I can report that I have been using a widely-available ClO2 mouthwash for several years now, with no apparent contraindications or adverse reactions. It is highly effective at eliminating halitosis. The manufacturer (I am not affiliated in any way) also offers a toothpaste product.

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www.frontierpharm.com? they are the originators of shelf stable Cl02 products... starting with Alcide in the '70's..... and with Snoot! Awesome Nasal Spray launched in 2010. ;)


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YES. I try not to endorse specific brands, to prevent being labelled a 'shill.' See for example


I've been meaning to follow-up with a list of brands I DO endorse, but have been delaying for that very reason...cheers Michelle!

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Totally get it! I'll help you out here...

Once people 'get' the concept of chlorine dioxide (aka CDS, Cl02 and it's previous nickname which I'll avoid to prevent censorship)... then you want to use it for everything! Making Cl02, or CDS is dirt cheap - and everyone should have the ingredients on hand for many reasons. Water purification in the event of emergency at the very least!

Since it is a gas, though it can be infused into water (CDS modification created by Kalcker), it can be a bit tricky and frankly a bit time consuming to use it in all its glory, but it is certainly not difficult. However, just like baking a cake from scratch versus just ordering a slice of chocolate cake, lots of folks like to have the option of pre-formulate products at hand when they don't have the time or energy to create CDS from scratch.

Howard Alliger - the original pioneer of taking Cl02 gas into a liquid or gel for human and animal use (in the '70's!)... figured out a way to create shelf stable products... and invented and patented over 30 products and the technology to do it. His first invention (a wound gel that the CDC loved, by the way) and company, Alcide, was eventually bought by EcoLab.. who pretty much shelved all the inventions save for the agricultural industry. Skeptics can look up "Alcide" and "Howard Alliger" and will find a treasure trove of data that supports its virucidal/microbicidal properties and safety profile. There are studies back to the 1940's about its incredible properties and safety. We have hundreds of studies and papers that were done WITH the US government and universities through the USA.

Howard restored his Cl02 making machine in 1993, forming Frontier Pharmaceutical... and kept going strong inventing like crazy, until his death in April of 2020, at 91 years of age. His last patent was for injecting Cl02 compound into cancerous tumors.... which no surprise, works great! Here is the patent: https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/patent/US-10105389-B1

The fact that he was able to obtain US Patent approval - dozens of times - and yet the FDA says it just can't be used for those uses that clearly the Patent office agrees and confirms it can, should tell any rational thinking person all they need to know.

We'd love to chat with you and add our experience about the history, the censorship and yes, the opportunities ahead, at any time! In the meantime, your readers can get all the products, including Snoot! (Howard's second to last patent prior to his passing) here, at : www.frontierpharm.com. Tons of links to studies, white papers and real live people's experiences on our site too: www.snootspray.com

Thanks for helping to spread the word!


CEO, Snoot! Spray

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If long COVID is involved in prolonged inflammation of the brain, it goes a long way in explaining the mechanism underlying [the study's reported] brain aging."

Still More to Learn

In some ways, this study raises nearly as many questions as it does answers. While it provides concrete evidence around the damage the virus is doing to the brains of patients who contracted severe COVID-19, researchers don't know about the impact on those who had less serious cases of the virus.

For Ziyad Al-Aly, MD, chief of research and development at the Veterans Affairs St. Louis Health Care System, the concern is that some long-COVID patients may be suffering from cognitive deficits that are more subtle but still impacting their daily lives, and that they're not getting the help they need.

What's more, said Al-Aly, it's unclear whether the impacts of the brain damage are permanent or how to stop them from worsening. Researchers and clinicians need a better understanding of the mechanism that allows this virus to enter the brain and do structural damage. If it's inflammation, will anti-inflammatory or antiviral medications work at preventing it? Will steroids help to offset the damage? "It's critical we find some answers," he said.

"SARS-CoV-2 isn't going anywhere. It will continue to infect the population, so if this is indeed a virus that damages the brain in the long term or permanently, we need to figure out what can be done to stop it," said Al-Aly.


Me: Coronavirus is the "Medical Term" for a Cold or the Flu. A Cold or the Flu occurs after someone with A Cold or Flu infection sneezes or coughs vapor out of their nose or mouth into the air around them - you can test this for yourself, by catching your sneeze or cough in a piece of clear white paper. The vapor from a cough or sneeze is so fine that it is airborne immediately and it forms clouds of vapor which float around in the air, infecting any other air breathing animal, including us, which passes through that invisible cloud, creating a new viral illness in the nasal passages of the head, of any new air breathing animal, including us, thus newly infected.

In other words a seasonal cold.

Cure: Mix one heaped teaspoon of salt in a mug of warm water. Cup a hand and sniff or snort the mugful up your nose, spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If sore you have a virus, so wait 2-3 minutes until soreness goes away, then blow out your nose on toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards, then continue 3 times daily, or more often, but Morning, Noon, Night, until soreness goes away and it feels like you are flushing with water - me many years never ill, just by doing this, including with Covid - probably good for Long Covid too, as it flushes the nasal passages of the head, behind the eyes, ears, brain bulb, brain stem - unlike a vaccine shot in your arm, of all places - you don't get a viral infection in your arm do you?

Pour some of your salt solution on a flat surface and allow to dry. That is what coats the inner membrane of your sinus passages, behind the eyes, ears, brain bulb, brain stem, and kills off all viruses which touch it, or have started to seed and take root. 100% effective.

I have been doing the above simple cure for over 31 years and I am never ill from any viral infection and neither do you need to be - vaccines only deposit their contents, which you know nothing about, because all vaccines are "secret" - in your body, for future body control and possibly, your extermination, by computer command.

Do as I do and not what "they" say, after all, if you are not satisfied with the results of my salt water sniffle, there is no reason why you don't get an ModRNA vaccine shot in your arm, designed to flow Spike Proteins throughout your body and into all of your organs, along with billions of carbon particles whose purpose remains another "secret" and it won't stop you from getting Long Covid, which my free salt water sniffle does, because it cleans out the potential Covid infection in your head, first and foremost, but not your arm, where you are Covid vaccine injected.

The problem with my free salt water cure is that it is not approved by the medical/chemical industry and thus you must only do what they tell you to do, to the exclusion of common sense and all else, because vaccines don't work and never have and cost you your MONEY and potentially your life.

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Thank you for your info. I have used salt and baking soda in a Neti pot- isn't that similar to your technique? (I've noticed it will sting if the ratio of salt to water is off. )

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Yes, it is a similar method - to each their own. Your method using a Neti Pot is like using a garden hose to put out a fire, my way is like using a fire hose to do the same job - naturally.

When the salt water stings, it means you have a virus and you know when you have cleared it, when the salt water snort does not sting any more, but feels like you are flushing with plain water.

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Hi and good day to all. My starting point and my first awareness of M.M.S./C.D.S. came from Robert Yoho's M.D. (retired) Substack account (https://open.substack.com/pub/robertyoho/p/291-i-am-getting-rich-from-frontier?r=ogrzb&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web) who sells (w/ his affliliate link) of a mouthwash that has chlorine dioxide in it. From then on, I ventured out deeply and went out to discover more about the wonders and healing powers of chlorine dioxide.

A good documentary (in my opinion) of the history and uses of chlorine dioxide: https://theuniversalantidote.com

Other references:





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If you are ow on energy, you are probably low on the B-complex vitamins that facilitate its production. FWIW, I take two of Jarrow's B-Right B-complex every day.

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Been using cds for about 15 years now. Began using because the allopathic system was unable to help my wife and her lungs were getting progressively worse. We use it primarily prophylacticly now with the only side effect being loose stool if we overdose. In which case, we dial the dosage back for a day or 2 and then are able to increase the dose if we feel it is necessary.

Dr Tess, it’s very good of you to give Andreas the exposure. Thank you.

Some folks will be grateful you did.

We have found CDS to be unusually “safe and effective”. Unlike the jabs.

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Me: I say that the vaccines are a lie and what we have been taught for generations, is that the vaccines and the content of vaccines make "anti bodies" against a disease and protect your body from that disease.

But the human body does NOT make anti bodies, because it has never been designed to, it does not know what anti bodies are, so whatever is injected into it, damages it, sometimes with immediate devastating results, like being given a kill shot for your injury or extermination, by weakening your immunity and making you easier to kill.

Big Pharma and vaccines are a deliberate lie to injure or kill you for money.

Do not take vaccines - I theorize that vaccines cause the injected virus to spead amongst those around the vaccinated person, causing and creating the pandemic, because there were over 250 reported escapes of dangerous viruses and pathogens last year from Level 4 BioLabs reported to the CDC and none eventuated into any pandemic - but Moderna's injected Covid-19 Neucloids virus, patented 2013, is the only one that did and that is injected at the time of the vaccine, you just had and why it did.

The Great Reset is based on vaccines and deliberate population reduction, amongst other "vaccinated things".

I say: Stop taking all vaccines immediately, your life depends on it.

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Brilliant! Thank you!!

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Thank u for sharing!🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Thank you Dr. Tess! I searched electrical molecular medicine on greenmedinfo I found this very interesting information. I thought you might find it interesting as well. https://forbiddenhealingforum.com/ Maybe a Tess talk with the captain would be enlightening.

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Great idea, thanks Karen!

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Interesting article, thank you,

The holy grail of removing heavy metals from the body seems a difficult one and I question "destroys (bacteria, fungi, and) heavy metals" Destroys ?

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AWESOME and informative post! Thank you!!!

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When I clicked on Dr Kalcher's name I went on to his Odyssey site and it was in Spanish and even when I went to the bar at the top and tried to select English it was stuck in Spanish. I am interested in hearing what he has to say and would love to know how to change it back to English. Can you fix this from your end of things? Thank you.

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