I have friends and family who've taken between 4-10 jabs, I will never be able to get thru to them, the cult they're living in is just to strong now, they have zero critical thinking skills left.

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My family are the same, its impossible to get them to lis5en

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hi folks be aware theres a petition at citizengo.org....your last chance to stop the uns pandemic treaty-the 3 million petition......its a worldwide petitionit can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including yours.....be sure to sign it and MOST IMPORTANTLY be sure to reshare it widely with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same..it currently has over 2,267000 signatures and YOU can help to get it many more

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DARPA has openly bragged on Twitter that Moderna’s mRNA vaccine technology, and by extension Moderna’s Covid vaccine, was a product of their ADEPT program. The introduction of foreign nucleic acids – RNA or DNA – into the body to generate foreign proteins is, by definition, gene therapy, regardless of whether or not the subject’s own genes are changed by it. Moderna wins Award for Deadly Covid Vaccine it was able to create prior to 2019 because “Murderna” is responsible for creating the Covid-19 Virus in a BioLab… #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG - Magnets stuck because of Carbon Particles injected 50 billion viral vectors for AstraZeneca 40 billion LNPs for Moderna and likely 10 to 12 billion for Pfizer Due to a lack of good manufacturing process checks, there maybe a variable amount of intact messenger RNA in each LNP , “… but even if we agree to only 1 (modRNA strand), and that each one produces 1000 spike protein (due to the persistence of N1-methyl pseudouridine), we are talking your body having to deal with a minimum 30 trillion pathogenic spike proteins2 in a few months time” Those are numbers way beyond very severe SARS-COV-2 infections: typically at infection peak between 1 and 100 billion virions - and not want you want in any vaccine, where before vaccination, your body naturally, had none. Moderna said on May 17 2024 that the European Patent Office had upheld the validity of one of the company’s key patents, a win in an ongoing Covid-19 vaccine dispute with Pfizer and BioNTech - funny how this never made World Press, or what was in the technology Moderna is now, proven, ultimately responsible for, bearing in mind that to make a vaccine for Covid Moderna had to create the Covid-19 Virus in a BioLab… #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG.

So let's simply a few known facts:

The vaccines are Gene Therapy Injections and once in, they can't be taken out again - BionTech who have the patent for Pfizer's vaccines have published that their vaccines are designed to target the Dentric Cells in the Lymph Nodes - what has that got to do with a Covid head cold - absolutely no idea.

In 2013, the US Supreme Court passed a Law that anything natural to nature cannot be patented, yet these vaccine contents are, because they are "new" to nature, they are synthetic and made in a laboratory and are completely new and their terminology is ModRNA DNA and not mRNA which is a lie to easily fool you.

"If" natural mRNA DNA = keys to Heaven, then what door does ModRNA DNA open = Hell?

But The "Father Of Vaccines", Donald Trump knows the answer, because he never had the vaccines he pushed on others and of course Biden, Pfizer would have told him.

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As a Canadian I'm heartened to see detailed the enormous work that went into this. (It would be great if a heart-filled small book with highlights could be published for Canadians to read widely!) It's so easy to forget the spirit of our country and the good people who've served - and continue to serve - their highest ideals in being here.

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