Frequency medicine isn't woo-woo, big pharma just needs us to think it is.
Watch this fascinating panel of experts from the Detox and Wellbeing Fair on how this ancient medicine works, why it's so vilified and why we need it now more than ever.
Did you know that for most of history, frequency medicine was mainstream? That even western doctors would have understood it and practiced it - and that this only shifted about a century ago? What was so quickly forgotten is making a comeback - and not a moment too soon. With so many experiencing poor health, the need for effective, efficient healing approaches has never been greater.
That’s why this second video from the Detox and Wellbeing Fair in Wiltshire, UK, is a must-watch. In it, Christof Plothe DO, Dr. Stephan Becker, Kimberley Steeb and Clive de Carle share clear facts, case studies and profound insights into this much maligned yet powerful healing modality.
Watch and learn:
A brief history of frequency medicine, how it’s been suppressed (and is now making a comeback)
The actual mechanisms of action as to how it works (hint: it’s to do with light and your cells’ mitochondria)
How a 2 billion year old ‘miracle’ stone has the power to heal and is even used by beekeepers and conservationists to help prevent bee colony collapse
The encouraging case study of a woman using frequency medicine to treat the symptoms of POTS triggered by spike proteins.
Both old and new frequency devices that can treat chronic symptoms like pain in a matter of minutes
How you don’t even need devices or machines to benefit from healing frequencies - they’re available to us all, at any time
… and much more.
The only problem with frequency medicine is that it works too well for big pharma to allow it airtime. If you’d like to understand more about how it works and the science behind it, this video is for you. And if you’re sceptical about its effectiveness, consider watching with an open mind and see if your view shifts.
This content is free to paid subscribers now, and from 19 October it will be available to all subscribers free of charge. Further videos from the Detox Fair will follow, so do subscribe to make sure you don’t miss out.
Will there be a transcript?