Beating Goliath: Will You Sign The David Declaration?
Grassroots actions like this are working - which is why we must all do what we can to support them.
A new Declaration signed by eminent doctors, scientists and related professionals has renewed calls for government accountability on vaccine safety. It comes from Australia but has relevance to all of us - which is why the invitation to sign extends beyond Australia’s borders.
Australia has been at the forefront of highlighting the inherent dangers of Covid-19 mRNA gene therapies, not least the presence of foreign synthetic DNA and the fact that that same foreign DNA has been detected in the blood of tested Australian vaccinated individuals.
For more on the extent and implications of DNA contamination, have a look at our previous Substacks on this important topic:
This information has been presented not only to the Australian government by MP Russell Broadbent and others, but to governments around the world.
In Australia, this information has also been presented to local councils, with significant consequences: the local government of Port Hedland, Western Australia voted to suspend Moderna's and Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccines until they are tested for excessive levels of foreign DNA.
Now, this message needs to be reinforced so that effective action will be taken.
What is The David Declaration demanding?
Professor Robyn Cosford, a forcibly-retired functional medicine practitioner and co-author of the peer-reviewed ‘Spikeopathy’ paper, has spearheaded the David Declaration. The call is for signatories, both professional and public, to present this declaration to all political candidates in the upcoming Australian election, and have it trigger a global response. The Declaration demands:
The immediate establishment of a COVID Royal Commission
The immediate suspension of further mRNA injections pending an urgent open and transparent investigation by independent authorities.
Free and open scientific discourse into how these injections passed Australia’s regulatory requirements.
The release of the TGA FOI information with no redactions.
Full access to the TGA safety testing profile and methods.
Open and transparent discussion regarding the loss of Informed Consent, in particular regard to vaccination, both adult and child, which had hitherto been a mainstay of the medical profession.
Open and free access to the TGA DAEN and other data bases for analysis by external experts and public.
That the TGA acknowledge the level of adverse events in the Pfizer own trial data, in numerous peer reviewed published medical papers, and in our own DAEN.
That all medical practitioners be informed of all the above.
That all evidence for the government claim that childhood vaccinations are ‘safe and effective’ be made public.
To date, the Australian Government and the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) have dismissed the evidence of contamination and associated safety risks as ‘misinformation’. This has been refuted by highly credentialed scientists who are signatories of The David Declaration, including Dr David Speicher, Dr Kevin McKernan and Dr Jessica Rose.
Here is Russell Broadbent MP’s Parliamentary presentation on the Declaration:
Why is this called The David Declaration?
The name is a nod to Canadian virologist David Speicher who demonstrated the presence of this contamination in Australian vials, but also to David and Goliath and the triumph of the underdog against a supposedly stronger adversary.
The hope is for this message to be spread far and wide, to help raise awareness of those who did not know about this DNA contamination and its implications and then to bring weight to bear on authorities to bring change and prevent this ever happening again.
Please sign and share widely!
To read and sign the David Declaration, simply visit its dedicated website.
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