After hearing lie after lie after lie from the authorities, I do not believe a word they say any more. This is just for show, money moves through the back doors. Greed knows no boundaries. Why aren't Fauci, Birx, that FDA woman, Collins, and many more world wide all in jail?

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Because they are all in on it. Even the ones who seem to be on our side, who seem to be against gain of function research, and everything else evil in the world. They are all in on it together. It’s the biggest and most incestuous relationship and no one ever gets punished because they cover for each other.

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And look who is in jail - Reiner Fuellmich; threatened - Sucharit Bhakdi and Mike Yeadon; assassinated - John Magafuli; attempted assassination - Robert Fico. What do all these people have in common, they spoke the truth about Covid.

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Gain of function itself needs to be made illegal

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It was and still illegal.

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This is good to hear, but the real monster in the room is the revelations by Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt and Debbie Lerman that the criminal behavior goes much higher;. As you said we cannot let those criminals make Daszak the fall guy. https://liveyosemite.wordpress.com/2023/09/15/plandemic-update-sept-15-2023/

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