🇦🇺💉”I’ve been telling stories of vaxx-injured Australians for three years now, but my shock at the lack of compassion, the lack of decency, the lack of humanity, outrages me more than anything else.”

~ Russell Broadbent MP, 29 March 2024


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Even though the situation is dire, the measured tone and compassionate balance you're demonstrating is the antidote to it.

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yes I feel the same. Thank you.

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This is a fantastic, thoughtful article and the graphs present undeniable truths.

The term 'unconscionable denialism' is perfect for describing what a therapist I know called 'addiction to ignorance', when people cling to their denialism even when presented with clear evidence such as what is offered here. Many people appear to want to free themselves from having to have a conscience, and transfer taking responsibility to some other person or entity in a perceived position of authority.

It's a form of learned helplessness combined with herd mentality.

If you're addicted to denying the harm all around us, you have lost your way as a human being, and have become tainted, corrupted, callous and uncaring. People like to think they're caring, but they've been conditioned to conflate caring with the opposite of caring. The psyop has successfully convinced a large swath of the population that it's fine and good to be this way.

It's an inverse reality when being callous is suddenly considered a virtue.

On the optimistic side, remember the Milgram Experiments and the fact that a third of the population does not jettison their values and morals in the face of atrocities directed by people who appear to be in positions of authority. They resist and they maintain their humanity, morality and critical thinking skills. This third of the population must now champion the truth.

I highly recommend reading Ed Dowd's book “Cause Unknown” which cited only cold, hard, factual data from insurance companies, actuaries, mortuaries and governments around the world, combined with many verified photographs and news reports of athletes and others around the globe. It's an easy read and ought to be read by everyone. Share it and this post with those who have succumbed to the mind manipulation or who simply have not yet encountered anything truthful.

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Unconscionable denialism. Perfect

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Please see my substack on Scottish COVID inquiry which should have made headlines all around the world due to the testimonies from family members and more recently care home managers. COVID-19 is a work of fiction. https://biologyphenom.substack.com/

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The article asks "What has happened to humanity? Is human life no longer of any consequence? Have we been numbed by numbers to the realities . . ."

I think the answer is that so many people were tricked or coerced into getting the toxic Covid injections that they cannot bring themselves to acknowledge the obvious. Many people are in a state of mental denial and fear. If the shots could take down a healthy athlete, what could it do to me? And further, if I dare to even suggest that the Covid injections might have adversely impacted someone's health, I will be ostracized and censored. What a brilliant propaganda scheme!

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More than 4,700 posts on social media were referred to the digital industry, and more than 3,000 of these were removed, although this was for Australia, the same conditions were applied to America and other countries too.

“During the pandemic, the department monitored social media content for harmful misinformation and disinformation about COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccines and referred content to digital industry for review, based on criteria and advice from [the Health Department],” Home Affairs said in a section titled COVID-19 misinformation and disinformation (pdf).

“Between 16 March 2020 and 19 May 2023, 4,726 social media posts were referred to digital industry for review against their content policies and terms of service, of these, 3,098 were actioned by the relevant social media company with content removed or its distribution reduced.”

The department highlighted the Australian government provided $62.8 million (US$40.76 million) over five years to “strengthen Australia’s social cohesion and community resilience” in the COVID-19 recovery period as part of the 2020 and 2021 budget.

This included $37.3 million over a four-year time frame to “promote Australian values, identity, and social cohesion, and to counter malign information.”

“The contract supporting the COVID-19 misinformation and disinformation referrals expired on 30 June 2023 and was not renewed, and the Department no longer undertakes this function,” Home Affairs said.

But what about the Covid Pandemic did the Government want to cover up by ensuring that those who volunteered to be vaccinated were: Thanks to Dr Yeadon, we now know that there never was any Covid Pandemic - that was just the seasonal Flu and nothing else and that The WHO and our governments dressed it up as a Covid Pandemic to scare as many people into getting vaccinated as possible, so everyone in the know, knew that the Covid Pandemic was a fake.

Download PDF version here: https://interestofjustice.substack.com/api/v1/file/f52e8eaa-0f43-4f6f-9f5b-b8f82729c31b.pdf

Every vaccinated person has a bio-weapon inserted into them: 50 billion viral vectors for AstraZeneca - Astrazeneca now "withdrawn"

40 billion LNPs for Moderna

and likely 10 to 12 billion for Pfizer

Per vaccine shot and for your life


And you can find out how it works by reading what happened to Dr Noack who was targeted by this weapon back in 2020 for revealing it and how it works. Google Dr Noack. He was a Carbon specialist and published on the internet that the above Carbon Particles or LNP's when hit with a 5G signal turn into Carbon Hydroxide which are minute razors which chop up the insides of nerves and organs killing the person targeted, in this way - and how he was killed off for revealing the secret weapon which was not for public consumption.

So heads up then, having taken the above into account, do you get the feeling that those who volunteered are being targeted for extermination?

More on my substack if you are interested, plus my overview - only those who refused vaccines are safe and remain Human by Law

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Thanks for your work WCH! Do we yet know whether athletes, or people who do aerobic exercise daily, are more likely than the general population to suffer an infarction or sudden collapse? As you say, this is the visible tip of the iceberg. But is there a special case here? Perhaps less fit people, who are not exercising regularly etc, are even more vulnerable to suffer these problems? Have the clever statisticians crunched the available numbers to get an idea of what is actually going on under the water line? We know about numbers of excess deaths now in age group categories. Again, thank you and others for uncovering these appalling facts.

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Very nice article depicting the attempted cover-up. Denial is a euphemism: lying or deliberately misleading is more to the point. This fraudulent journalism is deliberately and carefully constructed to dissemble what the authors must know to be the truth. If they don't know whether that they are writing is false, they are irresponsible journalists, possibly hired guns of an editorial board that does no better. Journalists job IS to fact check and verify the credibility of their words.

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Thank you for the article! I have a question or suggestion: Below the picture of athlete collapses it says: "From January 2020 to August 2023" while in the picture itself it says: 2021-23. The latter seems to be right, according to the months written below. If it were from 2020 - that would make a big difference, as the deaths in 2020 must be blamed on Covid, not the vaccine. Can you correct it, or explain?

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My beautiful earth stream stones are ~ Courage, Humility, Grace, Empathy, Patience, and Inner Strength. They sparkle like gold in the sun. I Endeavor to Persevere.

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Taking The Vaccine

Was Such A Bad Idea

That It Will Follow Them

Into The Next Life.

It Also Helps Explain

How They Showed Up Here

So Fucking Stupid.


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