This site has amazing information and should be worth any time invested in it:


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False flags are always a risk in the UFO/UAP arena.

It is precisely for this reason that everyone would be well advised to review the recording of the historic disclosure press conference held this week in D.C., on Monday, June 12th, and then learn more about the groundbreaking work of Dr. Steven Greer. The implications of this disclosure will have an epic impact on the United States and the future of humanity at large:

Video: https://www.youtube.com/live/zDY7t6HihCw?feature=share

Event Details: https://drstevengreer.kartra.com/page/dcpressconference2023

Sirius Disclosure: https://siriusdisclosure.com/

A compilation of relevant resources is also available here:


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Thanks WCFH. likely just more smoke & mirrors baloney to distract all of us from the horrific & ever increasing rise of excess deaths. Worldwide too.

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Agreed. If they can't use the Ukraine or Meghan and Harry then aliens are a good bet.

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So highly advanced aliens travel across the universe only to crash on earth and hand their technology to the US military?

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Thank you. The fuzz and vague puzzlement long harboured about this subject now begins to dissipate. Much clearer and easier to grasp both the how and the why.

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Who controls the agreed upon reality through the mainstream media

and why they fear disclosing the truth about the extraterrestrial reality? by Dan Willis


Technology Suppression - Brief History of Technology Suppression


Eisenhower and The Plan https://thewebmatrix.net/disclosure/theplan.html

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