Prepare to meet the challenge of the "NEW FRONTIER"!
We are the (Digital) Early Pioneers on a different landscape now.
It's as exciting and uncertain, as it is daunting!
Our liability and assets are drastically evolving. (even Einstein would be scratching his head)
New skills you never thought you would ever need become an education of wisdoms.
The speed of which is no longer a snails pace. It's like lightning bolt fast.
Keep a note pad like a secret diary of days gone by, and write down dates and passwords/codes.
Don't use the same password for everything.
Be creative then jot them on down on paper.
I have kept a copper wire land line next to my desktop in the office.
As was the case in days gone by if the power was out at home, the low voltage telephone line was still in service as long as the power poles lines remained unaffected and intact. I think it is still true.
Prepare to meet the challenge of the "NEW FRONTIER"!
We are the (Digital) Early Pioneers on a different landscape now.
It's as exciting and uncertain, as it is daunting!
Our liability and assets are drastically evolving. (even Einstein would be scratching his head)
New skills you never thought you would ever need become an education of wisdoms.
The speed of which is no longer a snails pace. It's like lightning bolt fast.
Keep a note pad like a secret diary of days gone by, and write down dates and passwords/codes.
Don't use the same password for everything.
Be creative then jot them on down on paper.
I have kept a copper wire land line next to my desktop in the office.
As was the case in days gone by if the power was out at home, the low voltage telephone line was still in service as long as the power poles lines remained unaffected and intact. I think it is still true.