And all of this, for a virus that poses no serious risk to 99.7% of people.


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For reasonably healthy people of most any age mortality risk was actually much lower than that (zero for healthy children), which was perfectly evident by mid 2020 to anyone who took 10 minutes or so to look at infection fatality rate data; even the CDC's heavily skewed numbers. Injecting people with a radical new technology with no medium or long term track record or testing that had never been used as a vaccine, even in livestock, was simple lunacy. SHAME on the medical "profession" for failing to warn those who depend on them. I'd say the same of corporate media and politicians but they are now nothing more than politically prejudiced toxic trash.

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Yes, the fact that sars-cov2 only posed a threat to a tiny sliver of the population who had reduced natural immunity because of advanced age and/or other conditions was clear by mid 2020 and it was the basis for the Great Barrington Declaration, but anyone who tried to point that out, such as the GBD authors and others like Michael Levitt and John Ioannidis, were villified and censored. For me, this perverse magnification of sars-cov2, was the worst part of the whole debacle, and what paved the way for everything else.

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There never was a virus unless you count mind-viruses.

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by World Council for Health

Saved and printed, for the record, both papers again. Also McCullough's paper from yesterday's Substack. Thank you.

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I used to think that the vac was for immediate depop. Now I am thinking that the long goal is the youth and next generation. This could be why they are emphatic about getting thus injection into pregnant women and babies.... to change their DNA and thus create a whole new creature that will not be human from God's hand but a trans-human. The casualties of the vac are just conveniences because in the long term the goal is a new species created by man. Thoughts?

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It's not either or. Clearly, the global cabal has been advocating a drastic reduction in population for decades. They also are deeply committed to transhumanism which is of Satanic origin. The shorthand is: "cull and enslave the survivors,"

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There is nothing sacred about them. It looks like real experiments on people.

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I have been following the research of Dr Ana Mihalcea. A finding of hers: 6 months ago, she was still seeing uncontaminated blood in unvaccinated people; now she is not finding any uncontaminated blood.

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I'm not sure about that contention and those reports. Why aren't the unvaxxed dying at the same rate as the vaxxed if their blood is now indistinguishable? If her hypothesis is correct, we should start to see many sudden deaths, turbo cancers and explosion of chronic diseases in the unjabbed.

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Does it take time for the the developments? Also I believe she is testing mainly people with symptoms. I am for: wait and see.

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The non vaccinated died also. A little slower but also because they have a better immunity. But generally I see same symptoms. I am thinking that is radiation.

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I too have been following her. Are you looking at Karen Kingston and Dr. David Nixon? All three present astonishing stuff.

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Yes. All this info means: LOOK HERE. Unless you look here, you're missing what's most important.

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I don't know if DR Mihalcea know that the blood change under radiation and it made similar effects. The symptoms of radiation and vaccination people are also very similar. We leave near mobile phone tower and all vaccinate and not vaccinate we have same symptoms especially if you have WIFI on at home. With 5g the radiation of mobile phone is terrible. We are under attack with all sides.

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Prior to the Swedish study, I had my suspicion that this novel gene therapy, conveniently labelled a "vaccine" does indeed contaminate the DNA of the recipient. Alarmingly, the Swedish study now proves it.

They mocked those who raised the issue, and claimed it did not alter DNA in any way. Another Lie. They knew.

It begs the question. If those who have taken even at least one injection, have "modified" DNA, are they theoretically G.M.?

If that is the case, then are those persons now patentable by the owners of the gene therapy?

I appreciate its a bit of a bizarre one, but the last few years has shown that nothing is as it seems.

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That's what the US Supreme Court said.

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Enlighten me!

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For some background, read this: https://journalofethics.ama-assn.org/article/supreme-court-myriad-genetics-synthetic-dna-patentable-isolated-genes-are-not/2015-09,

The jist of it is that complementary (cDNA) is patentable while natural genes are not. If humans are altered in such a way as to contain patented genes (cDNA) they would be owned by the patent holder in one interpretation of the Myriad case and subsequent Supreme Court ruling. Given the past 3 years, this claim must now be taken seriously.

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Advocating for more urgent testing? That’s all we need now. If this garbage is shed everywhere, then more control is coming. Next the antidote will be administered. Do we really need any more papers to stop the madness?

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People had to give informed consent to be vaccinated & sign docs as a record. Gvts, bureaucrats, Pharma & medics all insisted that those receiving the vaccines signed over their consent.

Those who for whichever reason chose not to be vaccinated did not give consent. As such, if it is proven that those who did not give consent are transfected by the mRNA due to shedding, there needs to be legal action against all those that demanded consent.

I developed lymphocytic colitis the week that my family was vaccinated - one AZ the other Pfizer. Covid was not wide spread in our community as we were still in lockdown. Plus I had a Covid antibody test showing that I did not have nor previously had Covid.

I did not give consent to be vaccinated nor impacted by shedding.

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Great point. However all the jabbed did not give informed consent as such is impossible. How can any medic offer informed consent for an E.U.A only, novel gene therapy, with no full ingredient list, illegally no full disclosure of the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients full mRNA code sequence for the coded Spikes instruction, and no long term safety data? You can't. Nor was anyone informed it was an expanded phase 3 trial, not a properly licensed phase 4 roll out to the public. Nor was anyone informed it doubtless maintained a placebo saline or equivalent blank shot, with perhaps only the adjuvants or other basic ingredients and that it was double blind, as no medics administering the jabs knew this either. Only the manufacturers by batch code. The batch codes where available, clearly show a placebo was used, as it seems only 5% of batches globally, cause all the severe adverse reactions in varying scales of doseage or secret blends, they are testing out secretly. As a result NO ONE gave any valid consent at all and every shot given was a Nuremberg Breach War Crime and bodily medical rape/assault.

The fact the shots also shed, is of course another violation as you suggest though, whilst those jabbed that were secretly fortunate enough to receive a placebo shot, were also medically defrauded, as they were coerced, bribed, threatened or willingly queued up for, what they were told was a valid, safe & effective vaccine, to prevent catching and transmitting the so called virus (none of which was true, and it was known it was a symptom blocker only really, as equivalent to a headache pill and cough syrup, to reduce coughs or headaches, as per the trial designs), but instead were duped with a placebo. So there is massive fraud cases to be had aswell. However, they were the fortunate ones, to not get a real toxic clot shot weapon.

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I agree that most vaccinated where coerced/forced to earn a living or study. In Aus you could not study or work if you were not vaccinated & you still can’t work in a public office role in Victoria if you are unvaccinated. My immediate family & friends were coerced/forced but had no choice & yes were not given all the information to make informed consent and that makes it criminal. But I do think shedding is something that needs to be investigated on legal grounds.

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It's good that you are reporting this to your audience.

Karen Kingston ("The Kingston Report" substack) first reported this on October 20, 2021 [yes, that early, 2021] in a live podcast by Brannon Howse. In her post of April 14, 2023, she quotes from a June 7, 2021 press release by AGC Biologics boasting that it is supplying to BioNTech the starting ingredients to make plasmid DNA. Its presence is "an essential component" of making the mRNA injectable product; intentional, not a contamination. Several other of her posts are equally revelatory.

Meanwhile, Ana Mihalcea MD PhD ("Dr Ana's Newsletter" substack) has been reporting on extensive harm being done to vaxxed and unvaxxed blood; also to meat and dairy. She has found that EDTA chelation removes the fibrous growths, toxic metals, and hydrogel, thus restoring the blood to normal. She adds nutritional support.

For whoever may be interested, I have collected what I consider the salient features of her work--she has many posts and podcast appearances--and posted them in my substack. Here is Part 1: https://ernestdlieberman.substack.com/p/health-alarm-emf-activated-fibers. It presents startling evidence from dark field microscopy that she has reported having been recorded by a number of people. It also provides a preliminary discussion of how we may protect ourselves, which will be expanded in Part 2, building on my 50 years of using nutrition and other means to hold at bay the terribly disabling consequences of the panic-rushed, little-tested Swine Flu "vaccine" of 1976 in the U.S.

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I'm struggling to understand what "freshly unpasteurized" means.

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Thanks! As an unvaccinated person with cirs & leaky gut and many other issues, I had bleeding in menopause after helping injured elderly family 2 days after their second jab. Honestly I noticed a hindrance in my prayer life, it’s not flowing like it used to.

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Tess, I like you and your work, but this is more fear upon fear……focus on stopping all this madness, moratorium on all.

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Cynthia, I sympathize. Yes, it should all be stopped, but that requires first finding things so horrible that many people will agree with you. In the meantime,

I find that facing the fearful sets me up to understand it and then take action to overcome both fear and what is causing it. In baseball, one is taught to "look the ball into the glove," when the batter hits a fearsome line drive--a hard ball--that will land just in front of the infielder.

Nutrition offers many kinds of detoxing if you understand them. Virtually everything in my post on natural anti-infectives (pinned to the home page) will go to helping with everything Covid and Covid injections. More specific details are in my post on recovering from Covid etc. And, in Part 1 of my series of posts on the damage to blood that Dr Ana Mihalcea is reporting, you will find good ideas to help yourself. You will find all three posts in the Health section of my Substack, "The Menelaus Gambit (Seeing beneath the illusions)." https://ernestdlieberman.substack.com

Good Health to You!

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Thank you. 🙏🙏

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've heard it hypothesised that this may be the pharmaceutical criminals instigating a commercial lien on the recipients. People become patentable. It's quite the assault on human dignity and sovereignty.

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Safe and effective, huh? Great work. Thank you!

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Tess, please see the work of Katherine Watt https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/american-domestic-bioterrorism-program. Your reaction/comments would be greatly appreciated.

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Or its found in the nose from nasal swab.

Reason when we have a flu aka detox and a running nose is that the body exerts toxins and encapsules them in mucus. We cant catch or spread disease to one and other. Its impossible and more so, never proven. Infact its been proven false.

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