutzke et al., 2022, BMJ, 2021),in general, novel genetic drug products like these require 15 years of monitoring and assessment to meet the required safety standards."

We have accidental contamination mentioned (two possibilities), but no mention of shall we say deliberate contamination, such as with snake venom and the like.

Self-spreading vaccines: haven't they been previously developed, for wild horses on the one hand, and what was it, mice (in Australia)." I had covid two years ago, and I presume I contracted it on an airline flight, what with all those vaccinated people in attendance in a confined space, with recirculated air. If that's the case then I had (and might still have) covid vaccine disease.

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We certainly do condone the use of self replicating mRNA vaccines!

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A 100 day self-replicating virus wouldn't be anymore useful than the trillion dollar increase in the national debt every 100 days that we've had for years.

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I must be missing the metaphor.

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