How do we get together to make Iver and Hydroxy unbanned again. Should never of been. What can we do to save lives and buy it at the pharmacy like prior Covid and make our Dr.s not be afraid to save life again.

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You can easily purchase Ivermectin in Tennessee. State by state may be the only way to refuse this mess. Medicine Counter sells online & ships almost anywhere.

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is there a link to an online pharmacy in Tennessee that you could post ?

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I noted one above. Medicine Counter Pharmacy.

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Also, for anyone following these comments, I notice that on my Ivermectin Tablets it says this: Johnlee Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd, 42/44 Babu Genu Road, Om Shanti Co-Operative Hsg Society, 2nd Floor, Shop No 6, Kalbadevi, Mumbai 400 002. Email: admin@johnleeindia.com -- And voila here is the website: https://johnleeindia.com/?s=ivermectin I notice that they are selling 100 X 12mg ivermectin tablets for 350 rupees.

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I would like to sign up privately with a WCH Doctor. I would be happy to pay into a WCH health insurance scheme To the best of my knowledge such a scheme does not yet exist. How do you set up a health insurance scheme ? Ask Mike Yeardon, he'll suggest names for you to approach with these questions. Health insurance is a viable way forward for WCH, donations will eventually run dry. So get on the phone to Mike Yeardon :-) Is there a list of WCH doctors in the UK ? In the South East, that i can register with ? Or do i need to attend an event and corner someone in polite conversation ? Thanks for your help :-) Gene

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Three cheers for Matt who was diligent in pursuing the journal submission process to finally get this piece published. YMS

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Perhaps insurance is one of the problems as it has the power to dictate covered treatment options.

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Thank you!

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Way to go Matt!!! Proud of you, keep up the great work.

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How would one know if a vaccine was administered via an IV? How does one identify a vaccine genetic therapy induced spike protein? Validated test and protocol? Does Spike Protein have an assigned number?

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It's a bit disconcerting that nobody even mentions the Great Physician...the one who created the human body. Everyone seems to think, they are the only one who has the knowledge to solve problems. In my lifelong expereince of 90 years, I have seen the efficacy of depending on the Creator for help...not mankind with its limited intelligence.

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World Council For Health,




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