Thank you, Arthur Firstenberg
Author, environmentalist and activist Arthur Firstenberg, has died. His service to people and planet will never be forgotten.
Gratitude for the persevering service of the great Arthur Firstenberg to mankind and the Earth. His work is now complete. May we all strive to be as useful to both humanity and the Earth as he has been. It is up to us now to carry his powerful message forward.
Below is a beautiful obituary honouring his extraordinary life.
Arthur Firstenberg
May 28, 1950 – February 25, 2025
Arthur Firstenberg, author, environmentalist and activist, died in his home after months of an undiagnosed illness, surrounded by family and friends.
Arthur was born in Brooklyn, New York to survivors of the Holocaust. His childhood summers in upstate New York, the Grand Canyon, Yosemite National Park, and on an island near Newfoundland fostered his love of nature. At Cornell University, he devoted half of his time to hiking, canoeing and rock climbing—and half to physics, mathematics, ancient civilizations and foreign languages. After graduating in 1971, he lived with small farmers in Norway and among Guatemala’s traditional Maya.
From 1978 to 1982, Arthur attended medical school at the University of California, Irvine. He left before graduating when more than 40 dental x-rays led to his experiencing microwave sickness, which some people call electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS).
He became a vegetarian and a Feldenkrais practitioner.
In 1986, Arthur participated in the Great Peace March for Global Nuclear Disarmament. While walking across the U.S., he witnessed modern society’s destruction of the Earth and its creatures. In 1989, in search of a simple life, he traveled to northernmost Canada but found heart-wrenching destruction there, too.
In 1996, to expedite the roll-out of cellular phone service, Congress passed the Telecommunications Act. Its Section 704 prohibits municipalities from denying permits to install cellular antennas based on their environmental effects. Arthur founded the Cell Phone Task Force and began providing a clearinghouse for information about wireless technologies’ injurious effects and a global support network for people disabled by electromagnetic fields. He began tracking the permit requests that corporations made to municipalities to install cellular antennas, smart meters and other radiation-emitting technologies—and rallied others to try to stop such efforts.
In 1997, based on the rights of states, nature and disabled people, the Cell Phone Task Force joined other groups to challenge the Federal Communications Commission’s RF radiation exposure limits. Their efforts were unsuccessful.
In 2002, the U.S. Access Board recognized that under the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), electromagnetic sensitivities may be considered disabilities.
Arthur moved to Santa Fe, NM in 2005. Introducing himself at the Women’s Club, he named some of the effects of exposure to electromagnetic radiation—nausea, nosebleeds, diarrhea, headaches, insomnia, fatigue, hair loss and nerve pain. Many people were moved to tears as they realized wireless technologies’ effects on their own lives. Each time a corporation proposed a new cell tower or the city proposed installing new WiFi, or a utility proposed transmitting “smart” meters, Arthur notified his mailing list and encouraged people to attend public hearings and speak out. The City Council chambers often overflowed.
In a room with 25 people, Arthur could sense if someone had a cell phone turned on. Once, in a Santa Fe City Council meeting (wherein he successfully played the ADA card and got the city to turn off the WiFi during city council meetings for several years), he suddenly doubled over in pain—while a woman near him abruptly left the council chambers to take a call. He became known for his intolerance of mobile devices, his passionate public comments, unwillingness to compromise on ecological or public health, and for suing neighbors whose Wi-Fi or mobile devices disturbed him. The New York Times and other media frequently ridiculed Arthur for these lawsuits. The attention did not phase him.
In 2021, through the Santa Fe Alliance for Public Health and Safety, he petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court to rule on 1) whether the Telecom Act’s Section 704 violates the First Amendment right of access to courts and 2) whether “environmental effects” means “health effects.” The Supreme Court refused to hear the petition.
Arthur tracked the dates of his experience of new or intensified symptoms—and found that they correlated with the dates on which satellites, 5G and other technologies turned on. In The Invisible Rainbow, he correlated electrification’s rise with the increase of previously unknown diseases including cancer, heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s. He considered radiation emitted by cordless phones, cellular antennas, mobile phones, laptops, fluorescent lights, LEDs, satellites, digital transmitting utility meters, e-vehicles, EV chargers and other transmitting devices a violation of nature.
For years, Arthur got around Santa Fe with a bicycle. He never owned a television or a cell phone. He dreamed of people politely accepting neighbors’ requests to turn off mobile devices and unplug WiFi. Because computers ravage the Earth and public health from their cradles-to-graves, he dreamed of a society with shared—not individually owned—computers. He frequently called for people to quit using mobile devices.
As a member of Once A Forest, he opposed forest management policies such as thinning and prescribed fires.
Arthur understood the consequences of the electrical power at our fingertips. “The only thing we can really do for the Earth is to stop destroying it,” he wrote. “Then the Earth will take care of itself. Instead of trying to fix the whole planet, let us attend to our own simple lives.”
Firstenberg’s books include The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life (Chelsea Green, 2020, more than 100,000 copies sold); Microwaving Our Planet: The Environmental Impact of the Wireless Revolution (1997); and, most recently, The Earth and I (Skyhorse, 2025).
Arthur Firstenberg is survived by a nephew and countless people committed to respecting nature and reducing electronic technologies’ harms to ecosystems and public health.
No doubt Arthur Firstenberg was a great man. Just to correct the record, his book the "Invisible Rainbow" was not the first such book to connect major diseases with the electrification of society. Eight years earlier, Dr Sam Milham published "Dirty Electricity and the Diseases of Civilization", which also delved into this topic based upon his Thesis for his Medical License and his degree in Epidemiology. However, Arther Firstenberg went in a little different direction talking about the effects upon the ionisphere, and the electromagnetic envelope that encircled the planet, whereas Dr Milham was more concerned with local effects, as well as the effects of traveling electric currents in the earth from so called " grounded" circuits that would travel for many miles making whole communities sick
Arthur was completely dedicated to the cause. His book The Invisible Rainbow is very well researched and supported. This will cause me to find it and begin reading it again. Arthur encouraged and supported me to intervene in the public agency's decision in New Mexico in favor of smart meters years ago. He was so patient. I was not willing to give up my cell phone as he recommended but here in Elk Grove, California I led the grassroots campaign to keep cell antennas away from our homes. This was in 2018 - 2019. The direct result of our grassroots campaign and the 200 people who wrote to the City opposing the zoning change proposed by AT&T was a big victory for the resident, good public policy and the environment. The City Council approved a change in our zoning code that incorporated what I call the "front yard rule for cell antenna placement." According to our zoning code the City will not permit a cell antenna located immediately adjacent to or immediately across the street from the front yard of a residential dwelling. They won't permit a cell antenna in your front yard. There is also an appeal procedure for the carriers. My estimate is that the front yard rule has protected at least 90% of homes in Elk Grove from having a cell antenna nearby. In other cities and counties the carriers can get permits for putting a cell antenna 20' from a home. The carriers have not sued the City over the front yard rule. They have accepted it, through their actions, as being a proper exercise of the City's zoning authority as preserved by the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Arthur would be happy to know this. Every city and county in a state that has not passed a pre-emption law can incorporate the front yard rule into its zoning ordinance. For more information see God Bless You Arthur Firstenberg. Rest in Peace. I appreciate you!