Is your cell phone turning off your detox potential?
Find out how and what to do about it in this expert workshop from last summer's Detox & Wellness Fair
Picture this. You’re eating clean, getting plenty of exercise, taking whatever vitamins, minerals and other supplements you need to support your body’s natural detoxification. And yet you’re still experiencing the same chronic symptoms.
You’re trying your best, so what’s going on?
According to Glynn Hughes from EMF Protection, it could be your mobile phone. In fact, it could be any device emitting harmful EMF radiation. That’s because EMF exposure shuts off your body’s natural detoxification processes, leading to chronic dysfunction and disease. And, as we all know, EMF radiation is almost everywhere these days.
This workshop took place at the Detox & Wellness Fair in Wiltshire UK last summer. In it, Glynn gave a presentation explaining what EMFs are doing to our bodies, and he goes into considerable, shocking detail. Have a look at this list of symptoms associated with wireless exposure:
Take action to mitigate exposure and protect your health!
It’s an alarming list, but Glynn has a positive message: many of these symptoms go away with EMF shielding and by practising wireless hygiene.
In other words, it’s not just biochemical detoxes we need, it’s digital ones, too. Glynn gives an excellent summary of practical steps we can take to detox our bodies and environments from harmful EMF pollution. Some of these you may know already - for example, switching off your wifi router at night. But some may be less obvious.
Is this why sleep is so hard to come by?
For example, did you know that the pineal gland in the brain sees wireless communications as a form of bright light? So when you’re trying to get to sleep, your pineal gland thinks it’s still daylight. Something to consider if you’re having trouble sleeping. Glynn explains that by enclosing the bed in a shielding canopy, people have experienced dramatic improvements in chronic symptoms.
The presentation is followed by an excellent Q&A with both Glynn and Clive de Carle. It’s available to view now for all our paid subscribers and will become freely available in a couple of weeks. Enjoy!
EMF protection is now available at the WCH shop!
We’ve a range of tried and tested EMF shielding products to protect you whether at home or on the move. All proceeds go directly to supporting the work of World Council for Health. Shop now!

Direct Energy Weapon/ Targeted Individual Patents 3 pages