Drawing parallels between the holocaust and what we just lived through needs to be done and the parallels was pretty striking and apparent. If we aren’t reminded of the evil of the past, & didn’t learn from it it’s pretty likely it’ll be repeated. He didn’t down play the holocaust he referenced it.

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Dr. Bhakdi one of the Bravest of the Brave. Leading light of Truth from the get go of this evil scamdemic.

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As a Jewish person, holder of an Israeli Passport and the grandson of holocaust survivors, I agree with Dr Bhakdi's comments about Israel WHOLEHEARTEDLY!

It is indeed a 'living hell' and many Jewish people share my views, including those who experienced the holocaust personally.

What is happening right now globally is much much worse and will kill much more people (Jews and non-jews alike) if we don't stop it.

Making the comparison to the 1940s is definitely appropriate and even warranted!


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This is true, however again making it a “Jewish” problem puts the focus on the wrong thing. Is Bill Gates Jewish? Is the WHO Jewish? Is the UN Jewish? How many of the Committee of 300 are Jewish? When all these bad actors are involved in this takeover of the world as they are, what purpose does it do to make this “ it’s the Jews again?”

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I don't think that is what his comment did. He is not something so much about Jewish people but about what the government did to Jewish people. Many always wondered how such a thing could be possible. How could so many participate and or look the other way? Now, we all know and we all know more or less the side we would have been on. The same tactics used then are in play now. You're correct. Many more lives have been taken. People need to recognize the tactics used are all the same.

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I don’t think that was Dr. Bhakdi’s purpose in observing and reporting what he saw.

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I am ashamed of Germany – a country that honours ex-chancellor Merkel, who wanted to vaccinate the whole world, with the Federal Cross of Merit and awards the Charlemagne Prize to the US war puppet Zelensky, while putting an honourable man like Dr Sucharit Bhakdi on trial on trumped-up charges. Disgusting!

»90 years ago today, the National Socialists did what totalitarian movements around the world do and always do: they destroyed inconvenient, dissenting, resistant views and opinions. […]

It is a basic principle of totalitarianism to marginalize, even to eradicate, dissenters and their opinions.« –Hans-Georg Maaßen, former President of the German "Verfassungsschutz"

Don't let them get away with it!

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The fact they attack professor Bhakdi is obviously due to the prove he has delivered that authorities were lying about corona and the so-called vaccines.

He has exposed the bad intentions of the German and E.U. governments and now they attack him.

It's too obvious to downplay this fact.

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Ironically, putting someone in prison for not prostrating oneself to Holocaust, Inc is exactly what a nazi would do.

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About two years ago I watched a 15 minutes video of Dr Bhakdi explaining the way viruses behave and how our immune system defends our bodies from any enemy attacks/illnesses.

A very short but at the same time huge explanation which opened my eyes and mind wider and eliminated the slightest doubt that I had on the whole situation of the pandemic confirming that my simple thinking as a non professional was correct all along!

Dr Bhakdi is proven to be an exceptional professional and extraordinary human being and we thank him for his dedication and the enlightenment he offered to humanity!

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Israel is literally a mandatory covid-vax hell... not to mention the palestinian people.

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Ein großartiger Leuchtturm in diesen Zeiten - ich bin ihm unendlich dankbar - he has so much love for humanity - we are blessed with him. Let's spread our love and be with him, especially on May 23rd

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We all know that this accusation is an excuse to tarnish and damage Dr Bhakdi who as both a whole human being, with great heart and intelligence as well as his expertise in the field of medicine has seen through this cunning and evil plan the implications to damage and destroy humanity using digital and medical fascism of which George Orwell warned us.

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World Council for Health should create a group of lawyers to defend now first, Prof Bhakdi, and then, all others who could be persecute in the futur. They might go after you also so be ready.

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A fantastic resource. Thank you!

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What’s the difference between slander and drawing inference? In the end they know what he “means”. But in order to have a “meaningful “ conversation, two parties must be on the same wavelength. Unfortunately, a lot of humanity is starting to de-evolve back over to animal status. He should beat his chest instead.

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Dr. Bhakti is blaming an entire group of people, in a very ugly way, for this Crime Against Humanity. The people of Israel have suffered as much as people anywhere from this. They were forced to get the shots, more than any other country 5 or 6 of them, if I’m not mistaken. The fact that Israel was picked to be the ‘laboratory’ for the rest of the world should tell Dr. Bhakti something. This was a plan for a second holocaust against the Jewish people & then the rest of the Western world. Just because the CEO of Pfizer happens to have some Jewish connection doesn’t mean he’s not willing to wipe out the Jewish people. We have always had enemies from within. But to say that Jews are evil & will always turn on the rest of humanity is a bridge WAY to far. Big deal that he admired Jewish musicians. The Jewish faith gave the world the 10 Commandments, the Torah, which is the moral code & if not for us Christians would not have Jesus, who was a Jew his whole life, & there would be no Christianity. There is nothing evil about Jews, I take very personally the statement that Dr. Bhakti made & there is no way that I can support him. Nothing good can come from supporting hate. What he said was hateful and untrue.

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I am sure Dr Bhakdi was not talking about the Jewish people or their faith, but the Jewish Pharma/Medical/ Military complex, who injected their own people,and censored the vaccine injured.I watched and listened to The Covid Vaccine situation in Israel.!

We In the UK and other 5 eyes countries were also Coerced and Propagandised.

It is never the people,we were/ are the victims.

Dr Bhakdi is fighting for every one of us regardless of race or faith, his comments were taken out of context just as in the UK Andrew Bridgen MP was ejected from the Conservative Party, on an unsubstantiated Holocaust related Charge.

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It’s pretty difficult to misunderstand what he said.

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Yet it seems you have. He is bemoaning the fact that the Jews in Israel have let themselves be treated so badly as to compare it with hell. He is asking the Americans to wake up or suffer the same fate and this has come to pass with lots of vaccines administered.

Holocaust denialism and glorification and prostration have been created first to instil guilt in people who might not realise the gravity of the event and now have been weaponised by the woke system to divide people along YET ANOTHER line.

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Really? I quoted him in another comment, word for word.

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I saw, and I do understand your frustration and probably more.

As a thought experiment I would like you to go and re-read those words of his that you quoted but first make a hypothetical assumption that he was not an anti-Jew or anti-Semite in any way, 0%. Try to see if there could be meaning in what he said as a anti covid activist if the whole aspect of group guilt was removed.

Is his platform about hating Jews under a guise of fighting for medical justice or is it about fighting for medical justice and occasionally not making himself clearly understood. I think the latter, for some reason you are triggered and assume the first. I may be wrong but at this point it is unlikely.

You too make good points and he could come out and explain though that is often used against the cancellation victim. Not sure if he is totally fluent in English and that gives him a substantial pass in my book in the case of multiple meanings.

I think he was saying Jews like I might say "Americans" are gun crazy. It just means more Americans are gun crazy than the average global population, it does not really mean I accuse every American of being gun crazy and you kind of understand that. Anti-Semitism and anti-Jew sentiments have been weaponised to divide, we should try to unit against the common enemy by realising they WANT to trigger our social, religious, identity, party whatever loyalty. The wait with baited breath for someone to say something that can be misunderstood and then pounce and the useful idiots keep the ball rolling thinking they are doing good.

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Prof Bhakdi is as "antisemitic" as Roger Waters who critisizes Israel's government... Who wants to misunderstand his statements will misunderstand for sure. It is completely clear that Bhakdi never meant the ordinary jewish people but the establishment.

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I never used the word anti semetic. Roger Waters is a Jew hater of the first degree. It is very difficult to misunderstand what Dr. Bhakti said. “That’s the bad thing about the Jews. They learn well. There are no PEOPLE who learn better than they do. But THEY have learned evil now. And implemented it.” No distinction between the Jewish people & the Jewish PHARMA/ Medical/ Military Complex.

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He must be talking about management, those who "implement it.".

I am Finnish by ancestry and now live in Finland again. We get praise for being the 'happiest' nation but it is propaganda, the Finns are depressed (especially in winter with low Vitamin-D3) and often miserable. They work hard because of programming, not a work ethic, bureaucrats work to rule because considering a situation and interpreting the rules in the spirit they were intended is riskier that the conservative traditional top down interpretation that has been used 'always'. Still when I say Finns are sheep and will follow instructions from anyone in a position of power, a doctor, politician, mainstream media and so on, starting from their daycare teachers, I cannot obviously be talking about all Finns, that would mean me as well yet the facts bear me out, Finns are sheep. Out of nearly 100 aunts, uncles and cousins, perhaps 5 that I know of question the covid narrative and the rest would take the next offered mRNA shot.

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I can say the same thing of Americans as far as the Covid thing. Although 30% of us held out & didn’t buy into it. A large portion of Americans were forced into it by their employers, egged on by this illegitimate regime running the country now. Many thousands of people quit their jobs rather than take the poison. It’s a far cry to call people sheeple than to call them evil. You didn’t address my comment where I quoted Dr. Bhakdi word for word. If it was taken out of context, it needs to be put back in context.

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I have tried to address them, I believe the problem is not context but language use. He confounds the victims "in hell" that is caused by those that "implement it" because in his mind they were both of the same group and in this case Jews. He is obviously not blaming the victims for being victimised and obviously not suggesting that every Jew is evil, simply that they are the victims of those who have learned well the evil ways.

If he was trying to be anti-Jewish this is a poor attempt as it reads better in the innocent interpretation. Suggesting it was his motivation or character is a long stretch.

I think we should judge people by their actions, let us see if he personally makes a move to explain. On the whole his actions have been in favour of ALL humans and this sort of person is seldom an anti-something, it is not the same as Musk who says one thing and mostly does it but not really. Free StarLink to Ukraine, unexplained bannings past and recent while in charge of twitter, gratuitous promises of full driving when HE SHOULD have known better.

Obviously we have to choose our allies carefully and prune out those who do not share out goals, sadly some may have personal issues that trigger us but who am I to refuse the help of meat eaters simply because I am a vegetarian. Remember the enemy of my enemy is still my friend in some situations.

I hope he puts it into context but that is an incredibly risky move as the statement will be deconstructed and reconstructed to mean something else. It would be better for him to make his position clear in a future (soon) announcement and let people work out that he was struggling with language on the earlier occasion.

Have you considered his motivation for speaking out in an anti-Jew way deliberately? If he was a bigot it would be stupid to say it and regret it for a long time, if he was not then it would be stupid to say it as he will regret it for a long time. The only reason that he might have said it premeditatedly was either to sink his own career and position in the movement or to tarnish his image and divide his followers because he was under duress, that is hardly his fault. The only time I could fault him is if he pretended to be anti-Jewish for money and that will be hard to prove and is rather unlikely.

I am satisfied that I cannot offer you any further insight and hope that you will at least give him the benefit of the doubt until you hear from him again.

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He is not "blaming". He is simply stating a fact.

The Chief Scientist of Moderna during the development of the death shots (Tal Zaks) is an Israeli Jew.

Yuval Noah Harari is an Israeli Jew.

The CEO of Pfizer is a Jew.

George Soros is a Jew.

I can go on...

(btw, I am an Israeli Jew myself so go ahead and accuse me of being an anti-Semite if you like...)

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I’m not going to accuse you of anything. You being an Israeli Jew and stating these facts doesn’t alter the fact that those people, especially Yuval Noah Hariri, the epitome of evil, don’t represent the Israeli people or Jews in general in other countries. George Soros has in fact , many times, even when asked, said that he doesn’t consider himself to be a Jew. Has he ever acted like a Jew? His mother I believe converted to Catholicism. It pains me that these & other horrible prominent people are of Jewish ancestry or have a Jewish or Israeli connection but they are Jews in name only. Are you really trying to tell me that these people believe in HaShem & they are acting in a manner befitting or representative of Judaism? You being an Israeli Jew & criticizing them is no different than me being an American & saying that most of my government is completely corrupt. My government doesn’t represent the people of America. I guarantee you that the majority of us would like to see them hung for being traitors to the foundations that this country was built on. So you get no medal from me for your denouncement of these creatures. I denounce them as well. I also denounce the majority of American Jews who are JINO’S, leftist, atheist, socialist, probably some communist, Democrats helping to destroy this country But they don’t represent the 30% of American Jews who want to save this country. But Dr. Bhakti denounced ALL of us. I take that personally because I and many other Jews are very good people. I have spent a lot of time in Israel, I was married to a Sabra who fought in 2 wars. I have relatives there. I know the Israeli people. They are good, warm, loving, and full of spirit. They don’t deserve to be judged by a minority of people, just like the people of any country don’t deserve to be judged by the corrupt, greedy, godless, soulless creatures who seem to be running this insane asylum, we call a world these days.

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BTW, I agree with your last sentence in your previous comment. Our culture & faith has been hijacked by very nefarious & outright evil elements for centuries.

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I actually agree with EVERYTHING you said above Leslie 🙂.

It saddens and angers me beyond belief that Jewish people and especially Israeli Jews are at the epicenter of this global conspiracy and this has resulted in a major identity crisis for me which I am still struggling with every day.

I was simply having an issue with your use of the word "blame" as I don't think stating a fact should be construed as blaming.

For example, me saying it is very hot today because it is a clear day in the middle of summer is not me blaming the sun. It is simply stating a fact.

Our culture and faith have been hijacked by very nefarious and outright evil elements (e.g Rothschilds who may not even be Jews, just like Soros) and I am starting to think this has been the case for several centuries at least.

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Thank you for being open and honest about the pain & identity crisis. I know it’s a cliche, but I truly feel your pain & I too am struggling with hatred towards these people who tarnish you, me & good Jews everywhere. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t fight against the hatred, once again, coming out into the open against us on every social media platform that I am go on. It’s on full display. It depresses me greatly but I just can’t let it go without speaking out. Do you know how many ‘so called Jews’ are high up in the United States government & are actual card carrying communists trying to bring down this country? This country that gave them freedom & a safe haven. There’s only a handful, but they have been in power & in charge of very powerful committees & in just the right places to do serious damage. Evidence is coming out now, G-d willing we will see these people get what they deserve. So we disagree on one word. That’s progress in my opinion. We are connected, we need to work together. This is not ‘a Jewish problem,’ it’s a world problem with all kinds of people involved. You & I are are especially sensitive because of who we are. We are reacting differently.

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"But to say that Jews are evil & will always turn on the rest of humanity" ...... I can't find where Dr Bhakti said that, Leslie. Please show us the evidence.

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I quoted him word for word in an earlier comment. It’s 4 am here now & I really must go to sleep. But you can probably find my comment. Or just read what he said.

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Leslie, you are going too far. You are projecting on him your personal problem.

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I quoted him word for word. He spoke for himself.

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