It is written in THE BOOK that 'the love of money is the root of ALL evil'. In THE same BOOK it is also written, many times, 'do not charge interest on a loan to your brother, to a stranger or to a foreigner'. PERIOD!
Excellent article! Orwellian misnomers such as the US Defense Department, which should be the US War Department, and stupid old Britain with her Ministry of Defence, insult our intelligence as well as betray the sick world our so-called leaders are creating. And the MSM go along with it. The answer to why war? should be "because our donors demand it, and I stand to become even richer", and a proper journalist would call out the "building democracy" BS. And we can use the same template for the Department/Ministry of Health ie Sickness, where the same warped version of humanity also applies, and apparent indifference to the suffering they have unleashed. The very sad aspect of it all is that the majority of these criminals have simply been bought. We must fight the good fight, and give peace a chance!
The war and 'dis-ease' ultimately comes from within us, and that is where we have to let it go. If it stays there, being denied by us, it will have an impact on how we are in the world. Let's not separate what goes on inside from what goes on outside, keeping the importance of both when understanding situations.
It is written in THE BOOK that 'the love of money is the root of ALL evil'. In THE same BOOK it is also written, many times, 'do not charge interest on a loan to your brother, to a stranger or to a foreigner'. PERIOD!
Excellent article! Orwellian misnomers such as the US Defense Department, which should be the US War Department, and stupid old Britain with her Ministry of Defence, insult our intelligence as well as betray the sick world our so-called leaders are creating. And the MSM go along with it. The answer to why war? should be "because our donors demand it, and I stand to become even richer", and a proper journalist would call out the "building democracy" BS. And we can use the same template for the Department/Ministry of Health ie Sickness, where the same warped version of humanity also applies, and apparent indifference to the suffering they have unleashed. The very sad aspect of it all is that the majority of these criminals have simply been bought. We must fight the good fight, and give peace a chance!
The war and 'dis-ease' ultimately comes from within us, and that is where we have to let it go. If it stays there, being denied by us, it will have an impact on how we are in the world. Let's not separate what goes on inside from what goes on outside, keeping the importance of both when understanding situations.
Thank you for this. I’m feeling an energetic shift starting with signs of more heart-centredness.
A Canadian Grandma
Unless of course you are Israeli/Jewish. Just ask old Desmond. We are not invited.