Building the brick and morter foundation. Excellent! The big bad wolf can't blow this house down.

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I would consider becoming a member, because i am very impressed by the group.

But could you please tell me, how do i and others, benefit from your health system. I still have to rely on our criminal NHS to get treated, and would love to know how to step away from it, and find something better, but i do t know where to find your surgeries, or get advice, because at the moment, you are all uncontactable. Thank you.

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Neil, there are a lot of information on the website. Did you check there?

World Council for Health Resources - We provide the world with guidance and personal advocacy resources to empower your health


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A reasonable and valid question sir.

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So what you are saying is that you have more faith in a completely unknown system, LMFAO...

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Got to be better than the NHS genocide system.

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Please do keep on captioning your videos. Much appreciated. BTW this is encouraging news. Keep up the great work. Thanks and blessings.

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This is wonderful news! Thank you for all your hard work. People in the countries with your medical councils now have access to unbiased medical information. 👏👏👏

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I thought I'd post this link here, as it's rather interesting and very pertinent to health worldwide...It's the European section of the World Food summit:


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As long as we terminate the CORRUPT World Health Organisation, we'll do a lot less harm to human health.

They'll cover up the deliberate Depopulation program called Covid and the associated USELESS but DEADLY injection (they pretend is a 'vaccine').

The UK's in the middle of a 'cover-up - whitewash' calling it a Covid inquiry! It deliberately avoids sensitive issues like NO LIABVILITY for vax makers, the mysterious disappearance of Ivermectin and excess Deaths following the DEATH SHOT!

We've all witnessed mercenary Dr Andrew Hill's (aka Judas) cowardly climb down after promising Tess Lawrie that he'd work tirelessly to promote IVERMECTIN. But as soon as reems of CASH was on the table, he decided to join the DEADLY VAX promoting villains that want us terminated. He suddenly refuted all his promotional verbatim regarding IVERMECTIN and submitted to bribery & corruption.

A DEADLY JOKE - that's the useless but frequently DEADLY Covid injection (they pretend is a 'vaccine') which does NOTHING to stop Covid (which was made to order = GoF) or its transmission. It simply shortens recipients' lives, brings back previous illnesses (with more serious eventualities) or can Kill recipients outright.

Perhaps this was the Plan from the outset = To kill the majority of the World's population in order to Save the Planet from 'fictitious Global Warming'?

All the while these murdering injection manufacturers enjoy ZERO LIABILITY from any adverse reactions or DEATHS that follow their poisons being injected.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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