I have a beef on the topic of censorship, which is gently waded into in this article:
“DuckDuckGo is probably the most mainstream out of the above list, but lately, they have developed closer ties to Microsoft and are using more search results from Bing which has greater amounts of censorship. I’m not sa…
I have a beef on the topic of censorship, which is gently waded into in this article:
“DuckDuckGo is probably the most mainstream out of the above list, but lately, they have developed closer ties to Microsoft and are using more search results from Bing which has greater amounts of censorship. I’m not saying to stop using it but just to be aware and maintain caution.”
You are much too generous with Duck Duck Go here.
Duck Duck Go, for almost 4 years, had been the unquestionable reigning champ of having the most censored search engine. In that regard, it is worse that Google, worse than Yahoo, worse even than Bing. I’ve written a thirty page report on that topic. I do not believe Duck Duck Go belongs in this list. It deserves only a dishonorable mention in this article. The Bing results sadly improve the Duck Duck Go results. Its management team somehow has figured out how to be even more heavily censored than a Bill Gates owner search engine (Bing).
That report elaborating on why Duck Duck Go is the absolute most censored of all the majors is here https://RealStevo.com/search
Cool article on privacy. Thank you.
I have a beef on the topic of censorship, which is gently waded into in this article:
“DuckDuckGo is probably the most mainstream out of the above list, but lately, they have developed closer ties to Microsoft and are using more search results from Bing which has greater amounts of censorship. I’m not saying to stop using it but just to be aware and maintain caution.”
You are much too generous with Duck Duck Go here.
Duck Duck Go, for almost 4 years, had been the unquestionable reigning champ of having the most censored search engine. In that regard, it is worse that Google, worse than Yahoo, worse even than Bing. I’ve written a thirty page report on that topic. I do not believe Duck Duck Go belongs in this list. It deserves only a dishonorable mention in this article. The Bing results sadly improve the Duck Duck Go results. Its management team somehow has figured out how to be even more heavily censored than a Bill Gates owner search engine (Bing).
That report elaborating on why Duck Duck Go is the absolute most censored of all the majors is here https://RealStevo.com/search
Thank you again for the post.
Censorship, top results from Wikipedia and other manipulated sites... it all speaks poorly of DuckDuckGo.
Notice that they run TV commercials as product marketing.
When a product is so great to a user/consumer, this is never required.
Ever see a Tesla TV ad from Elon Musk?
You will read all types of printed auto opinions and writer video over it. But no TV ads.
Look what he said about his "X" advertisers this week. He is on a rodeo roundup again.
Head em up and move em out....Rawhide.
Especially since it went mainstream with ads in T. V.