Wonderful 🙏 thank you! If Africa drops them, and maybe even accuses WHO of genocide, this world will be a better place.

I wish all the African countries to get rid of the Western neo colonialism and evil organisations!

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Love and light of God to all of Africa!

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Well done and well said, Shabnam 🙌🙌🙌

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Thank you Shabnam. Good job! :) The Truth Will Set Us Free!

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This is indeed encouraging, perhaps the Caribbean where I reside is similar in that we have not been totally sucked in by WHO and needs to be protected from it.

Thankyou Shannan for being a beacon of light for the WCH.

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We need a comprehensive study to prove what we (the anti-vaxxers who collect and analysis data) already know that the following WHO guidelines results in more death than doing nothing. We neee to take data from each Aftican country about vaccination rates and death rates on a population level in each time frame, showing a rise in deaths at each vaccination rollout. Rancourt would be a good person to do the study.

Secondly, we need at least 2 countries in Africa and ideally every country in Africa to present record level death partially anonymized. The easiest way is to make the assigned date of death July 1 for even years and June 30 for odd years and report the exact number of days between death and each Covid shot with information about the manufacturer, product name and batch number (if available) for each Covid shot by five year age increments. No data on any locations within in the country or on cause of death. Just age range, shot information by exact number of days in relation to the assigned date of death, no need for sex at birth or gender at death (one could be included, both would completely and needlessly expose the identities of transgender people).

For example, the data from Togo may contain a man born on January 15, 1978 who died on March 19 of 2022 who received Moderna shots on October 1, 2021, October 22, 2021 and a Pfizer shot on March 17, 2022, and data would show:

Record number, age range 40-44, assigned date of death: July 1, 2022, exact number of days since last Covid shot 2, Pfizer, product name, batch number, days since previous shot 145, Moderna, product name, batch number, days since previous shot 169, Moderna, product name, batch number.

The only private information revealed is vaccination status which vaccine passports would have revealed to any bouncer at a bar, but to identify which person between the ages of 41 and 45 this record refers to someone would have to know the vaccination date indicating that someone already knew the vaccination status.

In Western countries, there could be the opposite problem; perhaps in Wyoming in the year 2023, every person who died between the ages of 80-84 was vaccinated, and so now we know, violating their privacy. Oh well. Vaccine status after death should not be private. We took reasonable precautions to protect the identities by clustering age ranges. Ideally this could be prevented by clustering data into regions with populations in excess of 10 million people, thus presenting Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Oregon and Washington as USA Mountain region.

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Beautiful and inspiring. Thank you ❤️

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Thank you dear Shabnam, for everything you are doing to help us break free and stay free.

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Excellent article and many thanks for writing it! However, I still find it incredible when Africans write about continental resistance to the WHO-led COVID-19 Vaccination campaign without mentioning Eritrea. It was the only country on the continent that refused to be part of the WHO scheme and the only country that refused to develop a national policy of vaccination its population against the fake vaccines WHO was Imposing on nations.

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DARPA has openly bragged on Twitter that Moderna’s mRNA vaccine technology, and by extension Moderna’s Covid vaccine, was a product of their ADEPT program. Moderna wins Award for Deadly Covid Vaccine it was able to create prior to 2019 because “Murderna” is responsible for creating the Covid-19 Virus in a BioLab… #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG - and the WHO who began the fake pandemic 2019 and have lots to answer for.

“A review of dozens of patent applications found [Moderna] received approximately $20 million from the federal government in grants several years ago and the funds “likely” led to the creation of its vaccine technology.

Official documents suggest the real reason Moderna is suing Pfizer for patent infringement is that Moderna helped to create the Covid-19 virus as early as 2013 during gain of function research and then patented parts of the virus. This means Moderna essentially owns SARS-CoV-2.

Moderna has filed patent infringement lawsuits in the U.S. and Germany accusing Pfizer and its partner BioNTech of stepping on patents that Moderna says it filed between "2010" and "2016".

Pfizer says it has not “fully reviewed the complaint” but is “surprised by the litigation given the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine was based on BioNTech’s proprietary mRNA technology and developed by both BioNTech and Pfizer.”

But official documents and evidence suggest the patent infringement may be due to Moderna helping to create the Covid-19 virus in a lab during gain of function research (before 2013).

Moderna then patented parts of the SARS-CoV-2 virus as early as 2013. And this may explain why further official documents prove Moderna had a Covid-19 vaccine candidate months before Covid-19 virus was known to exist officially.

Let’s start by looking at the confidential agreement proving Moderna had a Coronavirus vaccine candidate at least nineteen days before the alleged emergence of SARS-CoV-2 in Wuhan, China.

The confidential agreement states that providers ‘Moderna’ alongside the ‘National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’ (NIAID) agreed to transfer ‘mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates’ developed and jointly-owned by NIAID and Moderna to recipients ‘The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’ on the 12th December 2019.

The World Health Organisation declared COVID‑19 a pandemic on 11 March 2020

On February 23 the Daily Mail ran an article showing that Moderna has patented the 19 base letter (nucleotide) sequence which codes for the Furin Cleavage site in Covid-19.

However, research shows that Moderna did not merely apply for a patent in 2016 with US9587003B2: as reported in the Daily Mail. They actually applied in 2013 for 4 patents with US9149506B2, US9216205B2, US9255129B2, US9301993B2, as well.

The final codon completed inserted gene sequence, ‘CTCCTCGGCGGGCA’, patented by Moderna, does not exist in natural viruses and neither does the CGG-coded Furin Cleavage site CCTCGGCGGGCACGT.

Moderna wins Covid-19 shot patent case against Pfizer-BioNTech in Europe May 18, 2024, 07:01 PM

Moderna said the European Patent Office had upheld the validity of one of the company’s key patents, a win in an ongoing Covid-19 vaccine dispute with Pfizer and BioNTech

Updated May 18, 2024, 07:01 PM

The company has been locked in a legal battle with Pfizer-BioNTech over their Covid-19 shot Comirnaty after suing them in 2022 for allegedly copying its mRNA technology (ModRNA DNA).

So in simple language BionTech "pirated" Moderna's patented 2013 parts of the SARS-CoV-2 virus: #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG to create the Formula for the BionTech vaccine they have Licensed to Pfizer and now the European Patent Office had upheld the validity of Moderna's Covid-19 Virus in a BioLab… #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG - so it did not originate in China did it?

Basically, the U.S. government is representing to the public that this is a response to a health event. But in fact, what they are doing is a military operation. These so-called vaccines aren’t really vaccines, but have been manufactured under defense contracts, utilizing the Defense Production Act, other transaction authority, and emergency use authorization under a public health emergency. When these things are used together, then good manufacturing practices don’t apply to these products at all.

Mr. Jekielek: Even legally?

Ms. Latypova: Even legally. There’s a law on the books, 21-USC-360bbb, that says, “Emergency use authorized countermeasures under public health emergency can’t constitute clinical investigation.” Clinical investigation is actually not possible for these countermeasures. If clinical investigation isn’t possible, then you can’t have clinical trials, informed consent, clinical trial subjects, or clinical trial investigators.

Utilizing the structure of emergency use authorization, public health emergency, other transaction authority, and the Defense Production Act, the government was able to commandeer pharmaceutical companies to produce these noncompliant injectable products and distribute them, calling them a medicine, when in fact, they’re not a medicine.

It’s an act of war. They’re using the Defense Production Act, its machinery, and the U.S. military. Even internationally, this is being distributed from this military to overseas militaries, not through the pharmaceutical distribution chain. They’re using the military machinery to distribute these noncompliant products—including biologicals, chemicals, and all kinds of ingredients we don’t really understand very well—and then calling it public health and medicine.

Pfizer produced its DOD contract, and since then, hundreds of Department of Defense contracts for COVID countermeasures were released through FOIA [Freedom of Information Act], although they’re partially redacted. They’re all online, and they’re all essentially similar. They’re utilizing the structure of ordering countermeasures, prototypes, with the Department of Defense ordering them from the pharmaceutical manufacturers under the Defense Production Act and other transaction authority. Good manufacturing practices aren’t part of it at all.

Today: Moderna, they are scaling up manufacturing despite no real demand…

In its full-year 2023 earnings report last month, Moderna said Covid-19 vaccine sales came in at the low end of estimates — $6.1 billion, excluding revenue from the vaccine alliance Gavi. That represented about 48% of the US market in the fall of 2023. Moderna expects $4 billion in Covid-19 vaccine sales this year.

…Moderna, nonetheless, is expecting a $10 billion market for RSV (the plan is to jab every pregnant woman and every child multiple times, and also push the shots for 50+ yo). They also expect a $7 billion market for flu mRNA vaccines, and in addition, they expect to charge premium price of $50/shot (current prices are $15-$30).

At the time Moderna was expecting FDA review for RSV shot to be completed by May 12, 2024. It wasn’t. FDA send them the notification saying that they are running behind the schedule and expect to hear by end of May. Moderna wants to launch the RSV poison in June.

Here is the latest published news on RSV:




So now we can establish that moderna created and Patented the Covid-19 virus SARS-CoV-2.

and the US Military are using the military machinery to distribute these noncompliant products—including biologicals, chemicals, and all kinds of ingredients we don’t really understand very well—and then calling it public health and medicine under the structure of emergency use authorization, public health emergency, other transaction authority, and the Defense Production Act - but for what final purpose: Super Soldiers from those who survive Moderna's Covid-19 virus - the injured and dead were not Genetically suitable for "Genetic Engineering Modifications" in a new Moderna ModRNA factory near you?

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Good work! And thank you.

But there is. Another Target that is closer to the heart of the beast.


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