I practice Transcendental Meditation - TM twenty minutes, twice a day for more then forty years.



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So agree! healing trauma is the critical lynch pin in healing the world, most traumatized people cannot take on board one more change, new practice or challenging thought - just getting through a day with the impact on their bodies and minds of the trauma is enough... And as we live in culture that is prepared to destroy and enslave in order to perpetuate itself trauma engulfs us even if we have not been directly abused. We cannot heal the earth until our individual and collective traumas are healed.

I have been practicing IFS (Internal Family Systems) - an extraordinary practice that is incredibly simple and amazingly healing (I have tried many other options). Check out the book 'No Bad Part's by Dick Schwartz. He has also done many interviews on YouTube and in many he demonstrates how IFS works. Bessel van der Kolk devoted a whole chapter to IFS in his seminal book 'The Body Keeps the Score'. It has the capacity to brings people back to their essence quite quickly.

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Nicely put. IFS was a huge help to me... much of which I managed alone (using No Bad Parts) as I could find no practitioners during Covid who would see me in person. I followed that up with Emotion Code and Psych-K work (with assistance from a certified therapist, not fooled by Branch Covidian nonsense). Boom! Huge chains lifted off of me, some of which I hadn't even known were there!

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I am happy to see this addressed by the WCH. I find it exceedingly hard in today's environment of aggressive and psychopathic global /international oppression and unrelenting abuse to remain in any kind oof positive state of being. It's a mirror of what happens to us individually. But good to know there are those "out there" who understand and speak the same language.

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Yes Glenda. I suspect there are many of us and that the difficulty is more or less a common side-effect of modern distracted life. Imho it requires dedication and making our inner life a first priority. This isn't socially acceptable as checking for the latest indignity but . . . we can do it!

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Yes you guys and yes Max. As a person with lots of (ahem) trauma experience, I'm excited to see this direction here and will be following up Max's work. I've come to many similar perspectives that resonate with Max and have found in my own life that there's everything we wanted behind it.

I sometimes think that my caution and unbelongingmess early in my life was helpful in seeing through the Covid foolery from the get go. Cheers everyone!

(A post of mine today suggests how well-defined and inobtrusive mutual exploration places can help us disentangle from sticky trauma spaces. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8olrc8BiMs)

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