Bombshell revelation: Covid-19 injections proven to integrate into human genome
In a stunning development, a new study has uncovered a disturbing truth about the COVID-19 vaccines - they can integrate into the DNA of normal human cells.
The research, led by Phillip Buckhaults, has revealed that the plasmid DNA contained within the mRNA vaccines can persist and become incorporated into the genomic DNA of vaccinated cells.
The researchers grew normal human epithelial stem cells, known as organoids, in their lab. These cells are not cancerous, but rather the healthy, normal stem cells that make up the human colon. The team then "vaccinated" some of these cells and observed them for a month. To their shock, they detected the presence of the plasmid DNA from the vaccine within the genomic DNA of the "vaccinated" cells.
"I knew this could happen, but some were unconvinced, so we took the time to prove this in the lab," said Buckhaults, who has been vocal about this potential risk for over a year.
A professor at the University of South Carolina, Buckhaults is a genomics expert who initially dismissed Kevin McKernan’s discovery of DNA contamination in Pfizer and Moderna’s bivalent Covid vials. He set out to debunk McKernan’s findings - instead, he came to the same conclusion. He went on to testify as such before a South Carolina Senate hearing last year:

Now, with this latest research, he’s gone a step further:
This groundbreaking discovery contradicts the assurances given by vaccine manufacturers and health authorities, who have repeatedly claimed that the mRNA vaccines do not interact with or alter the human genome. The findings have sent shockwaves through the scientific community, raising serious concerns about the long-term safety and implications of these vaccines.
"This does not mean that the integration is happening in real vaccinated humans (those experiments are ongoing), but it does prove that the DNA can get into normal cells just fine, as I told everyone a year ago," Buckhaults added.
The revelation comes as a significant blow to the credibility of the Covid-19 vaccines, which have been touted as safe and effective. This latest development is sure to reignite the debate around the potential risks associated with these vaccines and the need for more thorough and transparent research.
As the world grapples with the ongoing pandemic, this bombshell finding has raised urgent questions about the future of the Covid-19 vaccination program and the need for a comprehensive re-evaluation of the safety protocols surrounding these vaccines.
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