This never sat right with me since March 2020, I felt there was something very wrong about it all. This led me to to do my own personal research which is still ongoing for me to this day. I have always spoken out & I have tried to encourage people to do their own personal research alas it's fallen on deaf ears for the majority. However this has only given me more inner strength to continue to speak out & encourage people to do their own personal research. I will never stop trying to communicate with anyone who is willing to listen to me because I believe it's the most important thing that I will ever do in my life & if I can save one person then my life will not have been in vain. I will Never stop planting seeds. A year ago I decided that I would engage with willing participants on a regular weekly basis engaging in a "one to one" daily session sharing informative, interesting & thought provoking subjects regarding valid medical information, nutrition,self care, mindfulness, exercise, history,politics ect. I find it extremely rewarding & it's been extremely successful. #NeverStopPlantingSeeds #LoveOverFear #SaveOurChildren โค๏ธ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡งโค๏ธ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง

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Can't stop what I never started.

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I feel exactly the same way.

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If anything, my mouth, pen and keyboard get me in trouble for saying too much that people don't want to hear. And too bad for them. My filter broke a long time ago.

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I have no problem with your lack of a filter, I am overwhelmed by the avalanche of posts that you put out. Do you ever sleep?

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Hahaha. Usually from around 4am to 9 or 10 am. I worked 12 hr overnight shifts for close to 7 yrs so my still kinda stuck in the routine

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Now thereโ€™s a term I thought was mine aloneโ€ฆmy filter is broken.

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I always assumed it was quite common. Perhaps not then

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The article states "Countless lives could have been saved during the Covid-19 crisis if thousands of doctors and scientists were not censored."

Were they censored or did they "self-censor"?

Obviously, too late now and better late than never BUT if Doctors & Scientists spoke out in the beginning, we may not have been in this position now? ๐Ÿค”


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In my province, doctors were (and are) penalized for going against the official narrative. Moreover, at least 180 have died in Canada since the shots were rolled out, so many of them were fooled, just like the general public. https://makismd.substack.com/p/180-canadian-doctors-have-died-suddenly

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Doctors in the UK saw back in the 90's what happened to Andrew Wakefield for daring to suggest that the MMR vaccine be looked at a a leading cause of autism. He was stripped of his medical position and there are few doctors today who are brave enough to put the people in their care first and not the general medical council.

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Yes, Andrew Wakefield was stripped of his medical position, but look how well he's doing today!

His film should be out soon, can't wait.

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I agree but most "normie" doctors only know that he was ousted for daring to raise questions and so they don't raise questions. They have no idea that he was right and has bounced back after over 2 decades of being ridiculed and worse.

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Agree John. Many, many Nurses & Doctors refused the vaccine and a lot of them we're fired from the NHS.

If all Doctors (ones who care for human kind and stood by the hippocratic oath) stood together with Andrew Wakefield, Dr Kory, Dr Marik, Dr Lawrie and many others, against vaccines, we wouldn't be in this position today.

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First I advise you all to stop eating feces,

Then & only then can you start talking about the feces you are fed.

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This is where Iโ€™m at. I tried being nice. I tried speaking truth. I tried sharing fact-based, evidence-supported data with everyone I knew. I was spit on, fingered, sworn at and called every name in the book. Not a single person has acknowledged or apologized for their vindictive behaviour yet. I lost 95% of my family and friends to lies. Iโ€™m just supposed to take it? I donโ€™t think so.

It isnโ€™t possible to have a healthy relationship or discussion with someone who refuses to grow up or listen. Looking to the state or an institution or the media for answers is a clear sign of immaturity. Refusing to admit mistakes is the most childish act of all. We arenโ€™t living in a clown world, we are living in a world run by children. Where are the adults?

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I would put more trust in children.

โ€œTruly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.โ€-Matthew 18:3-4

โ€œAdultsโ€ NEED to be more like children...curious, searching, asking โ€œwhy?โ€.

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"This is how we develop as individuals, communities, and societies, passing on our stories and experiences from one generation to the next. The stories we share can be fact or fiction; and in an ethical society upholding the right to free speech, people are able to determine fact from fiction for themselves.

When we combine stories with our own observations, experiences, and thoughts; and we engage in respectful conversation allowing all points of view to be debated, we learn new things, find the truth, develop ideas, solve problems, create, inventโ€”and we can make informed decisions for happy, healthy, and prosperous lives."

It's a double-edged sword here. People are beginning to stop self-censoring and they are telling their stories, but these stories themselves are becoming ever more unbelievable and divorced from reality and simple observations. As opposed to MSM blurring the distinction between fact and fiction, the pendulum has swung the opposite direction and now we are tending to do the same. I find that concerning. Finding the truth is going to be hard. It demands discipline and balance. Rampant speculation and story-telling is probably not going to help.

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MSM doesnโ€™t just blur the line between fact & fiction they just donโ€™t tell the truth. Period. It probably is a double edged sword here but at least you are free to say what you want. Intelligent minds will hopefully be discerning.

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Right you are! This could go in a school textbook but then textbooks are not written to grow knowledgeable, reasonable, ethical adults. I look at posts like yours and I see a whole K-to-12 curriculum rolling out! ๐Ÿ˜…

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I stopped self-censoring 20 years ago. I was transformed overnight into a 'troublemaker' by my employers but won both of my cases through honesty, determination, and I retired aged 50, collecting my pension. I'm now 64, self-employed and have never been happier. If your health is strong, speaking out WORKS!! Go for it!! If everyone found the courage to do this, and to support each other along the way, the world would only need to turn on its axis a few more times before everything became hopeful, positive and ultimately wonderful.


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You will be rightly lumped in with the crackpots if you promote "free energy" without explaining why the laws of thermodynamics do not apply in your situation. Withholding facts about the energy economy is rampant but free energy and space aliens will remain elusive until they actually become a reality, they are not absent because of censorship, they are absent because of total lack of repeatable evidence.

However if you want to promote another worthy topic that has deliberately been censored then Vitamin-D3 would be much better researched and factually supported. Henry Lahore has been collecting research for decades at TheVitaminDWiki and has joined us here on SubStack.

Sorry, had to fix that link, it seemed to want a subscription first. This one links to Henry's front page here.


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Fascinating comment! Does understanding the fact that "laws of thermodynamics do not apply to free energy" require an understanding that there is another dimension? I mean what would be the first point of understanding between the energy we use now and what we could use.

Thinking about space aliens is an interesting endeavor. It is almost like they "come from heaven" because "up there" is God's country! I know space aliens are there, and also here, but still my mind doesn't fully "get it."

I heard a good point about D3 the other day by Professor David Anderson that you can't get enough vitamin D from the summer sun to last through the winter; and after six weeks you are depleted.

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I believe that there are other dimensions based on smoke-fire theory HOWEVER even the possible knowledge of the existence of energy available from other planes is irrelevant if access to such energy has NEVER been demonstrated repeatably. We have to simply put it in the wish box and hope someday it might be possible but so far it has never happened and promoting it as a solution or a suppressed technology is counter productive and only serves as a convenient false counter narrative to divide people. It just takes ONE successful application of 'free energy' to disprove my position but an infinite speculations cannot prove yours yet my position is the logical one to hold at the moment.

Space aliens are exactly the same, they may exist but there is not a shred of EVIDENCE that they do. A lot of circumstantial evidence has been collected to SUGGEST that they MIGHT exist but that is simply not of any real use unless you have a goal to estrange people from their peers and the only candidate for that is the narrative promoters. Space aliens or angels are of no use until they are shown to be of SOME use.

There is a lot of information about Vitamin-D3 that is not promoted because it would reduce the need for medical intervention that is the profit centre for a big slice of the corporate economy. I take generous Vitamin-D3 supplement and magnesium cofactor every day and believe almost everyone else should too (there are some rare contraindications that do not show up in healthy people).

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Alright. Thereโ€™s a lot going on! We are each our own decision point of what we will believe. I have reached my decision points by following what I believe to be ethical souls who use reason and intelligence as a focus for their own lives and to guide others. Here is a video of a recent Congressional Hearing which came about because people want to find out more truth about UFOs and ETs. The hearing starts at minute six on the progress bar and is a couple of hours long! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpzJnrwob1A You will probably know right away if you are interested.

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I have seen a few clip of the hearings and I have seen credible and comprehensive analysis of some of the 'sure thing' videos that are explained by the mechanics of the camera systems. I have so far NEVER seen a repeatable bit of evidence. Even evidence from a single event that has multiple unambiguous confirmations.

So every data point is vague, logically explained and uncorroborated.

I would he happy if there were aliens, this pointless arguing could stop and humans could get some humility. I doubt we will ever meet aliens from other planets, speed of light and all that. Meeting other dimensional beings of some sort I cannot rule out because we do not know how that science works.

Put yourself in the shoes of an alien. Picture Columbus going to north America (not the first but irrelevant) and taking a lot of trouble to gas light the native Americans, not once but REPEATEDLY just to make them feel insecure perhaps and then picture ONE native American leader capturing one of Columbus's men and guns and HIDING this information and technology from the rest of his people because they are too innocent to handle the truth. The big problem with this analogy is that The Europeans KEPT COMING and they never hid or gas-lit, they just kept coming. How would you have done it as a private citizen, researcher, invader, diplomat, playboy? There is no type of person who would behave the way UFO groupies claim that aliens have behaved. There is also no government that would behave the way it has been claimed.

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Neutrino Voltaic Energy...................................

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You want to join the crackpot team or do you want to offer some information of how this hypothetical energy can or will in future be extracted for practical and cost effective use.

I have no issue with people saying there is energy out there, I take issue with people saying as yet un-harnessable energy is deliberately being suppressed. There are a lot of people, just one who knows and tells two friends or makes two devices to sell or give away would make it hard to stop.

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I mentioned it. Do you want to research it? Thank you ๐Ÿ˜Š

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I have never heard of it. That is why I was hoping you had a paper to explain how it can be harnessed or at leasst measured or an internally consistent hypthesis that will lead one to suppose that it might exist. I can also offer fairy dust but I am embarrased to do so without some way of backing up my claim.

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If those who comply with the lie stop , then it all falls apart.

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To speak truthfully is not really such a big ask....surely ?

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Its shouldn't be, but ya know, clown world has taken hold

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Agreed. Silence gives consent. I do not consent!

Therefore i must not be silent.

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My point was that people need to talk about the 'fact they're fed feces', but they dont' because they're afraid to be called 'shit eaters', even though the entire flock of goyim herds are fed shit, they're all afraid to piss of the owner and that the shit might stop arriving at feeding time.

They're fed shit, and kept the dark; We used to call these the 'mushroom people', funny we still do;

Yes they self-censor, because the mushrooms are hive minded feces eaters, and prefer the dark and the shit moreso than light or real food;


They're silent because all they know is 'shit', in their feeble minds it could be worse, "No Shit"

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Countless lives could have been saved IF the majority of the "medical" profession had done what was right instead of being paid by government and big pharma. Not just in covid but since Rockefeller changed the whole concept of medicine. We the people have allowed this condition of the world. As an example, when pray was removed from school..where was the national or local outcry..but if sports most notably football had been removed from schools, there would have not been room to contain the complaints

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Then again they don't 'speak up' because they rather like living in the darkness and eating shit, its all they have ever known.

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The message of this Substack applies to everyone but it applies 100 times over to those reporting the news. Loss of free speech strikes at the very heart of life and living. The air of mindlessness has been growing for years while words are weaponized by their re-definitions and other degradations like making all synonyms mean one thing, when the thing to do is give 20 synonyms 20 distinct meanings. I would suppose there is an art for each person to recognize their own role in creating a culture of free speech (and free press). Being free is being real. Being real brings life to life.

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I agree that I am self-censoring LIKE CRAZY when out and about in society. thing is, I manage to trigger people all the time without even trying; it's a curse. I'm capable of psychically saying precisely the wrong thing to you that I couldn't have possibly even known would be your trigger. So the last thing I want to do is trigger even MORE people until i have no friends anymore and my family won't talk to me. I agree that we need to talk about this and I hate not talking about what matters to me. A large number of my relationships now feel fake and distant. the alternative, however, is no relationships at all. I edge around it when i can to feel people out when the opportunity arises. I agree on the urgency, but already my only sibling won't speak to me anymore and I no longer interact with most of my pre-COVID friends. How many more relationships do I need to sacrifice at the alter of truth?

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My well meaning advice is to go away from here and satisfy yourself. Hint: Web browsers respond positively to key words. Thank you again ๐Ÿ’“

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