No insects to eat for me. I do not consent to this satanic agenda.

Canadian government invests $8.5 million in insect production


The company : ASPIRE A world transformed by insect technology. No thank you. Never. https://aspirefg.com/

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I like the final entry for Aspire in 2022: "MOU signed with Lotte Confectionary". Chocolate bars anyone?

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Not in my diet. Let wef dine on them and welcome.

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They can eat shit and die....World Enslavement Forum...Schawb, Harere, King fn the turd

Billy the goat Gates, likely Bezos and the rest of the scum of the earth! The UN, the WEF, the WHO , transhumanism, the leftie socialist collective commies.....all are enemies of all the People of the world....they are the subhumans trying to enslave us!

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Recalling the not too distant past poisoning of our pets with Chinese protein, it would be helpful to know how various insect proteins being proposed/manufactured stack up as compared to optimum human nutritional needs.

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To the EU, the WEF and to any other sickosI would like to take some very red hot pokers and shove them up your rectums! And go stick your bullshiite climate change and all your planned pandemics up your proverbial arses as well!

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Thanks for opening up this conversation. As with the farming of animals, we know that the scale of food production is critical for either promoting health or undermining it. Small family farms that practice ecologically responsible animal husbandry increase environmental biodiversity as well as diversity within the economy and our communities, all good things for everyone's wellbeing. The industrial food system diminishes all of these. I think the sudden coordinated embracement of insects as food is another piece of the disconnected globalist agenda. Its only connection to life and health is the marketing slogans used to convince people that processed food is good for us. On the other hand, I think it would be good for us to get over the ick factor, to learn from other cultures, and recognize that our preferences about many foods comes down to cultural programming. Once I manage that, I'll be getting my crickets at my local farmers market.

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Thanks for your balanced comment, John. I love the description of how Joel Saladdin has his cattle graze no more than three weeks to avoid the parasite reproduction cycle, and then follows through with his hen pens on wheels: they arrive just in time to gorge on the larvae popping up in the cow pats = delicious eggs + parasite free animals. It captures so many things that are right in smallscale family farms and so many things that are wrong elsewhere: animals, like humans, evolved as nomadic, in part to avoid their own parasite accumulation through static feeding (think feedlot cattle who eat their own manure out of desperation for living enzymes).

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So you know you can get them at pet store - they sell achita domesticus "common crickets" for 11 cents a pop - that's what reptiles mostly eat.

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Tried them in Africa, Mopane worms, didn't like them and never buy processed foods, so too bad!

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Hope you like the crunch!

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The EU is part and parcel of the World Enslavement Forum! Macron,Von Leyen, Merkel, others in Europe are all fn members of this Sub human group....The UN, the WHO, the WEF all part of the


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There is a big meeting today 3/5/23 in the European Union, available as a livestream where witnesses from around the world are speaking, thanks to the few MEPs that have any vestige of integrity.

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Thank you, a very necessary bit of info, I have shared it on facebook..where I wonder how many will see it, but I suppose every little helps...with no reliable MSM we have to become it.

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Thanks Suzi, good to share, and be poised about it, we each now take on responsibility for holding the line.

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