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As a retired Australian Naturopath and Medical Herbalist, with a Science Masters degree and having lectured the Health Sciences for the last eight years of my working life, please allow me the following.....

Over fifty years of personal and academic study has brought me to the inevitable conclusion of a direct correlation, commonly called a link, between ALL disease and chemical poisoning. Mostly chemical poisoning by industry, but also by the cellular damage done by ionising and electro-magnetic radiation, as well as toxins caused by emotional turmoil. BUT DISEASE IS DEFINITELY NOT CAUSED BY INVISIBLE VIRUSES FLOATING AROUND ON A BREEZE! What "Medical Science" has named as Viruses are actually manufactured within the Cell, by the Cell, in direct response to poisoning. Poisoning mostly by industrial, agricultural and medical toxins, but also by toxic substances manufactured within the body in response to aggravations caused by electro-magnetic or ionising radiation, or even emotional turbulence. These entities appear in the Cell to either bring it back into Homeostasis, or balance, or break it down for either re-use or elimination. They're there to help, not hinder. But having such knowledge out there in mainstream Scientific thought would bring down the fiercely held monopoly of the Chemical, Pharmaceutical, and Medical Industries. And in their corrupt attempts to avoid detection of the Truth, the wealthy elitists devised a plan to shift blame away from the deaths caused by their artificial chemicals to unseen, microscopic, invading viruses. Viruses that can only be seen if you're a part of the corrupted system, and curiously can only be overcome by the injection, ingestion or absorption of more of their artificial chemicals. Just to clear the air a little more, ALL historical plagues and pandemics were not caused by viruses. They were caused by poisoning. Heading the list of historical Poisons were Lead, Mercury, Arsenic, and Cyanide, however there were many more, with thousands added since. In modern times, the most dangerous Chemicals are the toxic Pesticides, Insecticides, Bactericides, Fungicides, and Herbicides. Such a style of toxic agriculture not only eliminates the beneficial soil Bacteria, Viruses and Fungi that provide important nutrients, but inevitably places these toxins in the food we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe. Add to this the poisonous brew of early age immunisations, topped up with yearly doses of flu and other vaxxines, and the cause of the multitude of diseases that have come to exist since the Industrial Revolution becomes a little more than obvious. Unless you're asleep, or a part of the corrupted system, the cause of modern-day diseases is irrefutable. Stop vaxxinations today, and clean up toxic industries and the environment, and in a generation diseases will be a rarity. Back in the day when the Rockefeller and Carnegie families called the tune, it was all about wealth and power over others. However, as greed would have it, that has morphed into the need of a One-World Governance of all. All who will be fortunate enough to remain after a Eugenics-style depopulation of our planet. Unless more people open their eyes to understand the monumental criminal undertaking being perpetrated against them, in the shadows, we're doomed as a civilisation. Good luck everyone.

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