Hasn't the fate of the Kings daughter had any impact on the population?

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Yes indeed. There has been no official update on the Princess, almost certainly not ever to recover, since January. They may well wait 10 years to let her die. My best guess is they're hoping everyone forgets about her.

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-If you think things and bad now, you wont believe what they are going to do next you need to watch this visit....


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I wouldn't ask that question online or off if I were in Thailand.

Getcha killed!

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One day, after the full & unconditional capitulation of the enemy is secured, we will finally be able to divert our efforts from fighting the war and prosecuting the war criminals, to actually researching the mass formation phenomena properly as well as figuring out how to ‘deprogram’ its victims, as well as how to stop this from taking hold ever again.

Human psychology is indeed highly fragile and some aspects of it are extremely easy to abuse.

We have a lot of work to do…

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But who are the 'enemy' going to capitulate to?

The criminals are the ones who hold the reins of power, and they are hardly going to mount a Nuremberg trial which would see them in the dock.

On their side are politicians, bureaucrats, the health authorities, the legacy media, the police, the courts, the media, Big Tech and Big Pharma.

Who ya gonna call?

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You are making a very accurate assessment and I will have more to say about it very soon in a detailed post explaining EXACTLY how we end WWIII once and for all and bring the enemy to heel. It is actually not that difficult but requires a shift in thinking. Here is a hint, listen carefully. https://youtu.be/5b104RpStSQ

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The point is well made in that video.

I would then suggest that totalitarianism cannot survive without the active support of the people, that it is a dance between the elites and the population.

Yes, the elites manipulate the population, but the nature of the population's reaction to policies alters the direction of the elites. (Example: A stand-up comedian works his audience, but their reaction to the jokes determines how the comedian directs his show)

To be specific, the Covid repression could never have happened if the people had simply said "We're not doing this." But they did it - almost everywhere in the world. A sizeable proportion of them still believe it was the right thing to do.

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"Totalitarianism cannot survive without the active support of the people."

You have answered your own question. Well done 😉👍

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I am a registered Nurse and I never inject experimental drugs into my body. So I refused to take the mRNA jab. But when they started mandating them alarm bells were going off!!! People should never be forced to take a drug EVER!!

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Completely agree with this account of life in Bangkok. Lived here for almost 7 years, luckily I found sources like WCH to keep me sane. Thank you for your article.

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Great article! We are in phuket and we were under huge pressure to get our oldest (my stepdaughter) vaccinated from her Thai school. She was 14 at the time and we just kept saying no of course but she was the only one in her whole year of 400 who didn’t have it. They all had 3… Crazy times.

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I've heard the same from my Thai family. The official line is that it is not required, but unofficially I hear that children are often relegated to "online learning" and forbidden from entering the school grounds without proof of injection. So sad. Good for you for standing your ground. If and when I have kids it'll be home schooling all the way.

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Yeah they didn’t let her go back for a while but didn’t last as long as we thought it would..I guess they had met their ‘quota’. The teachers kept asking her in class if she was scared because she hadn’t had it too and why would she take the risk. They still try to enforce masks there even now as the teachers are scared

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There are three pillars to this:

1) The delusion or illusion

2) The "consensus" (the only thing that actually *exists*)

3) The intolerance to opposing viewpoints.

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Spot on. People in state jobs like teachers etc are the most easily brainwashed as far as I can see. They are trained to ‘follow the rules’. Can’t stand anyone not having the same viewpoint. She has the choice to be homeschooled but she choose to keep going and enjoys the social side of school. I agree homeschooling is the ideal but I feel like there is not much of a community for it here yet

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I bought a book on homeschooling as preparation / research: https://rossmountney.wordpress.com/.

You're right about the community aspect. Ideally need to connect with like-minded parents and perhaps hire and share a good tutor or two to teach tougher subjects like science (not follow the science™ ).

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Hahaha definitely not ‘follow the science’. It’s growing slowly, there is a group started up in just the last few months that has meet ups and activities so I think more and more people are shifting to it. Easier with my younger kids than it would have been with her at that age. Not many teens it seems yet

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It's a very delicate age, the early to mid-teens and they need their peer groups. Have any of her fellow students suffered health effects after the jabs? We hear so many stories. I had one from a colleague who explained that at her daughter's school two boys died of heart attacks and one girl had a blood clot in her leg (age 15).

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That so sad! She hasn’t mentioned anyone having any but I often think most teenagers are so disconnected from their bodies these days that they may not even notice little changes in their health until they become big ones. My husbands friend died a week after his second jab

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Good morning Nicholas. Good article. I've been here 39 1/2 years from California. How Thailand reacted to the scam demic and how the people have retained their addiction to wearing masks has really shocked me. From the beginning of this in China when they were showing fear-mongering videos allegedly from Wuhan, I called it BS. It always looked contrived. I knew no one who died, except for those injected with Remdesivir or put on ventilators. In my home no one ever put on a mask. I never put a mask on except for the few seconds required to pass through security to enter a mall or store. Once while playing golf, someone reported me to the management for not wearing a mask and asked the management to revoke my membership. That surprised me.

No one in my family here, or in the US ever got any injections. They all seem to have the capacity to think for themselves and not blindly follow the herd.

Thai people need education on the real purposes of Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. The people behind all this are not interested in our well-being. From what I perceive, they want us dead.

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The madness still exists. On Aug. 13, 2023 I boarded an inter-provincial bus in Bangkok, only for the driver to angrily tell me that everyone had to have a mask. I found one in the recesses of my bag, and sat at the back of the bus with the mask in my hand. Nothing more was said, so it's hard to know whether it is lingering psychosis or corporate box-ticking that was to blame.

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Deleted comment as it posted twice for some reason. I was saying that I can believe your plight as bus passengers never show their faces. Most banks, restaurants, gyms, telecom providers and other service industry {customer-facing} workers are forced to muzzle up. Worst of all, public schools in Bangkok are still mandating masks for children.

It is horrendous. Parents *think* they are *protecting* their children by complying.

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One theory I encountered about this madness ran as follows: The modern world has become so safe, and death has been so clinically sidelined, that relentless propaganda about the dangers of this virus forced some people to come face to face for the first time with their own mortality.

"I could actually die from this," they thought, and for people who had never thought about death before, this was devastating. In fact, this confrontation broke many people psychologically, many of whom will never recover.

I see some support for this theory in the demographics of Covid fear. Rich people appear to be more scared than poor people, and urbanites more scared than rural residents.

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Yes, but that is simply not the case in countries that have not yet outsourced their elderly & death (not to mention birth, health, knowledge, food, transport and everything else) in the way western countries have. Do you think this has already happened in Thailand, or at least Bangkok?

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I see a great difference between Bangkok (heavily masked, often authoritarian about it) and rural Thailand, where everybody abandoned masks a long while ago even in supermarkets or banks.

Death is a visible constant down in the village. I would say there is a funeral every couple of weeks; old age, chronic disease never diagnosed, motorbike accidents, even elephant attacks, snake bites and rabies.

So death is, as it should be, a part of life.

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Indeed, thanks Rick! I think we'd find that is the case the world over, country folk are much less likely to be caught up in the brainwashing because they are too busy and active in the present moment and in the general cycle of life.

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We were in Bangkok for 4 days in late June on our way back from Europe to SIngapore. We know our way around having lived there for 3 years and still speak a little Thai. Perhaps this article goes back a while but during our stay we didn't see people wearing masks or any other signs of the psychosis which had surely earlier existed in Thailand as elsewhere. In contrast, in Singapore on the MRT (the wonderful clean, punctual, air-conditioned subway system) I would say about 40% of SIngaporeans still wear masks.

Perhaps a "reversion to type" has taken place as the psychosis wore off most and the normal levels of social disciplinarianism prevailed.

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I do not know where you were in Bangkok. However, right now, I estimate over 90% of Thais are wearing masks most of the time outdoors and indoors. I am living here for almost 40 years. I am jealous of Nicholas being fluent in Thai, as I am not close to being fluent.

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Here is how I started my long journey in learning Thai: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/661182.Thai_for_Beginners

Can buy from any of these book shops in the malls of Bangkok:


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Aug 15, 2023·edited Aug 15, 2023

We were all over Bangkok, including Sukhumvit, Silom Surawong etc. We visited all the major markets, including the big Sunday market out towards Don Muang and the large Mall (forget the name - the one with the enormous food court on the ground floor modelled on a Middle eastern theme). The markets were mostly Thais. We used taxis and Tuk Tuks. In none of these were we aware of any masks. Perhaps we weren't paying attention although we do tend to notice becasue we never did wear masks at any time unless forced occasionally. and the contrast flying in from London where nobody wears them would have been striking.

Anyway, you live there so have a better perspective and context than we do after a 4 day visit rushing around doing lots of things.

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There was a "lull" around June in mask compliance. Since then, the propaganda machine fired up with new scariants pushed by MSM along with the PM candidate Pita getting lots of coverage that he had Covid. Ergo, people start masking up again.

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Sounds like the British PM claiming he nearly died of Covid, I was suspicious at the time and now clearly it is just part of the fear und propaganda machine.

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Aug 15, 2023·edited Aug 15, 2023

Thanks, that explains it. I couldn't understand why our observations were at odds with those of residents. So even Thailand is connected to the Globalist/WEF cabal?!!

What's the latest on the KIng's daughter and are people in Thailand, as elsewheere, unable to see from their own observations that the problem is not Covid bu the Covid "vaccines?? IMHO

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As far as globalist ties, I covered that here regarding the sideshow of the woke PM candidate (most voted for by Thais) who is now being shunned (weird voting system still need majority of house MPs to actually confirm PM) - he was pushing climate stuff hard. The likely govt to be formed are pushing a 10,000 THB giveaway linked to digital ID (CBDC) only spendable within 4km radius of recipients... https://open.substack.com/pub/nicholascreed/p/thailand-news-roundup-metaverse-and?r=16xjwn&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

As for the Princess, no update since February 2023. Official line:


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Thanks for the update. Interesting and all understood. Situation as elsewhere!

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Same in January of this year though the general sentiment in this article is accurate imo.

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I saw the mask psychosis come in in 2022 especially here in Phuket. It was brutal. One psychological manipulation that I saw here early on as seeding was a targeting of farang as non rule followers. Of course Phuket has a large population of them. There also were rounds of military and police going into local shops and warning the shop owners that they must require facemasks. I had many shops that accepted my naked face early on but which could not after they were threatened. The police were called on me twice for non facemask wearing. Perhaps because it was enforced more directly the mass psychosis seems to have largely worn off here...

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Very interesting story, Mr. Creed. However, there is a cultural lesson. You chose to live in a land famed for its serene beauty and elegance. This masks the fact that the people are trained in obedience, and have little regard for freedom. I do not say this judgmentally. Sadly, the Western countries that are supposed to be the world's beacon of freedom are dominated by fear and virtue-signaling as well. Free-thinking is a rare practice even here.

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Yes, people are trained to obey. I found that true when my business was operating. The Thais were dependable, but they could not think for themselves. They were great when told exaxctly what to do, and what not to do.

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Thank you and blessings to Mrs. Creed for sharing her language skills to help her fellow Thai speakers 

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The irony is the government was on the verge of collapse because all the street demonstrators when Convid conveniently came along. Thais couldn't put 2 plus 2 together and see thru facade!

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What has happened to the Princess B.? Has her death been reported anywhere?

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Remember, some Thais have always worn some type of mouth/nose covering -- construction workers, street vendors, motorcycle riders, etc. -- to protect against vehicle fumes, dust, sunburn, etc. So, Covid masks didn't look strange on Thais. But the logic of Covid knowing not to enter restaurants while diners ate and drank is beyond ludicrous. When I pointed this out to my Thai friends, they just smiled. Thais mostly live in the here and now, and the past and the future don't count for much, even while they claim to be karma-driven. Amazing Thailand, indeed.

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-If you think things and bad now, you wont believe what they are going to do next you need to watch this visit....


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