if antibodies do not occur, then vaccines can't work either, then Virologists and Big Pharma with the support of Governments are pushing for depopulation in line with the Globalists who want to stop global warming, by blaming that on the multitude of us and by reducing us, that, they think, will stop it, but since global temperatures were first recorded, our planet has warmed by only 0.02%, so the whole thing is a deliberate lie to exterminate those the Elite call "Human Rubbish" and nothing more.

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nice article. something that has come to my attention with more frequency in recent months is the 'never' talked about challenges of oxalic acid toxicity. a kind of taboo subject in the vegan world. this came to my attention in 2016 when i was on a nearly vegan diet that did not clear the relatively mild albeit chronic gout i was experiencing. it in fact seemed by my experience and subsequent research at the time (no allopathy!) that this super clean diet was in some ways supporting the gout.

the naturopath i eventually consulted was indeed very puzzled because of the high quality of my cleansing diet and so did a very deep dive. the kidneys clear three acids by degree of toxicity, and oxalic acid was the most toxic and thus a significant contributor, in my case, to the chronic presence of gout. lactic acid from exercise was the next less toxic and excess uric acid was the least toxic. (this gave me an aha moment when i had many years ago been asked by an allopath if i had done an unusual or excessive amount of exercise at the time of my first gout attack — without stating it the md was affirming that the gout may have been triggered by the presence of uric acid that wasn't being cleared while the body clearing out the oxalic and lactic acids.)

the direction i was given by the naturopath, which was independently re-affirmed two years later by a vaidya (ayurvedic doctor), was for me to _not_ eat the more oxalic rich raw vegetables. furthermore under no circumstances was i to ingest either raw or cooked the oxalic acid bombs of spinach, parsley and rhubarb. you may find research into the un-talked about consequences of oxalic acid poisoning that can be a real problem for raw vegetable eaters and especially juice drinkers; and that is compounded significantly if/when the gut biome is not necessarily functioning well.

for an interesting discussion about this see Paul Saladino: “Oxalates are Ruining Your Health with Sally Norton” https://youtu.be/J35ENSaXyGU. And her book: Toxic Superfoods, https://sallyknorton.com/toxic_superfoods/

(and as an amusing aside, here is a short video on the importance of oxalic acid as an industrial cleaning agent in various ways that includes its use in metallurgy as a precipitating agent: https://youtu.be/ODBrYmqXwdk.)

[for the curious, i recently discuss this and other aspect of diet as a form of spiritual by-pass in my substack: "Body Is The Tasty Testing Ground Proof Pt 5 —Spiritual By-Passing Defined: More Premature Elations and Raw Gout Subtleties." https://gduperreault.substack.com/p/body-is-the-tasty-testing-ground-d58. and i was delighted to be able to include in it william blake's 'marriage of heaven and hell! 'one dietary deity law for the lion and the ox is oppression and illness.' (my paraphrase, of course.)]

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I'll stick with intermittent fasting, ditch most supplements, increase the use of herb tinctures and generally try and survive another year eating more meat and fish and less plants. The science says this and that and whatever the agenda wants it to say. The only science I might still trust is astronomy. But now that the big bang theory is being radically questioned, who knows?

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Just a quick note re the headline. Please could you possibly write 'current science says' instead of 'the science says'.

'The science' as a phrase now makes me feel immediately ill as soon as I read it. We were bombarded with it all the time - 'trust the science'. It has taken on an almost religious meaning to the people who used this phrase most often - the media, the politicians, the 'experts'. 'The science' to them is unquestionable. Therefore, please, if you could use a phrase such as 'current science' instead. 'Current science' acknowledges that science is ever changing given new evidence and can always be questioned.

Thanks for all you do WCH.

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I really recommend a chiropractor with "a machine" or muscle testing or however they can determine what supplements your body needs and how much. Without guidance you don't know where you are going so you shortchange or overdo supplements.

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i have developed a technique for muscle testing that does not require consulting anyone but your own body. i call it 'psyche-somatic resonance awareness' ps-rapp and have been successfully teaching it in various ways to people of all ages.

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"Muscle testing" actually works. But like prayer, I suspect it won't work for people who don't believe in a higher power or something spiritual. 🤔

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in my experience i would say that that is not quite correct.

i know someone, for example, who very clearly believes in a higher power, and is mostly angry at it. however, for various reasons he is the most disconnected person i've ever met from his body. the schism there is huge and, for me, is visible in his walking, which is kind of like a boy who is about to walk in front of a noisy car being in complete la-la land; and his language is filled with blame and complain in a very childish way. when he holds food it is like it doesn't have any connection to his body and looks around confused, like a 4 year old being asked to sing a song he's never heard before.

and here in mexico i've found it works remarkably well with people who do and do not believe in a higher power. again this comes back to enough relaxation and 'trust' in the body as expressing something alive about themselves, that the muscle testing works very strongly and surprisingly. a vendor was stunned at the force with which her body rejected the avocados she sells. and an atheist whose body almost put him on the ground with the force of not eating garlic, a favourite food of his. in fact he cried out in surprise, quote 'holy fuck! what was that?'

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That is very interesting. 😊 I wouldn't have guessed that data. The human body might have its own, separate intelligence. 🤔

I have this book available on Amazon:

A Journey Into Prayer: Pioneers of Prayer in the Laboratory: Agents of Science or Satan? https://a.co/d/8yJUk6I

Some people got very upset that John and Bruce Klingbeil tested the effects of prayer. As I recall, the 2 important factors they determined if prayer worked or not was 1, a belief in a higher power (any religion, name of God or even "the Universe" all worked), and 2, good character. Generally the better a person's character is by classical standards, the greater the positive measured "prayer effect" over the experimental controls. Positive organizing effects.

Unfortunately these experimenters met a bad end, though it is unclear to me why they would have committed suicide. 🤷‍♂️ But they did test destructive effects (curses) too, which might have something to do with their misfortune.

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(lots of alt-health have been suicided across the spectrum. very suspicious.)

that study goes to my having come across a measure of the effectiveness of meditation done in the 70s, i think. 60 tibetan buddhist monks came, by invitation, to the usa's most violent city at that time, washington dc. the monks were there for two or three months, i think it was, and lived in the worst neighbourhood. at the end of their stay, crime, violence and violent deaths all dropped substantially.

interesting to question the presence of 'satan' as part of the mix. this is something that has become a bit more interesting in the last few years: the presence of entities with malevolent intentions. my sister and her husband have been doing more on that than me. malevolent energies are real and... orson welles describes how, in the 1930s, after getting a bad review for a production of macbeth, the crew got together around the witches cauldren and did a 'mock' curse. the reviewer died by bizarre accident a few weeks later.

i've come to understand that the body is the physical expression of the soul, exactly as how william blake describes it in his amazing document, the marriage of heaven and hell. i've been working with this 'body as soul-spirit' for 8 years now, very steadily. for the first half of that pretty blind and in the last few with more and more focus and clarity. i've seen others see similar changes in health that i've experienced with these practices. my most recent essays in substack are about that, in some detail, through my experience of gout that attacked me in early 2016 when on one of the cleanest vegan diets you can imagine, and then evolved from there in surprising ways. in this last year i've started to make fascinating spiritual connections between my experience of gout as spiritual by-passing that i also expressed in addictive behaviours. fascinating stuff.

all the best with what is! only the body is exactly in this moment - the mind with its ballyhooed mindfulness, is a kind of by-pass and one step removed from being here and now as body.

thank you for the link. i'll take a look.

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Fasting the whole month of Ramadan, you refrain from eating too much and refrain from saying and doing anything bad! You feel healthy and light but also feel what your poor neighbour feels the whole year and Zaakat is to give who those the most vulnerable in our society and help them. Then after fasting remember to still clean your body and brain to maintain a strong immune system by fasting 2 days a week like the prophet used to do. However, you should never eat junk food because it'll be like pouring water in the sand.

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I have lost about 45kg in the last 6 months by having one meal a day. At first I ate all kinds of food for 3 months and then went strictly carnivore for the next 3 mths. I am now back to eating 3 meals a day but they are much smaller. It is also a good idea to stop eating carbs before you start fasting.

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if antibodies do not occur, then vaccines can't work either, then Virologists and Big Pharma with the support of Governments are pushing for depopulation in line with the Globalists who want to stop global warming, by blaming that on the multitude of us and by reducing us, that, they think, will stop it, but since global temperatures were first recorded, our planet has warmed by only 0.02%, so the whole thing is a deliberate lie to exterminate those the Elite call "Human Rubbish" and nothing more.

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