I like to repeat Dr. David Martin´s closing statement at the EU Parliament in Bruxelles recently - something along the lines of Don´t Just Amend the WHO - Destroy the WHO. Period

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I destroyed the WHO in my own mind ,it never got a foothold . Now the world population can and must destroy it in its collective mind .

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Same here. I've never trusted that organisation or the UN as a whole. If we all visualise our disengagement with powers-that-shouldn't-be the universe will comply.

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I'm so thankful for the team at WCH and am pleased you have a chapter in Australia. I will be calling in Ur organisation for advice while setting up with Aligned Council of Aus as an electoral rep. You do fantastic work I've been following prof Tess Lawrie since Andrew Hill shafted a report on the good analysis of Ivermectin for no good reason. The only way is up if we stick together.

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Thank you. We're not gonna take it!

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The absolute best thing all countries can do is to withdraw completely from the United Nations and the WHO, period

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Thank you for your excellent informative article and all your work to save us from global dictatorship!

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The World Council for Health is my go to source for authoritative reporting that is never biased. I am happy to support you with my paid subscription on Substack.

Tess Lawrie and Shabnam Palesa are truly inspirational heroes.

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I did not know kidnapping in order to coerce a favorable vote is "legal" anywhere on the planet, whatever the organization or association doing the kidnapping.

And approval by consensus is only possible if there is a quorum of nations present. Was there?

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We reject and ignore the who. Who, the hell (they are) are they?

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hi folks be aware theres a petition at citizengo.org...your last chance to stop the uns pandemic treaty-the 3 million petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world..all platforms and alternative outlets can be used to do just that....it currently has over 2,504000 signatures

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Already signed!!

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Nobody should comply with anything these Fascists try to implement on us citizens period!

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Do not comply with the Satanic WHO!

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Tetros ,let me handle my health emergency if I find one . We here declare you have an emergency of your criminal mind spreading globally causing illness and death for all .

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It’s nothing to do with health Jope. A bunch of billionaires have been working for decades on how to turn the bulk of humanity into puppet vegetables at their ultimate command. Just like Hitler and Caesar etc., they want total world domination.

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"The world realizes the WHO can no longer be trusted." While it does feel better to see more people waking up every day, our government is still very corrupt and will gladly profit to enforce WHO's insanity. So yeah more and more common people see the truth, but I am not sure if that makes a difference unless they are willing to stand and stand loudly against their corrupt government and not just the WHO.

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As long as there will not be human waves PEACEFULLY TAKE CONTROL OF THE STREETS IN A WORLDWIDE CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE nothing will happen.

This has nothing to do with the awesome work done by Miss Lawrie and the like.

It is simply because governments are already, and since long ago, in the complete control of TPTB and those psychopaths do not stop at anything but when facing power .

So, with all due respect to Miss Lawrie and the like, as long as there will not be a coordinated call for such action to take place on a worldwide scale, nothing will change.

And the sooner the better given that not only H5N1 scamdemic is in the near future but, for those who may be interested , a worldwide food shortage is already being managed for months, which lately took the firm of an " accidental " fire in a 1000000 chickens farm in Illinois and another big one chicken farm that all the animals will be destroyed because there has been " ONE " case of bird flu found there.

And if you keep your eyes and mind open and follow closely the " REAL INFORMATION" you should know, by now, that dairy and meat cows are already an endangered species.

You may keep your head in the sand or refuse to see the sharks swimming in the same pool that you are in but neither will save you.

Want to know the reason why words, lawyers, trials and the like will change

nothing ?

Look at the combined wealth of B.G. and all the BP.

They have enough money to buy all the lawyers ,judges and elected on the planet.

When the majority will finally comprehend that there is no other power nor authority that exist but the one that is conceded by the governed then you will be able to free yourself by simply saying NO and holding fast to it.

I repeat that I have the utmost respect for Miss Lawrie and the like but it is crystal clear that we are no more , and for already a long time , in a society governed by the rule of law but in a world strangled by the law of the strongest and that TPTB does not give a shit of me, you and all others.

There are only 2 possible conclusions alto the actual situation.

A: We get rid of TPTB

B: TPTB get rid of us.

Stop dreaming.

Stop hoping.

Start acting.

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It is important to get back to basics: The WHO is an unelected body and has zero authority in this or any other country. There is bureaucrat in Canberra who has been ‘elected’ to the WHO Council. Are we to believe a bloke from Canberra without authority can mandate a range of insane commands on all Australians ?

We say loud and clear NO!

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With due respect to You and all those who share your point of view.

I am ready to believe that YOU, and your like, personnally will not comply to the WHO.

But what about your " elected representatives "?

During all the Covid madness:

Did they really care about what YOU thought ?

Did they really care about protecting YOU and loved ones ?

Did they really care about those defenseless persons in care homes and hospitals ?

Did they really care about health personnel who did not want to get the jab but had to comply in a way as to keep their jobs ?

Did they really care about pregnant women and their baby to be to which they inflicted this poisonous and even killing injection ?

Did they really care about first and before all to DO NO HARM principle ?

Did they really care before driving to unemployment thousands of honest persons ?

Did they really care before condemning to bankruptcy and breaking apart the lives of so many persons who never wanted anything else than doing their business ?

Did they really care about all the dead , injured and disabled issued from their willing blindness ?

Did they really care at anything else than to blindfully obey to the orders their masters gave them for which we may suppose they were highly retributed ?

And about your police forces:

Did they really care about their oath before obeying to orders to bludgeon, pepper-spray demonstrators, brutalize indiscriminately and without the slightest regard for the special circumstances of citizens?

Did they really care before imprisoning as dangerous terrorists citizens who asserted their fundamental rights ?

About your armed forces personnel:

Have they not taken the oath to protect the country, its constitution and its citizens against any kind of threat ?

Don't they have the intelligence to recognize an enemy of the nation and its citizens if he doesn't wear uniforms and wave a flag different from their own?

Are not they intelligent enough to comprehend that the most dangerous ennemy is the one within , stand right in front of you, in plain sight?

Are they brainwashed to the point of being totally incapable of anything other than standing at attention, buttocks clenched, anus contracted, waiting to receive orders they understand nothing about but which they will comply with using all the violence required to carry them out?

Are they really protecting the country and its nation and the fundamental rights and freedom of the citizens within or are they nothing else than train dogs that will obey to whatever they are told as long as it comes out of the mouth of a " hierarchical superior " ?

Do YOU really think that NEXT TIME they will sudenly be gifted with a functional brain and a deeply philosophical soul and act with those 2 new resources magically allowed to them ?

They will obey as they always do because they are what they are the way they are and nor YOU, nor your loved ones, nor any honest citizen, nor any business owner will be out of reach of their blindfull obedience to follow orders no matter how destructive those orders may be .

That is what will happen because it already happened.

And what me, YOU, everyone, has lived since the beginning of the covid scamdemic has to bee seen and comprehended as nothing more nor else than probing attacks to identify the weak and strong spots in the ennemy ( that is us ) lines as to prepare the next final bloody attack on humanity.


Finallyy here are my questions that have to be ask and answered col blood about what was and what will be .

Did BG, his BP friends and " self crowned Mr. T " from WHO and acquaintances have been elected in your country ?

Not to my knowledge.

How come that they have so much power and authority everywhere they want to ?

How come so few people may have so much power over so many ?

How come so many billions of people have reach a point of being so intensely submitted to so few ?

I will let others to answer this.

Persons who have been highly tallented wordsmith and deep thinkers.

"What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated."

- Thomas Paine, The American Crisis

Poor, wretched, and stupid peoples, nations determined on your own misfortune and blind to your own good! You let yourselves be deprived before your own eyes of the best part of your revenues; your fields are plundered, your homes robbed, your family heirlooms taken away. You live in such a way that you cannot claim a single thing as your own; and it would seem that you consider yourselves lucky to be loaned your property, your families, and your very lives. All this havoc, this misfortune, this ruin, descends upon you not from alien foes, but from the one enemy whom you yourselves render as powerful as he is, for whom you go bravely to war, for whose greatness you do not refuse to offer your own bodies unto death. He who thus domineers over you has only two eyes, only two hands, only one body, no more than is possessed by the least man among the infinite numbers dwelling in your cities; he has indeed nothing more than the power that you confer upon him to destroy you. Where has he acquired enough eyes to spy upon you, if you do not provide them yourselves? How can he have so many arms to beat you with, if he does not borrow them from you? The feet that trample down your cities, where does he get them if they are not your own? How does he have any power over you except through you? How would he dare assail you if he had no cooperation from you? What could he do to you if you yourselves did not connive with the thief who plunders you, if you were not accomplices of the murderer who kills you, if you were not traitors to yourselves? You sow your crops in order that he may ravage them, you install and furnish your homes to give him goods to pillage; you rear your daughters that he may gratify his lust; you bring up your children in order that he may confer upon them the greatest privilege he knows — to be led into his battles, to be delivered to butchery, to be made the servants of his greed and the instruments of his vengeance; you yield your bodies unto hard labor in order that he may indulge in his delights and wallow in his filthy pleasures; you weaken yourselves in order to make him the stronger and the mightier to hold you in check. From all these indignities, such as the very beasts of the field would not endure, you can deliver yourselves if you try, not by taking action, but merely by willing to be free. Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed. I do not ask that you place hands upon the tyrant to topple him over, but simply that you support him no longer; then you will behold him, like a great Colossus whose pedestal has been pulled away, fall of his own weight and break in pieces.

The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude

Etienne de la Boétie

One thing is guaranteed.

A; Or we get rid of TPTB

B: Or TPTB will get rid of us.

If there is not very soon a worlwide upheaval into a complete PEACEFULL DISOBEDIENCE IN THE FORM OF A COMPLETE PEACEFUL STRIKE, be aware that option B will be the one to prevail.

Wish You, your loved ones ,acquaintances, your country and its nation's soul be forged with the required fortitude to holdfast and standfast at what is coming .

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I second everything!!

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Great to see the battle for truth and justice continuing! Thank you for your ongoing contributions to it Tess!

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I am having difficulty restacking this sad story.Anyone else?

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Thank you to the WCH team. I have no words for the times we are currently living in. Blessings to you all for working on behalf of ALL global people who want health freedom.

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