No su h thing as " long covid"... What a load of bull fucking shit. The only thing that's long is the deadly after affects of the now notoriously deadly so called vaccines. Stop giving this " covid" credence... Is bullshit and always was bullshit.

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That's a fascinating thought to hold until you or someone you know who is unvaccinated gets severe Long Covid after getting over COVID-19. Personally, I'd prefer that you were right.

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I and my husband have been very ill but we refuse to label it as CV-19 as it’s never been identified and the PCR test was not to be used for such “viruses” which is another whole discussion can they be spread/ exist? Terrain or germ theory? Having been around a lot of illness “flu” like symptoms and not caught anything I believe in terrain,. What I believe I’ve had is radiation poisoning and the evidence points to it &/or spraying us day and night from the skies, just look up and you can see it. By keeping the long covid going it allows them to keep this facade going and repeat, repeat, repeat plus a lot of money is being made out of it and it plays into the governments hands. Prior to 2020 after a “flu” like illness it’s not uncommon to suffer from “post viral syndrome” and can take a few months and longer to recover of which my husband had in 2018 and took a year, no doctors where remotely bothered back then.

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Covid? Cover up for the lunacy of unleashing 5G without any safety evidence whatsoever.


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Hold this thought for you. BTW the uninjected haven't suffered one single sudden death or incapacitation event. Anywhere on earth.

Covid? Cover up for the lunacy of unleashing 5G without any safety evidence whatsoever.


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100% Correct.

Covid? Cover up for the lunacy of unleashing 5G without any safety evidence whatsoever.


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The negative attitudes may want to check their attitudes at the door. I’ve been doing functional medicine for over 20 yrs and the field has grown. The info seems solid at first glance. Maybe learn to read the science instead of slamming it.

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Thanks WCH.

Great all of the information. BUT? When do the trials to prosecute the satanic evil doers start?

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I so appreciate you! Your work and how you express yourself has been an example I follow, and helped me move past the outrage, anger and trauma of having vaccine injured

children in the era of covid. Thank you for all you do.

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The only thing credible about this new "peer reviewed study" are the comments. Covid is an evil fairytale & it appears, another money grab by people who should know better.

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May 20, 2023
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Yeah my thoughts exactly. Blows all credibility right down the shit hole.

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