One issue seemingly always forgotten - perhaps because it is too hard - is how to protect yourself from everyone else's 5G phones. 5G signals do not respect property fences or brick walls. Your neighbor's phone and the phone in the car driving past are constantly pinging to find the strongest signal, and once connected, maintain a constant "beam". If our bodies are in the way they go right through our body. Imagine you are living in a flat, and your bed is placed in the same place as the neighbour below. Imagine that they use their phone in bed and that the best connection they can get is via satellite. See the beam coming through your roof, down through you and your bed, to them in the bed a few feet below. And let's face it, it is not realistic to turn our own homes into Faraday cages because that cuts us off from essential healthy energies. Similarly it is not realistic to leave our homes wearing clothing designed to stop EMFs, as again, that cuts us off from essential healthy energies.

It is a cop out to suggest we all have to learn to protect ourselves. We can reduce but we cannot eliminate our exposure. It is impossible. This is NOT an individual responsibility. We have to stop 5G and all the other damaging EMFs altogether.

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My town allowed the first large scale offshore wind farm to land their cables under own beautiful beaches and under our roads to new electrical substation infrastructure that needed to be installed to step up wind power to 345kV! And the EMF readings are increased with a meter when you approach where the cable is buried. And we are told it's safe and effective. Sound familiar?! It is coming to every oceanside town in the world. Wind farms are too big to fail on the back of "green energy". I hope communities will wake up and say no. Our town certainly has after 1 of 3 800-1200 MW cables were installed! Become educated and sound the alarm in your seaside town before your town says yes.

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Your rational actions and attitude are commendable.

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If World Council for Health and Dr. Plothe wish to do a follow up article on Emfs (of which they could do many) a good one would be on the subject of dirty electricity. As Google's Ai explains: Also known as electrical pollution, line noise, or electromagnetic interference, dirty electricity is high-frequency electrical energy that flows through building wiring. It contains both radio frequency radiation and extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields. There are many, many angles to Emfs and dirty electricity is one of them.

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I live about 300 feet from a hospital .I look directly at it when I look out my window .During last winter they installed an EMF tower on its roof .For years before I had to have my windows screened to avoid flying insects in my apartment . Even then some came in regardless . Now it's mid June and I never see an insect ,or secure my window with a screen ,because there are no flying insects to have the screen up against . Is the electric fog ,from the tower killing all insects including bees ?? Is it also killing humans ,alas ,more slowly ??

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'' Who tells us it's safe?'' Organizations, both for and not for profit, and agencies whos profitability, revenue, or control is related to industry expansion that directly depends on increasing EMF prevalence and hence the EMF exposure across the spectrum.

'' Can we trust them?'' ABSOLUTELY NOT!

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If some frequencies and intensities can be used for biological healing under controlled circumstances then it is logical that the same intensities when not under controlled exposures could also do biological harm

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WHO is run entirely by gates and he wants everyone dead. Never trust WHO.

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Thank you. I recently bought a meter and went around testing in my life. I actually found the radio emission not much of a problem in my home. What was a concern was actually the 2 other energy forms. The v/m. And gauz levels. For instance the lamps by my childrens beds , the wires were like 5 times the alarm setting of the meter of 10 v/m. Even when the light is off the wires are plugged in a live. And on the side of the house where the electrical conduit is a the meter the gauze is freaking out some 6 feet in our house by the wall.

You covered a bit of radio waves through cell technology , but did not even touch on these two other metrics . If you do a follow up consider these two.

Also , I should share , that the gauze was also making noise in the city around transmission lines. And some of those line were around residential apartments.

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What kind of meter did you buy?

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We have focused on just the basic cell phone/wifi range of frequencies which are bad enough but the loower frequencies such as from dirty electricity, magnetic flux are generally considered worse.

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The universe has been irradiating us since creation, but the bible is silent about it.

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Yes the universe has been radiating us for ever, but there are significant difference between nature and manmade

Man made radiation is orders of magnitude more intense

Man made with a few exceptions is polorized. if manmade were not much high than the natural bckground count the back ground would interfere with the man made transmission and make radio signals impossible to use

Man made is modulated with spikes on the basic carrier wave

Man made is pulsed at a very high rate (has to to be able to carry data

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A few years back I was telling someone about how I felt energy wise for the last few years and At that time it down on me! I started to lose my energy and so fast too, I could not understand until I realized about those 5 new digital hydro meter that were now under my apt. in the basement. Since then I got issue with my thyroid and energy... and I don't even use cell phone.

One thing I learned is this. When people with a title on their head like expert, doctor, professional and so on, those are by now the ones I trust the least. They have a knowledge I don't have and because of that, It's easy to screw with you. Taking advantage of people's vulnerability is what expert can do and like doctors, they seriously can bully you or fearmongering you into submission and go with their treatment that actually rarely heal you anyway. This medical system is to me a huge fraud and more of a sick care management than health care. If they new what they were doing, they wouldn't spent their time telling you that they're not sure if it the med will work but hey, just come back and try something else and so on. You spent weeks, months or even years and still you're not healed. The worst is people who believe in them because they say the pills work and feel better and yet they've been on this pill for months or years. It didn't heal them, it only suppressed the symptoms. This medical system needs us sick to make money so why would they try to heal us? They cannot make money on the back of healthy people now do they? And it's always about money. Everything is always about money... not about life itself. Money is the destroyer of life on this planet and the roots of all that is bad.

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No mention of the possible mechanisms through which any harm is done?

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I use a safe living safe and sound pro II. For me when the levels consistently exceed 500 microwatts/m2 I start to get itchy skin, headaches and while there is nothing wrong with me I find people around me become increasingly difficult to deal with when the levels exceed 500.

Several years ago an MD that was "clued in" on RF exposure asked me how much radiation I felt was safe,s to ask him how many cigarretes I could smoke he got the point no radiation is safe and best to aim for that goal

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This should be big news. I will leave the link here for new legislation in canadafor pandemic preparednesd. While i suspect others might find some concerns, what jumps out to me is a) that the legislation reflects wrong misinformation about the origins of sars2 b) that there is no mention or consideration of gainof function science . B really stands out to me


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