There is nothing scientific about vaccination. It was a scam from the very start, from Jenner, as researched by the authors of "Dissolving Illusions". Vaccines have done nothing but harm. Trying to woo a sleeping medical profession by pretending you go along with vaccination in principle will get you nowhere. It is absolutely guaranteed that if a child becomes ill, it is not because the child didn't receive a "vaccine". Don't be afraid to let go of the idea that vaccines prevent diseases. I know it's scary, but you will never truly help people if you keep believing in it. Science is a game with rules designed to keep everyone believing in fraud. https://linlaz.substack.com/p/bye-bye-to-all-vaccines

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LAURA HAYES. The Vaccine Holocaust : “Why Is This Legal?” "We cannot, and should not, defend that which is indefensible, and that includes the barbaric and reprehensible practice of vaccination. " Laura Hayes https://catyoung.weebly.com/home/the-vaccine-holocaust-laura-hayes-why-is-this-legal

Laura Hayes' Powerful Speech : NO ON SB277 Sacramento at The Capitol on April 8, 2015 https://youtu.be/7WWEiEPUWSU

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Insane! According to the CDC - "All babies should get the first shot of hepatitis B vaccine within 24 hours of birth. Here is the list of vaccines that kids have to receive from birth to eighteen years old. More than seventy. "https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/parents/by-age/newborn-birth.html

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All vaccines are poisonous, toxics. All. Say NO to vaccines!

VACCINES INGREDIENTS been found in vaccines: Mercury, Formaldehyde (cancer agent), Monkey Kidney Cells, Aluminum, Aluminum Hydroxide, Polysorbate 80, MRC-5, Fetal DNA and a lot more. Say no to vaccines. All vaccines! See for yourself : Vaccine Excipient Summary Included in U.S. Vaccines https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/downloads/appendices/b/excipient-table-2.pdf

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Laura Hayes - “Why Is This Legal?” 1:23:43 min


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Here it is on Rumble. Laura Hayes NO ON SB277 speech Sacramento at The Capitol on April 8, 2015 14:20 min


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Must have been good -- because YouTube removed them. :(

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Thanks for the heads up Lozo : Laura Hayes - “Why Is This Legal?” 1:23:43 min


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Here it is on Rumble. Laura Hayes NO ON SB277 speech Sacramento at The Capitol on April 8, 2015 14:20 min


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That is. The videos above were removed for "violating standards".

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You are right. :( Youtube is very annoying. I will try to find it on another platform.

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500? The solution is staring us in the face: Zero

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The parents of the child are the only ones with enough skin in the game to exercise common sense.

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I cannot believe you are writing about a common sense approach to safe vaccines!!! There are NO safe vaccines and never will be , ALL vaccines cause harm and death. When will this be finally put to bed, humanity is on its knees because of vaccines for Gods sake.

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Look how long we have known that vaccines do not prevent disease, they cause it https://www.brighteon.com/28bfe874-f004-41a7-b8e6-927c9e7a8cde

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Thank you. Did you exist before Covid?

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