If you haven't been preparing for the last 21/2 years, you may be too late. I, for one know I will be kicked out of society for not complying so ive prepared to live outside of it. Im 71 and my husband is 68 so we know how we lived before this bs happened, we know it wont be easy but thats why we have friends in the same boat, we will help each other. You need a community around you because you will not survive on your own, please be prepared.

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not possible for anyone without land. and, if it’s not stopped - eventually the forcible expropriation of all ‘privately held’ land is on the cards. this is agenda 21 (21st C.) and they ain’t fkng around.

you and i will be outa here before that happens, but it’s coming - for the kids. (not that there’ll be so many legacy-human children around by the end of C.21)

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Documentary: Who is Bill Gates ? ...........


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Great link!

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Start profiling! Pull the wool from your eyes, listen to your instincts, and WATCH.

If someone says something good while doing something bad, quit listening and start mistrusting.

The words won't hurt you, but the deeds will. If we stay wide open they will eat us alive.

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This scares the hell out of me! Can it be stopped?

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Thank-you for sharing the picture of Trudeau in your article. I am aware that Trudeau met with representatives of the European Union recently to discuss digital infrastructure, the environment and stopping misinformation. It was done with little fanfare as usual.

As a Canadian, I am painfully aware that Trudeau is a fan of all things UN. I also know he is sneaky and deceitful when he makes policy.

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Something you cannot take personal responsibility for. An Oregonian since 1959, we have always loved our Canadian neighbors.

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‘experts’ lol

‘experts’ say

‘experts’ WARN of a totalitarian nightmare


don’t need to be a meteorologist to know when it’s raining

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been banging on about this since the 80s - ALL anyone needs to know about CENTRALISED ID is that Bill (& Klaus -and their handlers, and thousands of their lizard buddies :D I'm [half-] joking with the lizard ref. - let's say, the upper echelons of the 'primarily reptilian cortex' people - the sociopaths - the REAL global "leaders") will NOT be on it. - will NOT be IN the system they advise for the rest of us.

Will YOU be able to look at Bill's data, the same way 'he' can look at yours?

well - that's ALL ANYONE needs to know.

Literally the WORST idea ever - for 99.9999% of the people of earth (though that's gonna represent a far smaller number in the post-'medical'-sterilisation decades) - Wow! a BAD idea that SOUNDS like a good idea. (haha always the same) oh my! not all good ideas are a good idea - if u know what i mean

In fact, this one IS a good idea - or would be if it weren't for human nature. when I was a kid I'd wonder why we DIDN'T have something like this.. i used to think Lennon 'imagine'd it right.. but i grew up.

"no countries" "no possessions" - well, they're not just 'imagine'-ing it.. this IS what 'THEY' have been aiming at for decades (if not centuries). IF THEY"D HAD THE TECH BEFORE - THEY'D'VE DONE IT BY NOW.

Bill, mate, we don't fking want it.

Anyway peeps - it ain't "Bill".. Bill is a totem, Bill is logo, if it wasn't Bill it'd be someone else.

Bill is a symptom, not the disease - trouble for the world is: he SURE ain't the CURE.

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This Gates fiend needs to be stopped. He is exceptionally evil and somehow he has got control over many Governments using the WHO. His influence using Gavi is everywhere.

The fact that he has immunity in Switzerland is problematic. We need to get that snakes head cut off in Geneva. Pascal Najadi, son of WEF cofounder Hussein Najadi, calling on the Swiss authorities to arrest the leaders of the WEF, WHO and GAVI, all headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland? see the call on Rumble link here https://rumble.com/v3qf7ig-breaking-documentary-short-cutting-off-the-head-of-the-snake-geneva-switzer.html

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