This is great! I'm already doing most of these things, and have for several years, we are also off grid for power(solar, wind and diesel), grow a lot of our own food too. I think the most important thing to do is use cash for all face to face transaction; anonymity is going to be just about our most important asset into the future. If we…
This is great! I'm already doing most of these things, and have for several years, we are also off grid for power(solar, wind and diesel), grow a lot of our own food too. I think the most important thing to do is use cash for all face to face transaction; anonymity is going to be just about our most important asset into the future. If we can retain cash, anonymity, avoid SMART phones(tracking, radiation and back door 'spying')then I think we will win this. Our difficulty is that there are a lot of people out there who are blissfully ignorant of reality and what is coming down the line. Those people are the Achilles Heel of our endeavors.
This is great! I'm already doing most of these things, and have for several years, we are also off grid for power(solar, wind and diesel), grow a lot of our own food too. I think the most important thing to do is use cash for all face to face transaction; anonymity is going to be just about our most important asset into the future. If we can retain cash, anonymity, avoid SMART phones(tracking, radiation and back door 'spying')then I think we will win this. Our difficulty is that there are a lot of people out there who are blissfully ignorant of reality and what is coming down the line. Those people are the Achilles Heel of our endeavors.