Thanks for posting this. Great work! May I suggest you begin the article with easy to understand major points and then drill down into the scientific details with all the lingo that isn’t accessible to a wider audience.

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People won't stop getting the shots until they hear this information come out of the mouths of mainstream media. So when will this happen? Likely never.

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Thank you for making your information readily available and for enabling Lab testing. I wonder if labs are as controlled as our doctors? If so, they need all the help that they can get to help fullfill this crucial aspect of exposing the harms.

It puts Kevin in my hero catagory.

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DNA (mRNA) sequencing is Genetic Modification designed to control the uncooperative public that dare to question the Vax CULL that has been taking place since 2020! The jab means you've all been Genetically Modified! No turning back the clock - you should have listened to the evidence!

Big Pharma pretended they had created a NEW miraculous injection they called a 'vaccine'. This deadly product produced vast profits for the already wealthy ELITE of the WEF. It was just the beginning and they want to ramp up CONTROL with a supposed TREATY by the WHO (one of the WEF's lapdogs). This 'Treaty intends to remove every country's sovereignty, national rights and freedoms to determine what action should be taken during the next Scamdemic they have ready for release.

Those that survived the Plan, without poisonous injections, will be reduced to SLAVES for the ELITE!

Adolf Schwab (self appointed King of the WEF) stated "They will own nothing - but they will be happy". He also thinks our happiness will include the removal of MEAT and a mandated diet of insects. He says "Let them eat bugs"! Pfuck that! In your dreams you insane creeps!

This is why the useless but deadly injection manufacturers CONTRACT every Country to provide a national compensation scheme to cover Big Pharma's responsibility for the increasing VAX RE:LATED INJURIES and DEATHS from formulas that carry 'NO LIABILITY' or CONSEQUENCES for Pfizer etc.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed and ready to fight!

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Bait and Switch should be the end of the line for these "vaccines", if the regulators were even slightly honest. Consider: if an eyedrop injures two patients, it is removed from the market. But this Bait & Switch? Crickets from the "regulators". The whole system is utterly corrupt. It all needs to be torn down. Too many have suffered and died as a direct result of their corruption.

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Very well summarized and clear. Thank you!

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Why oh why is this not being reported more widely? Do these people not have family, children, parents, grandparents? I simply do not understand it - there really are brave and honest journalists out there, so that it isn't reported anywhere is very suggestive of a lack of understanding, as I doubt any government intrusion would prevent such publications.

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The past almost four years has me doubting everything. Could this all be another limited hangout?

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Well that made things pretty plain for me, even though I couldn't understand all the terminology, I got enough to understand that DNA particles (encased in lipid nano-particles) can enter into cells and cause real trouble. Also how the drug pushing companies fooled regulatory bodies by using observational methods not suited to that being observed. Thank you for this elucidation.

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As a vaccine injured victim my experience has been that any information about the danger of these vaccines that comes to light seems to go no where. I’ve gotten my hopes up too many times. It is mind boggling to say the least. It is beyond my comprehension regarding the apathy of our governments to this very serious issues particularly when it comes to injecting babies. There isn’t even a diagnostic test to prove or disprove the harms being connected to these shots. No unbiased, independent data collection looking for signals. The multiple array of injuries begs for an inquisition. My trust in our institutions has flat lined.

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