FDA Lab with FDA Student Researchers Uncovers Excess DNA Contamination in COVID-19 Vaccines
DNA contaminant levels found to be 6-470 times above the acceptable limit. How many more studies do we need before these injections are withdrawn?
So far, the European, Australian, and American health regulators have denied any risks from plasmid DNA contamination in the Covid-19 injections despite NINE studies by international research teams, all calling for an urgent moratorium of the injections. It is already untenable for regulators to maintain their denial - but now it’s become particularly embarrassing for the FDA.
That’s because its own people have now also found DNA contamination.
Published in the Journal of High School Science, students with the help of FDA personnel Drs. S. Liu, P. Selvaraj and Wang discovered DNA contaminant levels range from 6 to 470 times the acceptable limit.
Besides confirming the DNA contamination, the study also states the risk of this integration into the human genome and cancer, as follows:
"The potential health risk posed by residual small DNA fragments is currently unknown. Theoretically, DNA fragments can be directly integrated into the host genome, increasing the risk of insertional mutagenesis. Alternatively, DNA fragments may contain oncogenes that may induce carcinogenesis if ingressed into host cells."
The risk of genomic integration and cancer causation is unacceptable, as is the FDA and all health regulators ignoring the facts. This latest study simply confirms what is already known and what has been covered in detail in this Substack.
To recap:
In 2023, the World Council for Health staged two expert panels because of the significance of Plasmid DNA contamination in Covid gene therapy (the so-called ‘vaccines’). The first in October 2023…
… and the second a month later:
Here’s a summary of findings by the expert panelists:
Bacterial DNA (plasmids) has been found in mRNA vaccine vials.
A cancer-promoting genetic sequence—SV40—has been found in the Covid-19 injections. This was not present in the vials used for the approval studies but has been found in all vials of the BioNTech vials disseminated for public use.
These discoveries have been confirmed in several independent laboratories worldwide.
The discovery was originally made in April 2023 by Kevin McKernan at which point regulatory bodies were contacted. No official reply has been received.
Multiple mechanisms exist in which this genetic information might be integrated into the human genome.
This DNA could instruct our bodies to produce mRNA and foreign proteins for an unknown period with potential implications for subsequent generations.
There is no constructive purpose identified for the undeclared SV40 promotor sequence, which in addition to its cancer risk, enhances the capacity to incorporate the other foreign genetic material into the recipients’ own chromosomes, potentially rendering them (and possibly even their offspring) permanently genetically modified.
There are multiple completely undeclared genetic sequences in both Moderna and Pfizer vials, with the SV40 sequence found only in the Pfizer vials. However, latent SV40 infections in a significant portion of the population could present the same SV40 risk to Moderna recipients.
Even in the absence of chromosomal integration, the DNA plasmids could generate mRNA for the spike protein toxin and other harmful proteins for prolonged and unpredictable periods of time.
Integration of foreign DNA into the human genome disrupts existing natural genetic sequences; this carries further risk of disease including cancer.
The Covid-19 vaccines qualify as GMO (genetically modified organism) products, which require approval in addition to that required for older, more traditional vaccines.
Informed consent for these products is impossible as the risks have never been formally and transparently assessed by regulators and are not fully known. Independent assessment of the emerging and available evidence has found that these products are extremely dangerous with implications for disease, death, transmission and inheritance.
An immediate moratorium on these novel genetic “vaccines” was demanded by the expert panelists.
Remember, this was all the way back in 2023. Since then, these findings have been confirmed over and over again.
For example, a recent study from Germany proved the existence of large amounts of Plasmid DNA contamination, including a cancer-promoting gene sequence:
Here’s Sandeep Chakraborty writing in a pre-print in April of last year:
“The bloodstream of mRNA vaccinated individuals (both Pfizer and Moderna) shows DNA expression vector contamination, including SV40 and kanamycin-resistant gene sequences”
And, here’s an excellent spreadsheet by Kenji Fujikawa giving an overview of the studies so far:
Everyone agrees the risk is unacceptable, why not the FDA and other regulators?
All researcher teams concluded that this contamination poses an unacceptable risk to 3/4 of the world's people, who, in trusting their public health authorities, got themselves injected. Three teams so far have demonstrated the integration into human cells. To what extent this is happening to everybody who was injected needs to be investigated. However, this could have far-reaching consequences for the injected ones and the next generation.
Dr Demasi presented the findings of Buckhaults and McKernan to the US FDA in September 2024. She asked the FDA if it had begun an investigation into the issue of DNA contamination and whether it would review its guidance to the industry about residual DNA in vaccines.
She also asked the FDA if it had instructed Pfizer and Moderna to conduct further testing to demonstrate the absence or presence of genome modification and whether it would issue new warnings to the public about the potential risks, now that DNA contamination in the vaccines had been established and replicated. Nothing resulted from this request.
In ignoring the facts, our regulators’ credibility lies in tatters
As nine studies have proven this severe contamination and repeated requests to health regulatory boards have not led to any consequence, we must question the motive. After all, their function is to protect the public's safety - or it’s supposed to be. Their indifference will soon reach the public's ear. The trust in their authority will not only be damaged but utterly destroyed.
If governments, health regulatory boards, and the manufacturers of a contaminated medical product don't withdraw the product, can we rely on the law to do this? So far, we have seen a medical, political, industrial, military and legal apparatus that does not act in our interest.
Please share these conclusions with your family, friends, local politicians, and your GP, and write to your government and demand an explanation for why this so-called “vaccination” program is not stopped today.
The World Council for Health stands for a better way.
If you find value in our work and have the means, please consider making a contribution to support the World Council for Health. Thank you.
I am going to try to very briefly explain narcissistic abuse within the context of the lies and forced "vaccination" with the "safe and effective" mRNA covid "vaccines."
I wrote before narcissists, and in this instance, pervasive, group-superior organizations, acting with collective narcissism, rely upon the-benefit-of-the-doubt to get away with past crimes, so they can retain their status and control, to continue abusive exploitation.
Narcissists utilize an emotional resolution phenomenon called cognitive dissonance, which I believe arrises from primitive survival instinct, to bypass the rational mind of people and cause abuse victims to feel they love their abusers. "Hot and cold" manipulations are constant. Many lies mixed with some truths people are "invested in." It becomes too much for most people to sort out, at least without extreme mental/emotional distress equivalent to "the long, dark night of the soul."
Here is a short video on cognitive dissonance and the mental/emotional manipulation of "invested" people.
A Lesson In Cognitive Dissonance
This all should remind you of Winston in George Orwell's book, 1984. The average person isn't going to work through all the details of narcissistic abuse (the lies, control, & exploitation) and see the release of the "new data" as an abusive "good guy" ploy for "the benefit of the doubt." "See, they just made mistakes. It will all be better now. They regulators changed." Classic. Instead people will love their abusers, but with some misgivings they can't "put a finger upon."
I have communicated with thousands of people who have experienced narcissistic abuse, and attempted to straighten out the mindfuckery done to them.
I suppose I like difficult puzzles. 🤦♂️