I was married to a journalist who trained in the trenches so to speak- old time local rag coverage moving up to eventually present BBC's Newsnight. No degree. Just a nose for news and a knack for putting people of every culture at ease. Naturally, he was side-lined in later life because he - didn't have that degree in alleged journalism - only the qualifications of travelling through Africa and being evicted by Amin and Mugabe and travelling through Russia post Glasnost. He said the death knell rang for the BBC when John Burt was appointed Director General - with a massively inflated salary in the 80s I think. Actual journalists have felt the noose resting round their necks ever since.

He (Nick Worrall) would have relished the rise of Substack and The Light.

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Our federal government in Australia has obviously recognised the growing power of the alternative media. It is now in the process of preparing legislation which will monitor and control “misinformation” and “disinformation”, particularly in social media. This is positively Orwellian, yet our mainstream media does not recognise it as such - or pretends not to.

Incidentally, many readers will have seen footage of Australian police attacking protesters against the social restrictions and vaccine mandates. None of the excessive force or violations of civil liberties, freedom of movement etc has been condemned (with a few individual journalist exceptions) by the mainstream media. Many of us here believe that Australia has seen some of the most repressive government action amongst the western nations. Some of us can hardly believe it. But the independent spirit of Australia has been beaten into submission. It is not the country of our forefathers.

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Whilst I am a Brit in the UK, I was staggered how Australia just buckled under. How could so many be so dim. It has been bad enough here in the UK, but I thought Australians were far more independent.


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World War 3 we are in right now is the first time ever that fifth generation warfare has been deployed on a global scale. Fifth generation warfare is by the definition a war for the mind and aims to control the everyday people's perception of reality.

As such, the single most important weapon in this war is the media and the enemy has obviously known that long long before we figured this out. This is why they spent decades consolidating their control over legacy media which is their tip of the spear in this war.

Like in any war, taking over the weapons of the enemy is possible but very very hard. A much better way is to figure out their tactics and then replicate their most potent aspects using weapons of our own which is exactly what the purpose of Independent new media must be now.

Journalists and news media are normally meant to be unbiased and not take sides but in war time (which is exactly what we are in right now), it is their DUTY to assist the war effort in any way possible.

Legacy media is doing everything it can to assist the enemy in their objectives so our role as independent media must be to do anything we can to ensure humanity prevails and emerges victorious from WWIII.


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Legacy media has been this way for decades for anyone paying attention.

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Yes you are correct. Funny thing never had much use for the Te-lie-vision, too many ways out there to get the real truth. And I applaud anyone who has the courage to get the truth out there.

I read that the inventor of the idiot box was adamant that his family never watch one. Something to ponder.

And I am one who doesn’t put much stock in degrees these days, most are not worth the paper they are printed on.

If your good at the job, that’s all that’s necessary.

When I was younger, you didn’t need a degree for many jobs, they preferred training you instead. Funny thing, it worked!

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Thanks, will have to check out the Light! For more on media dynamics, see my recent (so far unsuccessful) attempt to shame a major conservative alternative platform, but an elite one aimed at academics, to cease their ostentatious silence on the Covid-19 vax-harms issue. "Adjunct Suppressors" is the title: https://pomocon.substack.com/p/adjunct-suppressors

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As you say the legacy media has been a disgrace, it has made little attempt to analyse, investigate or research the issues presenting repeated on side only of the debate and failing to report on significant incidents.

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Yep, Baldmichael - you can't be as stunned as some of us Australians are. But then the extraordinary rates of post war immigration must change the national character somewhat. That’s the one way we can explain it. Historically, Aussies were laconic and independently minded because our forefathers settled a pretty rugged environment. They were battlers and pretty much “did their own thing”. On the other hand, many argue we were originally a penal colony subject to British “troopers", whereas Americans developed the relatively lawless West with only locally appointed authorities like “sheriffs”.

It is a fascinating social and historical question. The “buckling” of the Aussie spirit during the pandemic really has caused many of us a lot of grief. But even now, many of our well educated friends are developing “amnesia” about the terrible government cruelty that we suffered during the pandemic. The rest of us will NEVER forget it, and it has destroyed our confidence in our society and political class here.

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Tess, what a mind blowing interview, Darren Nesbit of The Light Paper pulls the curtain down on the BBC. I could not believe the BBC's Marianne Spring could not explain how the BBC reported building 7 had collapsed 20 minutes before it actually collapsed, during the 9/11 attack. Maybe this is not what it appears to be, but after 22 years there should be a very good explanation, but she had nothing but gibberish. Thank you for sharing this interview.

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Excellent article. Thank you!

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Thank God for Rebel News here in Canada.

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Would like to see more support for individuals wishing to get started as citizen journalist.

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Twitter may make it so you have to be logged in to see stuff.


Not gab. And gab is more of a free speech platform.

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All the news that’s fit to print

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