Wouldnt it be more likely the geoengineering than "bird flu"? Go outside and look up.

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Oh my! I'm going to watch my area closely and look for any new towers. I was just realizing last week that all my songbirds are gone... only hummers left. I hear a few down the street but I used to have so many it was like listening to an orchestra. I put out a query to the local gardening group... others still have birds except for one person near me.... this is very disturbing.

We need birds for pest control, pollination and life.

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It is the same for the Bees.



Bees are at risk of extinction largely due to human activities: large-scale changes in land use, industrialised agricultural practices, like monocultures, and the detrimental use of pesticides have all contributed to destroying their habitats and reducing their available food sources.¨ Read More


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Thank you for the link and your comments

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I live in Portsmouth UK on the south cast of England. In 2022, I was very alarmed by the complete disappearance of blackbirds and other songbirds in and around Portsmouth. Even more alarming was that none of my friends and neighbours had noticed. I had theories but no real evidence pointing to a culprit. I am a member of the RSSPB and National Trust. Everyone was saying (when they finally noticed) that it was due to man made climate change especially CO2. This was utterly wrong as CO2 is a much needed gas in nature. It helps life; not destroys it. This article is a godsend because I have felt that I am living in a surreal horror movie where the population has been assimilated by a malevolent alien species. Further, the sun is changing as it does with time. The magnetic poles have been moving at an increasing speed since mid 19th century. That would explain why many species are getting navigationally lost.

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Many of the plants you buy commercially were raised and sprayed with neonicotinoids which are toxic.

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These things of course matter. That said, there has been a lot of unhelpful crying wolf from campaigners. They take an organism whose numbers fluctuate up and down (coral, bees) and report the spectacular declines without reporting the spectacular increases. Then there's the WWF's annual Living Planet Index of vertebrate numbers, which uses a geometric mean, the effect of which is to convert a decrease in under 3% of species and an overall slight increase in everything else, into a decline figure of over 50%, which is what the newspapers publish https://www.sfu.ca/biology2/rEEding/pdfs/Leung_et_al_Clustered_vs_catastrophic_Nature2020.pdf. My urban garden is awash with bees for most of the year, because of the way it's planted.

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My personal experience as a university extension office organic master gardener volunteer: been sitting amoung honeybees and butterflies for 25 years watching severe population decline. Earthworms have disappeared almost entirely in last 2 years as well : (. Additionally my vegetables are not growing or producing either.

Not vetted but concerned:

Birds attacking cell tower ~ https://www.bitchute.com/video/3pQFN7aphLX4/


Animals circling ~ https://www.bitchute.com/video/EPYLy9VLZLgE/

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while 5G/emf are on my radar, i know too little about it to not consider the fact of decades of pesticide use and the microplastic pfoas that must be huge factors as well

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I have been hearing about this for years now, and the lack of insects and birds where I am is evident to me, and no doubt anyone else giving it their attention.

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