How to stop your brain from shrinking
Simple changes in diet can reverse neurological decline and transform mental health. Just stay away from anti-amyloid drugs.
Did you know that approximately 43% of the world’s population suffers from a disability due to brain and/or neurological health conditions?
That’s a shocking statistic, but it reflects what so many of us now see in our societies: spiralling rates of mental health and neurological conditions, not least Alzheimers, and dementia.
That’s the bad news. Now for the very encouraging news:
The brain shrinkage behind neurological decline is easily preventable.
That’s the core message delivered in this fascinating workshop on brain health given by Patrick Holford. Patrick is a world-renowned nutrition expert and CEO of the Food for the Brain Foundation. His presentation at this year’s Detox & Wellbeing Fair in Wiltshire, UK, was a must-see.
Not only did Patrick convey the scale of the problem, but he offered simple, inexpensive and practical ways we can all improve our brain health and prevent cognitive decline. His mastery of this topic is impressive and he delivered one enlightening fact after another.
For example, did you know that humans are the only land-based animals to have vernix? Vernix is the waxy stuff we’re coated in when we are born. There’s a reason for that, and it’s to do with how we’ve evolved as a species. And yes, this fact has a bearing on what we need to do to nourish our brains.
Over a packed 43 minutes, Patrick takes us through what he’s dubbed the four horsemen of the mental health apocalypse: brain fats (or lack of them), methylation, sugar, and oxidation. He explains why they’re a problem, what we can do about them, and shows what a difference simple changes to our diet can make to our overall mental health and wellbeing.
Watch the presentation to find out:
The fats our brains are crying out for, and how best to source them.
Why we’ve ended up with such big hungry brains in the first place.
The fat that reduces our risk of depression by more than 28% - which is more than DOUBLE that of antidepressants.
How Japan is leading the way in ensuring its population gets the brain nutrition it needs.
The inexpensive supplement that contributed to Finland having so few Covid deaths.
Why mercury is NOT a reason to avoid oily fish.
Why methylation is so essential for brain health - and the vitamin that’s essential to the process.
How the level of homocysteine you have predicts the level of brain shrinkage as you age - and how to keep your level healthily low.
How sugar contributes to brain shrinkage, contributing to decline even in teenagers.
The shocking truth about anti-amyloid drugs and how they make the problem WORSE, increasing brain shrinking by 20%.
The ‘fault’ in our design that means we should all be supplementing with this particular antioxidant.
… and much more.
Patrick’s presentation explains how we can feed our brains and stay well, whatever our age. It’s available now below for paid subscribers and will become free to all in two weeks’ time. We hope you enjoy it!
Loving this report ! Thank you WCH.
Wow!! Thanks SO much for posting. I already purchased 2 of Patrick’s books and sending this to my children and people I love.